Cleaning grow tent for next run

Totally agree. If you've had a mold problem and you don't clean like a maniac, you will have it again. Even if you do clean really well, there are probably still some spores floating around, so you should preemptively treat your next crop with biological fungicides from day 1.
That isn't true, mould spores are around us and the plants 24hrs a day, its a bad or suitable environment that allows them to grow.
Just completed my first post-harvest clean in the new tent. I had had issues with PM that I was able to get under control with Potassium Bicarb. mixed w/water - 1Tbsp/half gallon w/drop of dawn detergent. Since bleach is a no no for me (screws w/my sinuses plus the smell makes me want to puke), I thought I would spray the inside of the tent with a hotter mix of PB - 1 tsp/quart of water. Let it sit for an hour w/all fans off, RH was up to 87%. I'm hoping that any spores in there got roasted although I'm sure I will be fighting PM forever as it's pretty bad in my area. Garden veggies are often hit hard.
I'm actually kind of shocked to see how people clean their tents. I Vacuum and use a damp cloth to wipe the floor. That's about it. Cloth pots get rinsed in a sink before going in my washing machine and dryer. Never had a problem.
I'm actually kind of shocked to see how people clean their tents. I Vacuum and use a damp cloth to wipe the floor. That's about it. Cloth pots get rinsed in a sink before going in my washing machine and dryer. Never had a problem.

I was shocked when I got PM inside the tent. Never thought it would happen as my buddy's ben growing in a tent for 3 years w/no PM at all.
I was shocked when I got PM inside the tent. Never thought it would happen as my buddy's ben growing in a tent for 3 years w/no PM at all.
PM is VERY strain dependent IME. If the environment in the tent is good and you're still having it, get another strain
After cleaning with bleach and before a grow. I spray the walls, floor, plant shelf, and ceiling down with copper fungicide. I usually prep the grow room three days before sticking a plant in it. Making sure everything works, everything is clean, and the preventive measures. Copper wire in the humidifier water, BTI mosquito dunk in the drain tray. AzaMax and BTI on the coco.

I've never had mold. On a surface or plant. Never had a jar mold either.
"run an ozone generator for 30 minutes"? I did see that and will look into getting one if PM gets really bad. So far the PB spray has been keeping it in check.
Okay, but do you really want to spray it all over inside your tent? You would literally have to coat every surface.
If you wiped everything down with hydrogen peroxide solution then you're good to go. Nothing should survive that. At all.

Make sure you also clean fans and filters if possible.
Okay, but do you really want to spray it all over inside your tent? You would literally have to coat every surface.

Took all of 10 minutes to hand spray the inside of a 4x4x6. As I mentioned, this is my first cleaning venture. I went with what seemed to make sense and was easy. If the PM comes roaring back, even after regular PB spraying during veg, I will look into a more effective method.
Okay, but do you really want to spray it all over inside your tent? You would literally have to coat every surface.

Ozone Generators don't spray anything they just emit o3 gas into the air. You place the unit in the tent or room and let it circulate for a while and get enriched. It will oxidize everything though so its not really safe to have equipment in the tent like lights etc as it will eat away at rubbers and soft materials quite impressively at enriched states.