

New Member
About 2 weeks maybe 3. Tried a few things (repotted was in smaller pot). Flushed it. Moved outside a few days to get sun real sun.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
that looks over watered and too much nitrogen. the plant wont suddenly come back to life, those leaves will stay like that, your looking for new growth, it should start to get a lot more fresh growh anf lush growth


New Member
We need alot more info.

Medium your growing in, set up, nutrients you are giving and so on.
View attachment 4714138
First time. Have another that looks good just not alot of yield on it (pic attached). Claw one started as outside plant. Had some work around the house done so moved it in. Now in closet with grow lights. I use bud candy for nutrition. Everything was going good until about 3 weeks ago and this started to happen.



Well-Known Member
that looks over watered and too much nitrogen. the plant wont suddenly come back to life, those leaves will stay like that, your looking for new growth, it should start to get a lot more fresh growh anf lush growth
A plant this stage in flower won’t likely be getting anymore fresh growth what are you talking about? Foliage growth pretty much comes to a halt once the stretch has stopped.

Op your plant is overdosed on Nitrogen what is your feeding regime? And what nutrients are you using?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
looks like it has a lot of sativa from those leaves, very nice. whats the problem? i see a plant in flower


New Member
I also thought it was over watered as one reply said so I only water once a day about 8 oz with bud candy mixture. Been doing that ever since this started about 3 weeks. With in those 3 weeks I have also flushed at the begini g


Well-Known Member
The lights you have and the environment are different than it was outside, and the plant isn’t used to it. What kind of lights and how far away are they, and the temperature in the room?