Personally I do not think so, If taxes are too high the economy stalls... (think USSR) If Taxes are set too low, the same happens (think UK) Taxing is a delicate balancing act.
Personally I don't know where they keep the real figures for unemployment, but I know and have known for a long time that Unemployment figures that the public sees, and the ones that people like Limbaugh, ect. are just for new filings and in no way reflect what's really going on.
So, in other words, you don't know where the real figures are, which means you haven't seen them, but you know for sure what they are. Now that doesn't make any sense. All I'm doing is pointing out the obvious.
Vi, there are no real numbers, when the unemployed run out of benefits, they are dropped from the records, and BTW, all those new jobs that your friends talk about, most of them are the layed off going back to work, therefore no new net jobs, it's smoke and mirrors. I'll guarantee you if you could do an actual count of the Job market, there are less people working now then when Bush came into office, with the exception of minimum wage and illegals>
It doesn't matter what the numbers are..... It doesn't change the fact that the Unemployment numbers are not accurate and do not reflect what's happening in the real world.
Or Vegas, this place is still booming 7-8.5 thousand come here every month looking for a new start, and so far, we've accomodated them. There must be a limit as the infrastructure is under heavy assault, the water is limited, but the contractors keep building, the illegals that build the houses keep coming, and the bottom line for Kaufmann and Broad has never looked better! Viva Las Vegas!!~LOL~Nope I meant the rest of the country.... Big cities (New York, Los Angeles) may have a lower unemployment rate Vi, but that doesn't speak for the rest of the country. The Rest of the country (the heartland) is what I alluded to.
You can't judge what the employment outlook is like by Los Angeles or New York