Class Envy And Warfare ...


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Dems' war on 'the rich'

[SIZE=-1]January 9, 2007

[FONT=Palatino,]By David Limbaugh [/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino,]One of the first actions the new Democratic congressional majority took was to change legislative rules, implemented by the 1994 Republican-controlled Congress, that made it difficult to raise taxes. I suppose the Democrats' apparent plan to increase taxes on "the rich" won't count as a broken campaign promise not to raise taxes since "the rich" aren't entitled to any rights, only to scorn, jealousy and resentment. [/FONT]
The Contract with America provision required a supermajority, or 60 percent, to increase taxes, but the Democrats' rule change will now permit a tax hike on a simple majority vote. It will also give the Democrats an advantage in preventing Republicans from extending the Bush tax cuts, which are set to expire in a few years. Democrats removed any doubt that this was an accidental development when they rejected a motion by Minority Leader John Boehner to bar the rule change.

It would be one thing if Democrats were solely motivated here by fiscal concerns: balancing the budget, eliminating the deficit and reducing the national debt. But we know better than that because they understand that the president's tax cuts, like President Kennedy's and President Reagan's, increased federal revenues.

Moreover, they can't help but realize that President Bush's tax-cut-driven economic boom has now caused dramatic reductions in the deficits. But to admit such things would be to forfeit class warfare as a demagogic weapon, one of their best remaining tools to bludgeon heartless Republicans.

The very idea that upper-income producers are undertaxed is ludicrous on its face. Democrats can't possibly believe that the rich don't pay their fair share of the revenues when the top 1 percent of income producers – according to 2004 tax data cited by economist Larry Kudlow – pays some 37 percent of federal income taxes and the lowest 40 percent pays virtually no taxes and is even subsidized.

But it's not the inequitable distribution of the tax burden that really bothers liberals. If so, they'd be carping at the lower-income earners for not paying their fair share.

What bugs them is the "inequitable" distribution of wealth. But if they were candid in confessing this, they would be hard-pressed to explain their supposed affinity for economic freedom.

Liberals insist they believe as strongly in the American dream as the rest of us, but routinely demonize those who succeed in attaining it. They loudly profess their allegiance to capitalism, but resent the inequitable monetary results it produces. Isn't that what John Edwards' two-America's theme is all about?

Even robust economic growth resulting in across-the-board increases in income doesn't satisfy the glass-half-empty liberal mindset. It doesn't matter how prosperous we are; it doesn't matter how much better people are doing across the board. As long as significant disparities exist among income producers, the system, according to liberals, is failing. To them, you see, the system is not supposed to guarantee freedom or equal opportunity, but equal outcomes.

They say they believe in equality of opportunity – I heard no less a liberal lion than Ted Kennedy claim recently that "opportunity" was a hallmark of liberalism – but strongly object when that opportunity yields unequal outcomes.

The unvarnished truth is that you don't really believe in equality of opportunity if you feel compelled to empower Big Brother to alter the results, after the fact, that equal opportunity makes possible. You are not a free-market enthusiast if you believe the tax code is a vehicle for redistributing wealth.

Besides, hasn't history repeatedly demonstrated that governmentally enforced schemes to equalize outcomes result in suppressing both freedom and prosperity? Didn't some of the earliest English settlers in America learn, the hard way, that socialism destroys the incentive to produce, dampens the human spirit and results, ultimately, in less for everyone?

One is entitled to wonder when enough is enough or if there exists a point beyond which Democrats would not go, if they could get away with it, to equalize the distribution of wealth in this country. In a similar vein, one might reasonably wonder whether any amount of failed results would cause liberals to re-evaluate the wisdom – and even fairness – of their proposals.

The answer is "no." Just look at education and the war on poverty. For liberals, supposedly good intentions always trump results.
One of the first actions the new Democratic congressional majority took was to change legislative rules, implemented by the 1994 Republican-controlled Congress, that made it difficult to raise taxes. I suppose the Democrats' apparent plan to increase taxes on "the rich" won't count as a broken campaign promise not to raise taxes since "the rich" aren't entitled to any rights, only to scorn, jealousy and resentment. Couldn't have said it better myself, class warfare, what a novel Idea, after all it's been those rich bastosi that have been keeping us down on the farm. Here's another fallacy, the tax cuts increased the tax revenue, I don't know what Idiot came up with those figurers, sounds like an oxymoron to me. And Rushs' brother woooeeee, genius! I wonder how we went from a positive cash flow to almost 3 trillion in debt, couldn't have had anything to do with cutting rich mens taxes, oooohhh-nooooo, Puuleeeese. Vi, I think you've actually drank too much koolaid, Take a break, chill out, relax, The Democrats will make everything allright, alrighty now! When you say the Democrats scare you, now we know why! Quick, bury your money, Hey I've got a spot in my back yard that would be perfect!
med, you don't believe that the tax cuts helped keep the economy from a serious correction after the attacks? i know you hate freeing up money and letting people sink or swim but come on, can't you see how that helped the country?

i think we can all agree that clinton helped the economy when he slashed gvnmnt jobs...
7xstall, do you realise that this administraition is the first in history to cut taxes in a time of war... You have to have taxes in order to support a war..
I just thought I would throw that at you since you brought up taxes.
there was a huge surplus in the begining AND taxes were at record highs. when most wars started in the past we weren't already maintaining a massive gvnmnt machine that hemorages cash..clinton patched it up some (with the help of congress) and it was either A. keep taxes high and be in a war or B. lower taxes and do the war.

i was on your side when the idea of cuts came up, it made no sense then..for the first time ever i actually wanted taxes to not be cut! looking back, i'd say it worked...
lol, i'm totally surprised that you would ask that!

i guess it turned into a growing economy... at the least it prevented the big bust that so many experts predicted.
yeah, the deficit is back. the good news is that people HAVE JOBS and are making money. taxes can be adjusted or gvnmnt can be downsized, choose your poison.
I bet you are relying on Unemployment figures huh?
The figures for unemployment are only for New Filings, it in no way reflects those who are still recieving benefits or those who's benefits have ran out.
Get out of the big cities, and get out to the small towns... That is real America, what you are saying is untrue in real America. Companies closing and downsizing are putting more and more people out of work. Many of those haven't had the job long enough to draw unemployment.
yeah, those figures would be the ones. i thought states tracked employment on a employed or not employed basis..and reported totals. so you're saying there are peeps unemployed who are no longer accounted for in those figs? where are the actual numbers then?

i'm in a pretty small little town...a big university kind of insulates it from a "real economy" if you know what i mean.. sometimes they go out of their way to create and maintain jobs.

big picture, did the cuts alleviate some pressure on the economy at a critical moment or not?
Personally I do not think so, If taxes are too high the economy stalls... (think USSR) If Taxes are set too low, the same happens (think UK) Taxing is a delicate balancing act.

Personally I don't know where they keep the real figures for unemployment, but I know and have known for a long time that Unemployment figures that the public sees, and the ones that people like Limbaugh, ect. are just for new filings and in no way reflect what's really going on.
we agree on the balancing act.. i think it is also related to what the gvnmnt does with the $. places that tax hard and give stuff back can get away with it, tax nothing like the U.S. used to do and give nothing but pure opportunity and that works too...

i'm going to look into the numbers thing. if what you say is true it's like i sell stuff to myself and become a multi-million $ company and that's legit...
Personally I don't know where they keep the real figures for unemployment, but I know and have known for a long time that Unemployment figures that the public sees, and the ones that people like Limbaugh, ect. are just for new filings and in no way reflect what's really going on.
Man, you're so right about those figures Dank, The Government really doesn't want those figures to get out, In my personal observation (#s are hard to come by) I'd have to say if the real unemployment figures were told, they'd have to be over 12%, probably closer to 15%. All those people that lost their jobs over 6-9 months ago or longer, are non-sequitar, they dont exist in the figures, and a lot of them could not find work! I know a few! And another fact not being told is that many of those that lost their jobs and found new ones, had to take a major cut in pay, and used up their 401Ks to live on, and now have jobs with no health coverage or other benefits. Meanwhile, the CEOs of the companies laying off workers are getting ever larger saleries and bonuses. Capitalism, Aint it great!
"Capitalism, Aint it great!"

Yes it is. And your alternative would be what?

Obviously you either didn't read the whole post or you are an arrogant plutocratic monster, The working poor are getting poorer by the minute and the rich are gettin richer. I guess this is where you're at. My alternative is described in another post, keep reading
Med ...

To date, I haven't seen you espouse any alternatives. If you have, please hook me up with a link to the post. Thanks ...

Med ...

To date, I haven't seen you espouse any alternatives. If you have, please hook me up with a link to the post. Thanks ...

Well, I have espoused a plan, I guess you didn't either it, or 2.understand it. I realize that you feel superior to me and would be curious to know why. My plan is by far from perfect, and probably not even feasible, But like Bush, you have no plan other than "stay the course", oh I forgot you need laws that would make you wealthier, like abolish the income tax etc., let individuals keep all their money and have no social conscience, all you need are some whips and chains, for those bad days when the peasants demand a meal!
Class envy? Please. :rolleyes:

Come and live in my world for just a week Vi.
Go to the Local Coffee shop in the morning and watch all the farmers and cattle ranchers. These guys get $180,000 a year in government subsidies and yet they set there bitching about some poor single mother with 3 kids who is living on Food Stamps and a mere pittance in AFDC (in Texas AFDC pays a family of 4 about $250.00) and she must take a minimum wage job in order to make ends meet.

Get off your High Horse About Class envy and Welfare. You Bucket hold no water and is hypocritical to say the least.