Well-Known Member
i have also heard good things about trich. jungle from friends as well, i have yet to try them but maybe will some day,i dont really buy seeds anymore but when i do i make sure its a very reputable breeder that has been doing it a LONG time (aka Mr. Nice, Serious, Sensi Seeds)....I will NOT waste my time with Cali Connection and TGA seeds...sorry but for one, cali con sucks, i have had multiple people i talked to that have had problesm with the seeds and with their service period. TGA however, arent bad seeds...I enjoy subcools work although i have never grown any of his shit i have tried some and it is good genetics BUT....IMO if you havent been working on a strain for AT LEAST 5 years i wont even consider it, I dont play that stupid shit. Thats why i enjoy serious and mr nice. they actually work on the strains they HAVE, not like most breeders (ie nirvana) who literally comes out with 10 strains for every cannabis cup..im sorry but unless you have 100s of employees growing tens of thousands of plants, you CAN NOT make a worthy and stable strain in a year...sorry its just not physically possible because of how marijuana is grown, you can only get in 4 or maybe 5 MAX grows in per year and thats not even enough runs to do ANY back-crossing at all, let alone MAKING a good strain AND have it be stable....sorry, its just not possible. I only trust breeders who have been doing this forever, and even them i am weary off, remember, they are ALL trying to make a buck, end of story. so if you think for one second they are out to please you or make the ganja gods happy then we are all delusional because if they didnt get paid they woulndt waste their time pollen chucking 100s of plants and then selling the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of seeds you get off even just one plant, nevermind 50 plants, then they charge 20 dollars per fucking seed and people pay it all day long....fucking insanity...how the fuck can someone pay for 20 DOLLARS for just one seed? 1 plant will seriously make 10,000 seeds if you pollinate the whole plant, sooo.....you do the math and it ez to figure out why they do this shit and why they lie about their seeds, their strains and their genetics....its sort of like being a doctor in the 50s that said smoking ciggarettes was good for you and cures cancer. lololololol