What would you choose.

  • Black Raspberry

  • Cinderella 99

  • Banana Split

  • Love Triangle

  • Silver Mountain

  • Crockett's Haze

  • Satori

  • Quantum Kush

  • Sonic Screwdriver

  • Dr. Who

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Well-Known Member
I have Compiled a reference sheet with all the best seeds sold by Oaseeds company as they ship internationally and accept cards.
I am not planning to spend more than 150$ on the seeds, my main goal is to make a hybrid and F1s and keep some moms, i dont want to buy seeds again in the next 5-7 years so this order is crucial for me, I have posted 2 times before looking for the best strains and i have included the good options into my list below.

#Seed bankBreederStrainMotherFatherVarietyFlowering TimeMoodTHCYieldSeeds Per PackPrice $
1oaseedsBodhiLove TriangleTKSnow LotusHybrid9 WeeksEnergetic, Happy Uplifted2081187
2oaseedsBodhiSilver MountainSuper Silver HazeAppalachiaMostly Sativa10 Weeksenergizing and powerful with a light push of body enhancement2271187
3oaseedsBodhiBlack RaspberryGoji OG Raspberry F2Wookie #15Hybrid9 WeeksUplifting2091187
4oaseedsBrothers GrimmCinderella 99P94PrincessMostly Sativa7-8 Weekspsychoactive, Creative,Trippy energetic23812105
5oaseedsCrockett Family FarmsBanana SplitTangieBanana SherbetMostly Sativa9-10 WeeksUplifted, Energetic 2081289
6oaseedsCrockett Family FarmsCrockett's HazeMexican sativaFamily SecretMostly Sativa10-12 WeeksPowerful2571289
7oaseedsMandal SeedsSatoriNepali landrace geneticsNepali landrace geneticsHybrid10-12 WeeksEuphoric, Trippy energetic2181031
8oaseedsHomegrown Natural WonderDr. WhoMad Scientist TimewreckHybrid7-9 WeeksRelaxed, Clear head, pain relief227552
9oaseedsHomegrown Natural WonderQuantum KushSweet Irish KushTimewreckMostly Sativa7-9 WeeksFocused, Relaxing30910101
10oaseedsHomegrown Natural WonderSonic ScrewdriverOrange Cream SodaTimewreckMostly Sativa9-11 WeeksVery relaxing and helpful for directing and maintaining focus.259552
I'd go with something like peakseeds sweet skunk. Or if you like longer flowering, maybe Oaxacan red, Panama red, those finish around 12-13 weeks, very uplifting and racy.

I only grew quantum kush once, a 5 pack, I wouldn't consider them uplifting, they're very potent and can couchlock if taken past 10 weeks. Potent and flavorful, despite being difficult to clone.
I grew out c99 a few times my brother loves it for work (he does tattooing)

I am bad for reviewing strains because I smoke a lot

he said the c99 gives him a nice soaring creative high that doesn’t bog him down

as for me the most uplifting strain I’ve had is green crack. The first few times I had it the energy it gives you really gives it the name green crack. Also one of my fav strains that I have grown to date. Nice fat stinky nugs!
I'd go with something like peakseeds sweet skunk. Or if you like longer flowering, maybe Oaxacan red, Panama red, those finish around 12-13 weeks, very uplifting and racy.

I only grew quantum kush once, a 5 pack, I wouldn't consider them uplifting, they're very potent and can couchlock if taken past 10 weeks. Potent and flavorful, despite being difficult to clone.

Thank you much for your info, I have found this strain only available from peakseeds. and i will remove the quantum kush off the list based on your info. thank you much for the info.

Sweet Skunk (indoor/outdoor)

Pure Strain
Product code: SS
Type/subspecies*: Mostly sativa
Flowering period**: 9-10 weeks indoor
Potency: Very strong
Growth Pattern: Grows fast, tall and branchy. Flower early (2weeks after germinating) for manageable height and one large main bud. Feed generously.
Breeders comment: Awesome sativa, huge sugary buds, stimulating, great for activities, good day-time smoke, high as opposed to stone. Excellent for breeding. Height can be a concern.
I grew out c99 a few times my brother loves it for work (he does tattooing)

I am bad for reviewing strains because I smoke a lot

he said the c99 gives him a nice soaring creative high that doesn’t bog him down

as for me the most uplifting strain I’ve had is green crack. The first few times I had it the energy it gives you really gives it the name green crack. Also one of my fav strains that I have grown to date. Nice fat stinky nugs!
thank you for the info mate, this is useful, C99 has been recommended for me many time already so i guess i should give it a try, also i heared many good things about the green crack so i will check it out.