Cigarette can really screw up your grow.

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Sadly I've had to learn the hard way about Tobacco Mosiac Virus (YMV).

Handling your plants without gloves after smoking cigarettes can cause a very nasty virus called Tobacco Mosiac Virus:

Not only does it screw up the plant you've handled, it'll spread to your entire grow room. This is serious shit.

Here's what it looks like:

Bud growth stops, and the plant dies pretty quickly......and any plant that has physical contact with the infected plant also gets infected.

In my case this has shown up around week 4-5 of 12/12.

Technically, there's no cure for this other than tossing your plants. There is however ways of propping up your plant's immune system. There's an expensive way and (supposedly) a cheap way of boosting a plants immune system to fend off the negative effects of YMV.

The expensive way is using RNA Pro at a mere $300 for an 8 ounce bottle (it does 50 gals)

Or the home-remedy of mixing low-dose aspirin with water.

Depending on the thread you read, the aspirin works or doesn't work. I'm about to give it a try tonight on all my plants.

Here's two of my Pineapple Expresses that are showing signs of YMV:

As you can see they are too nice of plants to chop down....I hope.

Here's a close-up of one of the plants showing the first signs of trouble (I've had two die already and now know the symptoms)

I'll be pulling out all my other plants tonight and after lights-off disinfecting my flower room Which looks pretty empty after pulling the five infected plants.

To prevent this from happening, always wear gloves when handling plants and keep your trimmers clean.

That's not tmv. This is tmv:
It came from a fuel (chem d bx x daywrecker) that I got from seed and had the virus since it's seedling stages. I fucked up and took cuts of a kirkwood og at the same time with the same knife. The virus passed on to my kirkwood. Don't listen to people that say it doesn't exist in cannabis because those people don' t know what they're talking about. If it's not tmv, its a virus that is very similar. What you have looks nothing like tmv.



Quote from sam the skunkman page 12
"About TMV it does infect Cannabis but a lot more are also suspected: Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus, Odontoglossum rinspot virus (ORSV), Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), Ribgrass mosaic virus (RMV), Streptocarpus flower break virus (SFBV), Sunhemp mosaic virus (SHMV), Tobacco mosaic virus including common strain (TMV and TMV-c), Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)

Only 5 viruses regularly infect Cannabis.
HSV, Hemp Streak Virus, vector aphids also seed transmitted
AMV, Alfalfa Mosaic Virus, vector aphids and dodder also seed transmitted
CMV, CMVX, Cucumber Mosaic Virus, vector aphids also seeds and pollen from infected plants.
ArMV, Arabis Mosaic Virus, vector soil nematodes and infected seeds
HMV, Hemp Mosaic Virus
That said Cannabis can be infected by the following viruses, BBWV (Broad bean wilt virus), RRV (Raspberry Ringspot Virus), PVX (Potato Virus X, PVY (Potato Virus Y, by inoculation.
TRSV Tobacco Ring Spot Virus, TSV Tobacco Streak Virus, ERSV eunoymous ringspot,
EMV Elm Mosaic Virus, all do infect Cannabis."
I tell you what......if someone can post a legitimate source that says that TMV does not affect pot, I will delete this thread and never bring it up again. Just one source that isn't a thread of nay-sayers. Something from a test lab saying they've never tested a positive for TMV in weed, something from a university saying the same thing, something from a magazine will do.

I don't profess to be an expert on this subject, but have done a bunch of reading the last several days and have cited my sources.

I honestly do not want to perpetuate a myth, but other than "I never got this virus" I've not seen any documentation that debunks my original post.

I've been wrong many times in my life and am more than willing to admit I'm wrong here as long as someone can show me that I am.
Could my plant be infected with that by any chance, this black thing is spreading and no one can diagnose it


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Could my plant be infected with that by any chance, this black thing is spreading and no one can diagnose it
I don't think so, but like I said in your other thread, the cover of the book Vostok posted on the previous page does seem to show the same issue.
I don't think so, but like I said in your other thread, the cover of the book Vostok posted on the previous page does seem to show the same issue.
Yeah that's so weird yet frustrating, I hope this doesnt kill my crop, idk if I would even want to smoke that cola at harvest it looks deadly, but yeah its spreading.
I tell you what......if someone can post a legitimate source that says that TMV does not affect pot, I will delete this thread and never bring it up again. Just one source that isn't a thread of nay-sayers. Something from a test lab saying they've never tested a positive for TMV in weed, something from a university saying the same thing, something from a magazine will do.

I don't profess to be an expert on this subject, but have done a bunch of reading the last several days and have cited my sources.

I honestly do not want to perpetuate a myth, but other than "I never got this virus" I've not seen any documentation that debunks my original post.

I've been wrong many times in my life and am more than willing to admit I'm wrong here as long as someone can show me that I am.
I'm not an expert either and I don't know for sure when it comes to TMV and mj. I'm waiting to see an actual lab report confirming TMV in mj because I've never seen one. So I can't debunk anything you say, but honestly, the onus is on you to have your plants tested and show the results.
No.....the onus is on the Nay-sayers as I've cited documentation that supports my views. What do the nay-sayers base their opinions on?

All I've seen are quotes from other grow-site threads with other nay-sayers.
I just gotta throw this in...viruses do mutate and there are prolly billions of unidentified viruses and variations of viruses that modern science has no idea about. It's possible that cannabis is susceptible to some form of mosaic virus, and based on my limited research there supposedly are half a dozen 'mosaic' viruses that can infect cannabis (I can't confirm it 100%, couple sketchy articles basically), but assuming it is specifically tobacco mosaic virus based off of absolutely nothing is a little ignorant and misleading to everyone reading this thread - especially considering TMV infects Solanaceae plants which cannabis is not to my understanding (Cannabaceae)...Obviously I could be wrong as I'm no scientist - but that's my conclusion at this point: No TMV in cannabis.

No.....the onus is on the Nay-sayers as I've cited documentation that supports my views. What do the nay-sayers base their opinions on?


"Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a positive-sense single stranded RNA virus that infects a wide range of plants, especially tobacco and other members of the family Solanaceae." -


Hemp Viral Diseases:

Wikipedia obviously is not the most reliable source, but it's fairly credible in most cases.
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I tell you what......if someone can post a legitimate source that says that TMV does not affect pot, I will delete this thread and never bring it up again. Just one source that isn't a thread of nay-sayers. Something from a test lab saying they've never tested a positive for TMV in weed, something from a university saying the same thing, something from a magazine will do.

I don't profess to be an expert on this subject, but have done a bunch of reading the last several days and have cited my sources.

I honestly do not want to perpetuate a myth, but other than "I never got this virus" I've not seen any documentation that debunks my original post.

I've been wrong many times in my life and am more than willing to admit I'm wrong here as long as someone can show me that I am.

That's a little unfair imo, it's like requiring us to prove you don't have a purple dragon or aliens do "not" exist. The burden of proof is yours. Hence the lab test. You could pm Sam at icmag and ask him specifically if he actually knows or has a lab confirmed case with plants from the cannabis gene pool we all grow. He works with RCC who co-authored the book Vostok posted...

its a virus that is very similar.
Possibly. And possibly some day, sooner or later, someone may have a MV on cannabis. Viruses like TMV are unstable and mutate a lot on replication. Unlikely you and lil got it, but not 100% impossible either.

@LiL I think it would have been a better approach if you had started a thread "I think my plants may have caught a virus" instead of this nonsense about cigarettes.

In any case, I hope you get it solved.
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No.....the onus is on the Nay-sayers as I've cited documentation that supports my views. What do the nay-sayers base their opinions on?

All I've seen are quotes from other grow-site threads with other nay-sayers.
I'm sorry if I missed the link where you show an actual lab report confirming tmv. I tried to look at all your links. I found one where a fellow said he did a self test and confirmed it, but of course he did not show the test.

Seems to me you want us to provide a report saying that all cannabis ever grown was tmv free, an impossible standard. To prove your point you need only provide one report confirming your plants have tmv. The burden of proof is yours and not terribly difficult.
I'm taking my plants out of the equation as far as proving that TMV does not exist in I haven't as of yet tested them and won't be able to for at least 2 weeks.

There HAS to be some documentation that say pot is not affected as many of you have based your opinions on something solid.
While I feel High Times magazine is about as credible as Wikipedia, they do talk about pot being infected with TMV.
That's a little unfair imo, it's like requiring us to prove you don't have a purple dragon or aliens do "not" exist. The burden of proof is yours. Hence the lab test. You could pm Sam at icmag and ask him specifically if he actually knows or has a lab confirmed case with plants from the cannabis gene pool we all grow. He works with RCC who co-authored the book Vostok posted...

Possibly. And possibly some day, sooner or later, someone may have a MV on cannabis. Viruses like TMV are unstable and mutate a lot. Unlikely you and lil got it, but not 100% impossible either.

@LiL I think it would have been a better approach if you had started a thread "I think my plants may have caught a virus" instead of this nonsense about cigarettes.

In any case, I hope you get it solved.
What I have looks identical to a mosaic virus and it indeed spreads through inoculation, like sam said. Which could be a case of using the same blade to take cuts, or bugs that go from plant to plant feeding. I can't tell you what kind of virus it is. What I can tell you with 100% certainty; it is not broad mites, deficiency, or some imaginary bullshit. It's real and it spreads.
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