Cigarette can really screw up your grow.

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I rarely link grow threads as proof of anything as we all know there's a ton of misinformation out there......but I'm doing so now:

It's a pretty thorough thread about this issue.
there are zero sources to back up what this dude is poppin off, js
research is about looking for sources and studies on a scientific level (when it comes to weed of course)
TMV is as about as serious as it gets, you won't be the first cancer smoker to quit
tobacco either, best to clean up really well and start some place else,
although TMV comes in many different colors, if in doubt kill, at my place its called Iwanowskie's virus or TMV, is rare and horrid, to the book!
View attachment 3321716
from the best medical book yet
View attachment 3321717

So if I read that right, TMV does indeed infect pot plants.....Dammit.

Maybe I'm not as wet as some thought. I would rather be wrong about this than being right.
Tobacco Mosaic Virus
The tobacco mosaic virus can attack a wide range of plants, including tomato, pepper, eggplant, tobacco, spinach, petunia, marigold, and our beloved herb marijuana.

On marijuana the virus infection causes light and dark green mottled areas on the leaves.

The dark green areas tend to be somewhat thicker than the lighter portions of the leaf. The leaf mottling is seen more easily if the affected plant surface is partially shaded.

Stunting of young plants is common and often is accompanied by a distortion and fern-like appearance of the leaves. Older leaves curl downward and may be slightly distorted.

Certain strains of the virus can cause a mottling, streaking and necrosis of the buds. Infected plants are not killed, but they produce poor quality buds and low yields.

Tobacco mosaic, is incited by a virus. The tobacco mosaic virus is very stable and can persist in contaminated soil, in infected plant debris, on or in the seed coat, and in manufactured tobacco products. The virus is transmitted readily from plant to plant by mechanical means.

This may simply involve picking up the virus while working with infected plant material, then inoculating healthy plants by rubbing or brushing against them with contaminated tools, clothing, or hands. Aphids are not vectors of the virus, although certain chewing insects may transmit the pathogen.

Solution: Virus diseases cannot be controlled once the plant is infected.

Therefore, every effort should be made to prevent introduction of virus diseases into the garden.

Sanitation and cleanliness is the primary means of controlling virus diseases.

Infected plants should be removed immediately to prevent spread of the pathogens.

The use of tobacco products during cultural practices should be avoided to prevent inoculation of plants with the tobacco mosaic virus.

Those people using tobacco or working with infected plant material should wash their hands thoroughly in soapy water before handling your plants."
I hope that no-one gets this as it's a daunting thing to entire grow room possibly being infected, and no real way of getting rid of it other than tossing all your plants...including clones from infected plants.
That's the type of stuff that drives me crazy about this site....take a serious subject and toss in childish replies. I've done my best to help out my fellow growers. Have a nice day.
That's the type of stuff that drives me crazy about this site....take a serious subject and toss in childish replies. I've done my best to help out my fellow growers. Have a nice day.
The thing arnt helping anyone. You are confusing other people with inaccurate sources that are either old or not backed by scientific data. We have already gone round and round on this subject many times on threads on this very site. Use the search bar and look here. I really think the pro growers on this site are sick of this being bbrought up by newbies. Search and research beyond your 2 min google bro.
That's the type of stuff that drives me crazy about this site....take a serious subject and toss in childish replies. I've done my best to help out my fellow growers. Have a nice day.
Nothing wrong with having a little fun. Chill out. After reading hundreds of supposed cases of TMV with MJ and not one being truly confirmed to be TMV, it's hard to take it seriously. If you try to speak matter of factly about something that's not a fact, i take that as spreading misinformation and not as 'helping fellow growers'. Your intentions seem good, but things don't always play out as we intend them to. Just my 2cents...
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