cid flashbacks in ur spine


Active Member
everytime i drop cid i always get a tingly or flushing sensation in my back/spine and face, this is before i ever heard of any myths about acid being stored in your spine
i havent dropped since my birthday in august but it was pretty heavy, 6 hits spread out between 2 1/2 days. plus plenty of rolls and bud
but neway for the past few days i've been getting that tingly flushy feeling in my spine again, theres no denying its somewhat of an acid flashback, it actually feels kinda good like im just about to start tripping
so this makes me wonder is there any truth to acid being stored in your spine??
anybody else ever feel something like this?

this only happens after i smoke though and im laying on my stomach or back, i've also started lifting weights again and its affected my posture,maybe this has something to do with it??


Well-Known Member
Okay, well lets see where to start.

First, no LSD is not stored in you spinal fluid anymore than any substance would be, that being said LSD metabolizes in 2-4 days so I doubt it would be the cause of a flashback.

Second the mechanism of the flashback is not well known, some think it is related to PTSD, along with HPPD, but cannabis seems to bring the effects out of rest.

"...flashbacks...are generally short-lived and mild compared to the actual LSD "trip." ...., and are typically elicited by triggers such as alcohol or cannabis use, stress, or sleepiness. Flashbacks .... are no longer officially recognized as a psychiatric syndrome. However, colloquial usage of the term persists and usually refers to any drug-free experience reminiscent of psychedelic drug effects."

A legend which falsely instills a fear of a non-existent effect of LSD is that the body stores crystallized LSD in spinal fluid or in fat cells, which at some point dislodges and causes horrific flashbacks, perhaps years later.[5] Although the body does store some toxins in fat tissue, and residues of some drugs and toxins can be found in spinal fluid, LSD is not among these. LSD is metabolized by the liver, and has an elimination half-life of around 3-5 hours, and is insoluble in fats, being an alkaloid. This legend may have its foundation in the fact that chronic use can result in persistent psychosis and hallucinogenic persisting perception disorder (HPPD), so called “flashbacks."

I have HPPD and its not fun, a constant reminder. Just be careful, and don't agitate it. Have you found yourself with anxiety or highly neurotic? These are powerful chemicals that are not to tampered with, I tried to force enlightenment and was left with a broken visual processor. And probably some emotional problems. ;)



Well-Known Member
i enjoy everyflash back i get... never had one while drivng a car or riding a road bike or anything(thank fuck)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yeah.. Mr.KushMan hit it.

If you think you can feel LSD in your spine.. it's just because you heard that rumor and had a placebo effect (if you will)


Active Member
yaa i jus had a pretty long text convo with wun of my boys, he pretty much says the same thing but hes thinking its all the rolls and not the lsd
thanx 4 tha help guys, im jus gonna enjoy em neway instead of tryna make sense of it, lol


Well-Known Member
I used to think I could feel the effect of acid in the lower, back of my skull. turns out, your muscles get really sore from sporting that shit eating grin for 8 hours. lol


Well-Known Member
Don't worry your spine is not gonna crumble... its a mere psychosomatic effects that you're encountering!

When you smoke cannabis the effects can be elevated or it might bring back a repressed memory during the initial trip... PTSD and HPPD are in fact real problems that can plague people who have taken psychedelics... but the number is very small and the rest of the psychedelic consensus either ignores it or its too minute to even notice!