CIA Operators Denied Help During Benghazi Attack

Obama calls both terrorists and our military "folks". WTF is that all about? If I got a dollar for every time Obama says "folks" then I could quit my day job.
From Yahoo: Hat tip Geri

President Barack Obama on Friday forcefully denied deliberately misleading Americans about the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi, telling radio host Michael Smerconish, “I’ve always been straight with the American people.”
Speaking to Smerconish during a 15-minute Oval Office interview, Obama also declared he was “absolutely” prepared to kill those behind the assault but would prefer to capture them and “bring them to justice.”
Asked whether the administration’s shifting explanation for the September 11 strike reflected the intelligence he was receiving, Obama replied: “What’s true is that the intelligence was coming in and evolving as more information came up.
“And what is true,” he continued, “…This is something that the American people can take to the bank—is that my administration plays this stuff straight. We don’t play politics when it comes to American national security,” the president said. “As information came in we gave it to the American people. And as we got new information, we gave that to the American people.”
When and if the location of those behind the attack is known, Smerconish asked, “Will you take that person out without regard for the election timetable?”
“Absolutely,” Obama replied. “But I think our goal would be to bring them to justice.”…
…Asked whether he knew Americans in Libya had asked for more security, Obama replied: “I was not personally aware of any request. Obviously we have an infrastructure that’s set up to manage requests like that,” in reference to the State Department.
“But we’re going to find out exactly what happened,” he said. “Ultimately, though, any time there is a death of an American overseas, I want to find out what happened, because my most important job as president is keeping the American people safe.”
“And we will get to the bottom of what happened, and we’re going to make sure most importantly that those who carried it out, that they are captured,” Obama said.
He also said he takes “full responsibility” for the circumstances in the attack, in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed. The suspects have not been publicly or conclusively identified, though Egyptian officials say a man suspected to have been involved was killed on Wednesday in a shootout in the capital, Cairo.
“My biggest priority right now is bringing those folks to justice. And I think the American people have seen that’s a commitment I always keep,” the president said, an apparent reference to the bin Laden raid.
Barack can play Mr. Tough guy when it comes to taking out isolated Al-Quida targets for political advantage; but when it comes to defending our military HE IS a fucking pussy

The only man in Libya with a set of balls was Tyrone Woods. And now he is 6 feet under.

Vice President Biden, as he has become known to do, reportedly made a wildly inappropriate comment to the father who had just lost his hero son.
Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”

it's really sad.

first they doubt whether the president is really american, they make up 200 million per day trips, they spread around that he's indoctrinating our children, they make up that he's got a vendetta against guns and oil, they make up so much fucking shit it's not even funny...comparing him to mao zaedong and joseph stalin... really?? do you guys even know history???

what the fuck is wrong with you???

Apparently, you've never read his writings or listened to any of his speeches. You do know he himself claimed he was born in Kenya? Of course you do, you're just vomiting up the Obama Campaign disinformation.
Apparently, you've never read his writings or listened to any of his speeches. You do know he himself claimed he was born in Kenya? Of course you do, you're just vomiting up the Obama Campaign disinformation.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

By the time of their inauguration, the President and Vice President must be:

natural born citizens

at least thirty-five years old

inhabitants of the United States for at least fourteen years.

Eligibility for holding the office of President and Vice-President were modified by subsequent amendments:

The Twelfth Amendment (1804) requires the Vice-President must meet all of the qualifications of being a President.

The Twenty-second Amendment (1951) prevents a President from being elected more than twice.

-not white
-hates America
-is waging a war on Christianity
-fist bump, that one really rustled their jimmies
-bowed (ROFL!)
-"apology tour"
-"God bless America? God DAMN America!"
-Obama committed "infanticide"
-Obama 'attacked' Romney during the debates
-Obama was 'weak' during the debates
-Obama sucks up to Russia

My favorite is when the hypocrisy is glaringly obvious and none of them can see it because they're minds are so warped by the propaganda, like when OBL was killed, I heard some of these same people complain about it.

Obama does something good, they make something up (not really them, the pundits they listen to daily) to complain about, or he lied, or didn't do it right, or could have done it better..

That's all it is. I stopped taking them seriously a long time ago, back when Bush was in and the president could do absolutely no wrong, ever!

Watch, if Romney gets elected, I guarantee you won't hear a peep out of any of them the entire 4 years, nothing. They soak it up like a sponge. Half these people are in their 40's, 50's.. they've had their entire lives to watch how the game is being played, given they haven't had the internet that entire time, but not even that is enough to erase half a lifetime of staunch support.

I asked my dad the other day "why do you support Romney?" and his answer, I shit you not, was "because I'm a republican". That is the types of people we're dealing with. People who support the Lakers simply because they live in or near LA, they eat at shitty restaurants and ignore the 5 stars because they've been eating there their entire lives and why change now?

"My favorite is when the hypocrisy is glaringly obvious and none of them can see it because they're minds are so warped by the propaganda, "
-not white
-hates America
-is waging a war on Christianity
-fist bump, that one really rustled their jimmies
-bowed (ROFL!)
-"apology tour"
-"God bless America? God DAMN America!"
-Obama committed "infanticide"
-Obama 'attacked' Romney during the debates
-Obama was 'weak' during the debates
-Obama sucks up to Russia

My favorite is when the hypocrisy is glaringly obvious and none of them can see it because they're minds are so warped by the propaganda, like when OBL was killed, I heard some of these same people complain about it.

Obama does something good, they make something up (not really them, the pundits they listen to daily) to complain about, or he lied, or didn't do it right, or could have done it better..

That's all it is. I stopped taking them seriously a long time ago, back when Bush was in and the president could do absolutely no wrong, ever!

Watch, if Romney gets elected, I guarantee you won't hear a peep out of any of them the entire 4 years, nothing. They soak it up like a sponge. Half these people are in their 40's, 50's.. they've had their entire lives to watch how the game is being played, given they haven't had the internet that entire time, but not even that is enough to erase half a lifetime of staunch support.

I asked my dad the other day "why do you support Romney?" and his answer, I shit you not, was "because I'm a republican". That is the types of people we're dealing with. People who support the Lakers simply because they live in or near LA, they eat at shitty restaurants and ignore the 5 stars because they've been eating there their entire lives and why change now?

"I asked my dad the other day "why do you support Romney?" and his answer, I shit you not, was "Why are wearing your mother's panties on your head?"".
"My favorite is when the hypocrisy is glaringly obvious and none of them can see it because they're minds are so warped by the propaganda, "

I've outlined my disagreements with Obama in more than a handful of threads you've been a part of. I've never, not one single time seen you, beenthere, or freedomworks criticize anyone on the GOP, for anything, ever. You people even come to their defense when they make ridiculous claims about abortion and rape, just because they're on the right.

The sad thing is, in reality, they wouldn't waste the piss to put you out if you were on fire, and they bank on the guarantee that you'll never stray from the flock. You're nothing more than a political pawn to them, and always have been, and probably always will be because you care more about winning these petty arguments with strangers on the internet than actually fixing the real problems we all face together.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

By the time of their inauguration, the President and Vice President must be:

natural born citizens

at least thirty-five years old

inhabitants of the United States for at least fourteen years.

Eligibility for holding the office of President and Vice-President were modified by subsequent amendments:

The Twelfth Amendment (1804) requires the Vice-President must meet all of the qualifications of being a President.

The Twenty-second Amendment (1951) prevents a President from being elected more than twice.


What is your point?
Post 137, I did quote it.

You must be a really angry person in the real world.

He lied about the cause of the incident to prevent a loss of political support. Doesn't imply the opposite is true. If I'm angry, why am I laughing? Panty headed weirdo.
If you're not born in the US, or any of it's territories, and I believe any military base, then you cannot become president of the United States.

Barack Obama is president of the United States.

If Barack Obama is president of the United States, and you can't be president of the United States unless you're born in the United States, then clearly, he must have been born in the United States.
Obama will not release his college transcripts for 5 million dollars because he knows he registered as Indonesian decent, which would make him disqualified to be president