CIA Operators Denied Help During Benghazi Attack

the administration is getting grilled. what response do you expect? an apache helicopter raining a pair of hellfire missiles on a crowd? then you would've labeled obama a murderer.... targeted airstrikes that could've caused even more damage?faux news seems to ignore the type of implication summoning a pair of fighter jets over another countries borders creates...

there were orders to stand down because escalating the conflict could've led to even more american deaths....ever thought about that??

imagine what would've happened if that ranger would've opened fire on a crowd of muslims who aren't considered men until they always carry some fire-power with them...

do you really think that single guy up there with a single machine gun would've had a chance? do you really think targeted strikes from a destroyer into a nation we have no military conflict with, which in fact hosts our military, would've had a productive conclusion?

get the political hackery out of your brain and start THINKING.... it's not just politics man, these were men and women, not just american, but foreign, who's lives were on the line....

Fighter planes already in Italy would cross only the coast of Italy to reach Libya. CIA operatives and US Army troops already in Libya would cross no border at all. Obama apologist. ^
And they had much closer assets than that. So, even this one hr flight form Italy is bullshit. You don't need fighters except as air cover. Just in case. The same bullshit as strafing, carpet bombing, hell fire missiles. How about air sniping? Chain guns? One, 2.75 rocket at a time? How about taking out those mortar positions that were marked? Just bs, to try to say there was nothing that could be done. Do Something! Marshall the gunship. Anything to not look like a cowardly commander. He took an Oath.

In conflict, don't just do nothing. People will die and you took an oath. If you do nothing, you look like a coward. A Political coward in this case.
how long would it have taken to fly in a sniper and a spotter? how do you know there was a sniper and spotter on sight with the equipment necessary to step up and wipe out a targeted military attack?

how do you know this would've not ended up with 400 RPGS leveling the entire compound?

what would've the implications of flying in military capability into what is still considered a non-hostile state?

YOU have no idea sir.

Spotter was already on ground and had already targeted mortars. Sniper isn't needed when laser guided weapons are used. They were already using their RPGs as fast as they could. Killing a few terrorists would slow them down, if anything. You're trying to defend Obama's lying about the affair by claiming somehow military strategy prevented a rescue mission? He lied about the cause of the incident to prevent a loss of political support. Now, it's starting to look like he's also lying about when he knew about the attack. His claim he knew nothing about repeated requests for increased security beforehand only proves he neglected his duties by not attending daily security briefings held for his benefit.
you seem to think CIA operatives look like rambo. haha... CIA operatives are typically low key folks, more trained in the art of passing along information, and gun safety, than anything else.... remember that guy that led us to Osama bin Laden? was he an expert in combat? he was a CIA operative.... this was brilliant military leadership... yes lives were lost but more lives would've been lost if the whole thing would've been escalated...

how do you know there was a specifically designed 'crowd disbursement' C-130 in the area, loaded and ready to go? you don't. so shut up...

The doctor was a CIA informant, not an operative. Your arguments are full of falsehoods and still weak. I doubt even you believe them.
Originally Posted by redivider
how long would it have taken to fly in a sniper and a spotter? how do you know there was a sniper and spotter on sight with the equipment necessary to step up and wipe out a targeted military attack?

how do you know this would've not ended up with 400 RPGS leveling the entire compound?

what would've the implications of flying in military capability into what is still considered a non-hostile state?

YOU have no idea sir.

You can't be timid in war. You should not ignore in your mind that you are in combat. Your decisions count and there is no do-over.

Implications are for cowards when people are calling for rescue. Fear is the mind killer. No one know what they will do when the shit hit the fan. Exposure to combat for the first time from 6000 miles and he choked.

Don't say the Bin Lauden raid was Combat. When the enemy has the element of surprise, that is combat.

We had assets. Border crossing in a situation like this is legal. But, moot. We fly over Iran, don't we? They shot down one of our drones.

So, these excuses are meaningless.

by the way, i need to mention that in the days following 9/11, keep in mind this was 11 years ago when the media still had some semblance of credibility. a certain 'source' didn't attack the president the way faux news is attacking obama... it's not even fair to equate them in terms of context...

You have got to be joking. Are you seriously claiming there was no anti-Bush, pro-Gore media? And what has that got to do with Obama lying about the incident?
So, who ordered the Annex not to attempt the rescue? Who turned down the target tasking for the mortar positions? Who declined a rescue of the Annex until 4am where they walked into the trap? Timid in war gets people killed.

The President is now saying he issued an order for all Assistance? When? There are time stamps on orders, if he actually gave the order.

If he didn't give the order, more Damn Lies.
So, who ordered the Annex not to attempt the rescue? Who turned down the target tasking for the mortar positions? Who declined a rescue of the Annex until 4am where they walked into the trap? Timid in war gets people killed.

The President is now saying he issued an order for all Assistance? When? There are time stamps on orders, if he actually gave the order.

If he didn't give the order, more Damn Lies.

It was not General Petraeus who ordered our military to stand down. The trail now leads to secretary of defense Leon Panetta. Obama's hand picked guy with no military experience to come in and make important decisions about the military.
Someone will have to fall on his sword over this. But, right now, Democrats are only interested in delaying investigation until after Nov. 6th. You know how these things go.
It was not General Petraeus who ordered our military to stand down. The trail now leads to secretary of defense Leon Panetta. Obama's hand picked guy with no military experience to come in and make important decisions about the military.

Yes, Petraeus knows better than to lie to Congress. He is an American. But, it was a joint operation. Plenty of finger pointing and excuse making. But, only one person was the shot caller. That's doctrine. Someone has to make the calls. Chain of Command is instant, these days. One person to respond to the element of surprise, to do something. And there is only one person where the buck stops, in our Republic.

Now, who ultimately takes the blame may be Panetta. But, Sky Killer is going to have a hard time, with this one. Can he really say he is out of the loop, when he picks targets personally to Sky Kill. He say he issued an order for assistance? And that Panetta dis-obeyed?
The senate is holding a hearing on the matter 9 days after the election. And we all know how things go in our Democrat controlled senate. This will all lead back to Bush somehow, and Obama will get away Scott free. I noticed the Holder held in contempt situation is being held off until after the election as well.
Yes, and this is a strong influencer of the Congressional elections. We often see the shifting poles. If Obie is re-upped, then I would not be suprised that the Congress is made stronger against him.
So, who ordered the Annex not to attempt the rescue? Who turned down the target tasking for the mortar positions? Who declined a rescue of the Annex until 4am where they walked into the trap? Timid in war gets people killed.

The President is now saying he issued an order for all Assistance? When? There are time stamps on orders, if he actually gave the order.

If he didn't give the order, more Damn Lies.

we are not at war with islam.

get that shit out of your fucking brain.

this isn't the crusades. and it's not a video game.

the matter was handled just like it should've, just like SOP dictates,

i don't understand the witch-hunt
we are not at war with islam.

get that shit out of your fucking brain.

this isn't the crusades. and it's not a video game.

the matter was handled just like it should've, just like SOP dictates,

i don't understand the witch-hunt

It was a political ploy republicans tried to run with, now they're backing off but the mushrooms still want to be fed shit.
jeez, talk about a conservative circle jerk.

just give them dead americans and watch them furiously stroke their flaccid, viagra addled peckers.
it's really sad.

first they doubt whether the president is really american, they make up 200 million per day trips, they spread around that he's indoctrinating our children, they make up that he's got a vendetta against guns and oil, they make up so much fucking shit it's not even funny...comparing him to mao zaedong and joseph stalin... really?? do you guys even know history???

what the fuck is wrong with you???
Spotter was already on ground and had already targeted mortars. Sniper isn't needed when laser guided weapons are used. They were already using their RPGs as fast as they could. Killing a few terrorists would slow them down, if anything. You're trying to defend Obama's lying about the affair by claiming somehow military strategy prevented a rescue mission? He lied about the cause of the incident to prevent a loss of political support. Now, it's starting to look like he's also lying about when he knew about the attack. His claim he knew nothing about repeated requests for increased security beforehand only proves he neglected his duties by not attending daily security briefings held for his benefit.

How would lying about a terrorist attack garner political support?
it's really sad.

first they doubt whether the president is really american, they make up 200 million per day trips, they spread around that he's indoctrinating our children, they make up that he's got a vendetta against guns and oil, they make up so much fucking shit it's not even funny...comparing him to mao zaedong and joseph stalin... really?? do you guys even know history???

what the fuck is wrong with you???

-not white
-hates America
-is waging a war on Christianity
-fist bump, that one really rustled their jimmies
-bowed (ROFL!)
-"apology tour"
-"God bless America? God DAMN America!"
-Obama committed "infanticide"
-Obama 'attacked' Romney during the debates
-Obama was 'weak' during the debates
-Obama sucks up to Russia

My favorite is when the hypocrisy is glaringly obvious and none of them can see it because they're minds are so warped by the propaganda, like when OBL was killed, I heard some of these same people complain about it.

Obama does something good, they make something up (not really them, the pundits they listen to daily) to complain about, or he lied, or didn't do it right, or could have done it better..

That's all it is. I stopped taking them seriously a long time ago, back when Bush was in and the president could do absolutely no wrong, ever!

Watch, if Romney gets elected, I guarantee you won't hear a peep out of any of them the entire 4 years, nothing. They soak it up like a sponge. Half these people are in their 40's, 50's.. they've had their entire lives to watch how the game is being played, given they haven't had the internet that entire time, but not even that is enough to erase half a lifetime of staunch support.

I asked my dad the other day "why do you support Romney?" and his answer, I shit you not, was "because I'm a republican". That is the types of people we're dealing with. People who support the Lakers simply because they live in or near LA, they eat at shitty restaurants and ignore the 5 stars because they've been eating there their entire lives and why change now?
A 500 trillion dollar tax cut. Really? Does that even make any sense?
