CIA Operators Denied Help During Benghazi Attack

how long would it have taken to fly in a sniper and a spotter? how do you know there was a sniper and spotter on sight with the equipment necessary to step up and wipe out a targeted military attack?

how do you know this would've not ended up with 400 RPGS leveling the entire compound?

what would've the implications of flying in military capability into what is still considered a non-hostile state?

YOU have no idea sir.
I already told you. How come you're not listening? We had CIA operatives a mile away. VERY well trained for combat situations. Also you must not know about the AC-130. Why don't you do your homework, and then if you still have questions about crowd dispersement designed aircraft you get back to me.

you seem to think CIA operatives look like rambo. haha... CIA operatives are typically low key folks, more trained in the art of passing along information, and gun safety, than anything else.... remember that guy that led us to Osama bin Laden? was he an expert in combat? he was a CIA operative.... this was brilliant military leadership... yes lives were lost but more lives would've been lost if the whole thing would've been escalated...

how do you know there was a specifically designed 'crowd disbursement' C-130 in the area, loaded and ready to go? you don't. so shut up...
you seem to think CIA operatives look like rambo. haha... CIA operatives are typically low key folks, more trained in the art of passing along information, and gun safety, than anything else.... remember that guy that led us to Osama bin Laden? was he an expert in combat? he was a CIA operative.... this was brilliant military leadership... yes lives were lost but more lives would've been lost if the whole thing would've been escalated...

how do you know there was a specifically designed 'crowd disbursement' C-130 in the area, loaded and ready to go? you don't. so shut up...

There was a c 130 in the area
If you count across the med in Italy
And by crowd disbursement
are you talking about firing indiscriminantly into a crowd of both freindly and enemy combatants sort of like pat Tillman?

again the bottom line is
What does it feel like exploiting the death of americans for political gain
If Americans are under attack on American soil???? Are you serious? Was that a serious question?

on american soil? if some gang of thugs attacks the brittish embassy in the US and the brits scramble 5 harriers and race them inland, would that not be a cause for concern, from a military standpoint? would that not completely blow some shit out of proportion?
Where was the task force?
How many miles away were they?
If both attacks concluded in under a half hour a mile apart, where do you suggest this task force attack?
Attack who?
How far up your ass is your head?

The attack was 7 hours long. 7 HOURS! I could fly to Tahiti in 7 hours. CIA task force was 1 mile away. They had requested multiple times to defend the consulate, and were denied each and every time. As BenghaziGate unfolds we will continue to know more.
You don't listen before you respond. Its like you're an idiot or something. We have AC-130s stationed in nearby countries. I do know. So shut up....
I'm not talking about a handful of CIA. I'm talking about a fully operation task force. Its amazing how little faith you have in our defense capabilities, and at the same time such total disregard for American lives. Not defending ourselves only gives the enemy permission to coordinate future assaults on American lives. How redivider of you

i don't listen, i READ. this is a forum, and I read better than the majority of people on here.

i forgot you are jeff, you KNOW, you just know, just because, ... my apologies.

you think it's all a movie, a la mission impossible, where you walk up to a house, and BOOM, a set of hydraulic jacks lift up the foundation and fucking fort knox is hidden underneath.... you walk into a nonchalant train car and there's 4G connectivity, air conditioning, an emergency room, blacklights, a full arsenal of ready and well maintained heavy weapons, and the place is fucking spotless... almost like a movie set... jesus christ....

no... you are living in fantasy world and are looking for a BS reason to attack obama....

if you think there's that type of capability abroad, think about 9-11. this was here at HOME during peace time. we couldn't respond in time to those attacks.... and somehow you are expecting some kind of miracle half a world away...

welcome to reality....
Chesus you are late on the update. Its been confirmed already that multiple requests for support were made, and each time were denied.

The attack was 7 hours long. 7 HOURS! I could fly to Tahiti in 7 hours. CIA task force was 1 mile away. They had requested multiple times to defend the consulate, and were denied each and every time. As BenghaziGate unfolds we will continue to know more.

task force... yep, you heard it... we had 100 jason bournes 1 mile away, with a full range of military hardware, just ready to defend our freedoms....
Where was the task force?
How many miles away were they?
If both attacks concluded in under a half hour a mile apart, where do you suggest this task force attack?
Attack who?

Just reported, but not new news. With Sky Killer how can those simple battle problems be an issue. The drone, remember. They saw it all. They denied
Woods. He went anyway. 1 hour.

9:40 - Shots fired
10:54 - Ms. Lamb, State reports no more firing. Add it up.
i don't listen, i READ. this is a forum, and I read better than the majority of people on here.

i forgot you are jeff, you KNOW, you just know, just because, ... my apologies.

you think it's all a movie, a la mission impossible, where you walk up to a house, and BOOM, a set of hydraulic jacks lift up the foundation and fucking fort knox is hidden underneath.... you walk into a nonchalant train car and there's 4G connectivity, air conditioning, an emergency room, blacklights, a full arsenal of ready and well maintained heavy weapons, and the place is fucking spotless... almost like a movie set... jesus christ....

no... you are living in fantasy world and are looking for a BS reason to attack obama....

if you think there's that type of capability abroad, think about 9-11. this was here at HOME during peace time. we couldn't respond in time to those attacks.... and somehow you are expecting some kind of miracle half a world away...

welcome to reality....

I have not mentioned Obama, or Romney. This is not politics.
I have not mentioned Obama, or Romney. This is not politics.

lying to yourself as you play politics with the deaths of americans is not going to change anything.

romney said he would exploit something like this, he is exploiting this, and you are carrying his water.

be proud.
I would like to point out that it appears the administration did NOTHING to aid in the defense of the ambassador and/or other citizens of America during the 7 hour attack.

Now, if that isnt incompetence, maybe not having other assets nearby to do so after 2 previous attacks and repeated requests for additional defense by the Ambassador is true incompetence...

People are dead and it probably could have been avoided and the administration has not even come clear about the circumstances as they have said they would.

In addition to the incompetence the president showed enormous callousness by deciding to continue his re-election campaign via a fundraiser in Las Vegas in the midst of this crisis.

We are not expecting miracles, we are demanding competence when lives are on the line...
So far I want to know more from Leon Panetta. He has some explaining to do. If the trail leads up to Obama (and it won't no matter what) Then I will have questions for Obama. Why are you trying to obstruct Justice?
by the way, i need to mention that in the days following 9/11, keep in mind this was 11 years ago when the media still had some semblance of credibility. a certain 'source' didn't attack the president the way faux news is attacking obama... it's not even fair to equate them in terms of context...
It wasnt 7 hours you lying fuck
it was 2 attacks different locations a mile apart that occured with less than 30 minutes duration in both instances


2 attacks. 1st for one hour. Woods went from A to C. Made a rescue. Called for backup. Injured, he carried and dragged a guy back to A. The tangos set up an ambush and wait....until 4 am.

Then a timid force with no flank out, in an attempt to drive up, rescue and springs the ambush. Where is the gunship? Who is running this weak show?

Who walked them straight into the trap at 4am. No reconnoiter? Tangos had the streets blocked. Mortars sighted. Then it was over, they melted away after scoring on Woods. They were not repelled. It was just a coda to their success in any case.

They had the mortar crews marked with laser. The Specter could have stopped their gob. A tomahawk has laser homing,. That is why they are there, isn't it?

They had plenty of time to not just sit there.

Bommie said today, he issued an order to render all assistance.

Woops. That better be true. Better be in writing.
...the 7 hour attack...

you know that when you have to lie to attempt your point, it only makes your point weaker, right?

Why are you trying to obstruct Justice?

members of RIU are obstructing justice? i don't think so. none of us have that capacity.

however, many here are exploiting and politicizing the deaths of americans for cheap political points.

it seems every right wing, faux-indignant sock puppet is happy to serve in that capacity.