CIA Operators Denied Help During Benghazi Attack

Questioner: When Carter was president, we had hostages. Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement even before he became, he was actually sworn in, and the hostages were released…Mitt Romney: On the day of his inauguration.
Questioner: Right. So my question is really how can you sort of duplicate that scenario?
Romney: I could ask you, I could ask you how you do I duplicate that scenario?
Questioner: I think it had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan… That’s why I’m suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would prevent. And I think that’s something that could possibly resonate very well with the American public.
Romney: I appreciate the idea. One of the things that’s frustrating to me: in a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, the number of foreign policy questions I get is between zero and one. And the American people are not concentrated at all on China, on Russia, Iran, Iraq, and this President’s failure to put in place a status of forces agreement allowing ten to twenty thousand troops to stay in Iraq- unthinkable! And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I’m afraid today that if you simply got Iran to agree to stand down on nuclear weapons, they’d go, “Now hold on. It’s really a-” I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.

It's funny, my wife just said, hey, this looks like a Mob hit. Pull everyone back? Deny a reaction?

Why did they not let the CIA loose. Just take a look, light it up. They had a drone there.

This special forces C-130 gunship was right there, also. The Record says that Woods dis-obeyed orders.
Was told not to go. Went anyway. Woods saved people and was later killed back at the Annex.

9:40 AM - Shots fired, Woods told to stand down, He is denied again and finally takes the lawful
action he is sworn to.

4:00 AM Woods is killed back at the Annex manning a gun. Killed by mortar.
It's funny, my wife just said, hey, this looks like a Mob hit. Pull everyone back? Deny a reaction?

Why did they not let the CIA loose. Just take a look, light it up. They had a drone there.

This special forces C-130 gunship was right there, also. The Record says that Woods dis-obey orders.
Was told not to go. Went anyway. Woods saved people and was later killed back at the Annex.

Yes lets just totally blow up an entire area and kill the enemy and freindlys

YOu are a Awesome tactician

Questioner: When Carter was president, we had hostages. Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement even before he became, he was actually sworn in, and the hostages were released…Mitt Romney: On the day of his inauguration.
Questioner: Right. So my question is really how can you sort of duplicate that scenario?
Romney: I could ask you, I could ask you how you do I duplicate that scenario?
Questioner: I think it had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan… That’s why I’m suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would prevent. And I think that’s something that could possibly resonate very well with the American public.
Romney: I appreciate the idea. One of the things that’s frustrating to me: in a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, the number of foreign policy questions I get is between zero and one. And the American people are not concentrated at all on China, on Russia, Iran, Iraq, and this President’s failure to put in place a status of forces agreement allowing ten to twenty thousand troops to stay in Iraq- unthinkable! And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I’m afraid today that if you simply got Iran to agree to stand down on nuclear weapons, they’d go, “Now hold on. It’s really a-” I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.

the record says that woods dis-obey orders.
Was told not to go. Went anyway. Woods saved people and was later killed back at the annex.

9:40 am - shots fired, woods told to stand down, he is denied again and finally takes the lawful
action he is sworn to.

4:00 am woods is killed back at the annex manning a gun. Killed by mortar.

what record?
Update (5:31 p.m.): In response to a Fox News story claiming CIA operatives in Benghazi were prevented from aiding U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens during his time of need, the CIA says it never instructed any of its personnel from helping the four Americans who died on Sept. 11. In an e-mailed statement, CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood says "no one at any level in the CIA" told operatives at a local CIA annex in Benghazi not to help Amb. Stevens:
“We can say with confidence that the Agency reacted quickly to aid our colleagues during that terrible evening in Benghazi. Moreover, no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. In fact, it is important to remember how many lives were saved by courageous Americans who put their own safety at risk that night—and that some of those selfless Americans gave their lives in the effort to rescue their comrades.”
The blanket statement is in response to a range of allegations brought up by Fox News's national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin. Among the allegations, Griffin said "sources who were on the ground in Benghazi" said CIA operatives about a mile away from Amb. Stevens' compound were told twice to "stand down" after hearing gunshots during the night of the assault. (The gunshots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m.) Additionally, Griffin's report says that former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods disobeyed orders to "stand down" and rushed to the U.S. compound housing Amb. Stevens alongside at least two other personnel. After receiving fire from militants near the compound, the team reportedly evacuated everyone they could find and returned to the CIA annex to call for more backup. "At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied," reported Griffin. There are a number of details in Griffin's story that will likely raise more questions, such as an extended account of a security officer manning a "heavy machine gun" on the roof of the CIA annex who couldn't receive assistance from higher ups. For now, the CIA isn't saying no one was ever prevented from assisting the U.S. compound but it is vowing that the agency itself never played a role in denying those requests.
Ya know what's odd, I live near and have worked in the San Francisco Bay Area for years. I'm around progressives every day and I've never once heard a one of them talk so tough as the ones on this forum. What's going on here, could it be that we just have a bunch of mellow progressives in California, or what?
Just talking points. Denials have nothing to do with it except in the political sense. Double talk and semantics of, sadly now, legal cover. It is very serious and they know it. Double talk from double think. Petraeus has not lied to Congress. This is just nothing. It is joint operations. There are whistle blowers now before Congress, in private session. It is falling apart. State, CIA, Delta, SEALS. Joint operations with White House oversight.

You can't be high tech Sky Killer on one hand, blow by blow with Bin Lauden, and now today claim he was not in the loop. Obama, today, will not give a straight answer to anyone. He is out on thin ice and his re-election is now meaningless. Almost better for him, if he didn't win and keep the Lie, than to stand to account. Write a book.

Someone denied the help. The finger pointing is meaningless.

For now, the CIA isn't saying no one was ever prevented from assisting the U.S. compound but it is vowing that the agency itself never played a role in denying those requests.
David Howell Petraeus has already spoken to the fact that he never gave orders to stand down. That redirects blame back over to Leon Panetta, Obama's hand picked guy for the secretary of defense position.

Just talking points. Denials have nothing to do with it except in the political sense. Double talk and semantics of, sadly now, legal cover. It is very serious and they know it. Double talk from double think. Petraeus has not lied to Congress. This is just nothing.

For now, the CIA isn't saying no one was ever prevented from assisting the U.S. compound but it is vowing that the agency itself never played a role in denying those requests.

Questioner: When Carter was president, we had hostages. Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement even before he became, he was actually sworn in, and the hostages were released…Mitt Romney: On the day of his inauguration.
Questioner: Right. So my question is really how can you sort of duplicate that scenario?
Romney: I could ask you, I could ask you how you do I duplicate that scenario?
Questioner: I think it had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan… That’s why I’m suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would prevent. And I think that’s something that could possibly resonate very well with the American public.
Romney: I appreciate the idea. One of the things that’s frustrating to me: in a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, the number of foreign policy questions I get is between zero and one. And the American people are not concentrated at all on China, on Russia, Iran, Iraq, and this President’s failure to put in place a status of forces agreement allowing ten to twenty thousand troops to stay in Iraq- unthinkable! And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I’m afraid today that if you simply got Iran to agree to stand down on nuclear weapons, they’d go, “Now hold on. It’s really a-” I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.

So what does it feel like exploiting the death of an american for political purposes?

I wouldn't know. Every time you say "exploit the death" it makes you sound ignorant and at the very least not an American. Wanting to know answers is every Americans right. I don't appreciate the double standard with Republican presidents. George Bush would be getting grilled by Democrats right now. As well he should be.

"This is about honor, integrity, and justice." -Charlie Woods
We already know there were multiple orders to stand down and not protect the lives of other Americans. We had plenty of support nearby that wanted to help. CIA operatives less than a mile away. C130 aircraft in Italy. This attack went on for 7HOURS!!. Charlie Woods wants to know why he was lied to; and I don't blame him. Its bullshit
Too true. The truth is already part of the record. We already know what the toad stools deny from pap talk, only. Funny.

And sad that the bozos think it is about politics.
We already know there were multiple orders to stand down and not protect the lives of other Americans. We had plenty of support nearby that wanted to help. CIA operatives less than a mile away. C130 aircraft in Italy. This attack went on for 7HOURS!!. Charlie Woods wants to know why he was lied to; and I don't blame him. Its bullshit

the administration is getting grilled. what response do you expect? an apache helicopter raining a pair of hellfire missiles on a crowd? then you would've labeled obama a murderer.... targeted airstrikes that could've caused even more damage?faux news seems to ignore the type of implication summoning a pair of fighter jets over another countries borders creates...

there were orders to stand down because escalating the conflict could've led to even more american deaths....ever thought about that??

imagine what would've happened if that ranger would've opened fire on a crowd of muslims who aren't considered men until they always carry some fire-power with them...

do you really think that single guy up there with a single machine gun would've had a chance? do you really think targeted strikes from a destroyer into a nation we have no military conflict with, which in fact hosts our military, would've had a productive conclusion?

get the political hackery out of your brain and start THINKING.... it's not just politics man, these were men and women, not just american, but foreign, who's lives were on the line....
BY Maria Vultaggio | October 26 2012 2:54 PM
Tyrone Woods’ father is demanding answers from the government as to why the military was told to stand down during the attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012

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The father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods spoke to Megyn Kelly on "America Live" about his son’s death during the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya.
His father, Charlie Woods, returned to the program on Friday to discuss the breaking news where revealed that denied military requests to provide assistance, three different times, when the consulate was being attacked for seven hours on Sept. 11, 2012.
Tyrone Woods disobeyed the others to stand down in order to help his fellow Americans; as a result he paid with his life.
Charlie Woods explained to Kelly that he wasn’t calling in regards to politics; he wants to know why troops weren’t dispatched to the Consulate where they could have helped the attack, instead of having his son fight by himself while he defended other Americans and ultimately lost his life.
“This is not about politics … if it were about politics, it would dishonor my son’s death. It’s about honor, integrity and justice,” he said.
“This news that he disobeyed his orders does not surprise me. My son was an American hero, and he had the moral strength to do what was right … even if it would have professionally cost him his job, even if it would have cost him his life.”
Woods continued to explain that he forgives those whose actions resulted in his don’s death, and that he wants others to learn a lesson from his son’s heroic actions.
It reported that Woods’ lifeless body was found slumped over his machine gun; it’s believed he fought until the very end.
“The reason I’m speaking out right now is that after the facts came out that the White House [...] watched my son and denied his pleas for help, my son violated his orders to protect the lives of at least 30 people,” he said, adding, “He risked his life to be a hero; I wish the leadership in the White House had the same level of moral courage that my son displayed.”
“We weren’t a perfect family but we were a normal family. And I would hope that his legacy lives on and would raise up an American generation of American heroes that are strong morally and in every other aspect of the lives. We don’t need another generation of liars.”
the administration is getting grilled. what response do you expect? an apache helicopter raining a pair of hellfire missiles on a crowd? then you would've labeled obama a murderer.... targeted airstrikes that could've caused even more damage?faux news seems to ignore the type of implication summoning a pair of fighter jets over another countries borders creates...

there were orders to stand down because escalating the conflict could've led to even more american deaths....ever thought about that??

imagine what would've happened if that ranger would've opened fire on a crowd of muslims who aren't considered men until they always carry some fire-power with them...

do you really think that single guy up there with a single machine gun would've had a chance? do you really think targeted strikes from a destroyer into a nation we have no military conflict with, which in fact hosts our military, would've had a productive conclusion?

get the political hackery out of your brain and start THINKING.... it's not just politics man, these were men and women, not just american, but foreign, who's lives were on the line....

Why were we lied to?
Redivider is down playing the capability. It is ignorant talk to say, strafe, hell fires. You have no idea. The apache has head following 30 mm chain gun linked to night vision. The SEALS had laser desigators trained on the mortars. Don't you get it? It's a dupe.

You have no idea. A sniper at 300 ft altitude is out of sight and deadly. You need to read up.

We have all sorts smart munitions. But. we have one shot, one kill. Ceramic body armor. Bofor cannon in gunship circles. Precision. Is no one educated? Sky Killer wants it both ways. Only a coward won't send help. A political coward.
the administration is getting grilled. what response do you expect? an apache helicopter raining a pair of hellfire missiles on a crowd? then you would've labeled obama a murderer.... targeted airstrikes that could've caused even more damage?imagine what would've happened if that ranger would've opened fire on a crowd of muslims who aren't considered men until they always carry some fire-power with them...

do you really think that single guy up there with a single machine gun would've had a chance? do you really think targeted strikes from a destroyer into a nation we have no military conflict with, which in fact hosts our military, would've had a productive conclusion?..

I already told you. How come you're not listening? We had CIA operatives a mile away. VERY well trained for combat situations. Also you must not know about the AC-130. Why don't you do your homework, and then if you still have questions about crowd dispersement designed aircraft you get back to me.