Chunk of dark brown in roots. Root rot ?

Do u have an airstone in the jar?Ive played with root stuff before mixed with nutes and it didnt work well,got a chocolate milk looking mix.
Do u have an airstone in the jar?Ive played with root stuff before mixed with nutes and it didnt work well,got a chocolate milk looking mix.
No there is no air stone .. however this problem started before I started using that root stimulator. I actually bought it thinking it might fix the problem or atleast help. They all come from the same line and company and are supposed to be fully compatible with each other
Hmm,well root rot could be it then.What do you have available besides h2o2?
Unfortunately not much. Hydro guard isn’t sold in Canada. Except for like 100$ a quart on amazon. Southern Ag either.. any other suggestions ? My hydro shop doesn’t have anything of the sort either
Unfortunately not much. Hydro guard isn’t sold in Canada. Except for like 100$ a quart on amazon. Southern Ag either.. any other suggestions ? My hydro shop doesn’t have anything of the sort either
Canada also here,I use Enzymes Komplete works well and can be mixed with h2o2
So you run that only when there’s a sign of rot or what ? Where did you get it ?
All good Canadian grow stores should have it,I use it when I transplant from bucket to bucket.Once its in the water it lasts between res changes.Read the website not the label,it foams up pretty well so use just a little on the first time.Should be able to get it shipped to you if you cant find it locally.
All good Canadian grow stores should have it,I use it when I transplant from bucket to bucket.Once its in the water it lasts between res changes.Read the website not the label,it foams up pretty well so use just a little on the first time.Should be able to get it shipped to you if you cant find it locally.
Sweet I’ll go see if they have it. This acts as a beneficial bacteria or as a bacteria killer ? Also what circumstance would you have to use h202 as well as this product ? Don’t they accomplish the same thing ?
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It looks to be root rot I have had this problem with mine. I am still dealing with it but getting much better. I started with making sure no light is getting in the bucket. The next thing I did is clean out the whole system afterwards I take the plants and wash the roots off with just water and put them back in bucket with a very light dose of nutrient. I also put alittle amount of cloning powder at the base of the roots. I did this whole process every other day for a week-and-a-half. now I change the water out once a week I do recommend if you have a little extra money to purchase hydroguard it will help tremendously and keep the root rot from coming back once you get it under control. mine was very severe I lost almost all the roots but have new growth now. Don't be too alarmed if you lose a lot of root when rinsing them off with water it is normal and good to get rid of all the rotten parts.
Anybody have any luck with this? Im having the exact same problem and its starting to get frustrating. I have massive air flow, Low water temps, RO Water. But cant keep my roots from getting root rot
Hey I battled root rot and won. It was a pain and kept coming back. What helped me I think is almost a week of 500ml peroxide a day spread over 4 or 5 times, chlorine ( I used pool shock and uc roots) daily as well and a little stronger than recommended dose and also flooding it right to the top with water treated with bleach and peroxide. It was rough, plant hated it, but recovered quick once root rot was gone. Persistence with treatment even after I was sure it was gone is what helped me along with less light and a chiller. I also ended cutting out the brown clump as a last resort while doing all that crap. It was not fun. Just know that 500ml and overdosing chlorine can kill your plant. I worked up to that strong a dose over time as nothing was working. I was prepared to kill the plant or the rot. It may kill your plant.