I selected a male a while back, from Dynasty’s Huckleberry Meringue, which is Ice Queen x Huckleberry #5. I kept a female who matches him well, near identical structures and nose. I’m making F2’s plus N other chucks, with him this summer, I have a few ideas. Open to others, (interested in getting Sherb in the mix ASAP.) Anyone else working Dynasty into their chucks?
I selected a male a while back, from Dynasty’s Huckleberry Meringue, which is Ice Queen x Huckleberry #5. I kept a female who matches him well, near identical structures and nose. I’m making F2’s plus N other chucks, with him this summer, I have a few ideas. Open to others, (interested in getting Sherb in the mix ASAP.) Anyone else working Dynasty into their chucks?
I still got some jazz berry jam & a few others I'd like to get back to..