Fell in love with my wife of 14 years out of nowhere. We spent too many years being scared of each other. No more time for that. Tell the people around you that you love them, NOW!!!....... It's that shit that we keep to ourselves, that we're scared to talk about. Be real with each other it can change the world. ❤✌
Posen ready for curing. Notice the tiny little nanner. I never get that outdoors with this strain but indoors I'll see that once in a while. I'm not even close to being perfect about light leaks and that's still the most I ever get. Always very late in the cycle, almost a sign they are done. Smelliest plant harvested as usual. It tastes like it smells, mostly sweet with a bit of pepper and lemon, lots of flavor. It's not old or new school a bit of both I guess. It's funny about this plant. It doesn't finish up quicker inside than other plants, but outside it does. It's always the first plant outside to start budding, it will be two weeks ahead of anything else in the garden and finishes early but not crazy early like an auto.

Thinks absolutely safe to do;

1) play with your plants.
2) take pics of your plants or harvest.
3) dream about future plants.

I'm sorry guys. I haven't been around the last few days....... Here's the deal I had to be alone for a min. This shit and a whole bunch of other things are trying to show me to help people and love them. I'm here for all of you. Scary times, but whatever, I made some breakthrough shit over here. We have to spread love, it's contagious....... emancipate yourself from mental slavery!!! I love all of you ❤❤
“How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?”
Another pheno of Posen/pupilstardog on top, the bottom picture is posen again just for comparison. It picked up some traits from both but leans a little more towards posen, tastes pretty good, not too much gas/diesel from the stardog, more sour and sweet in there, so that's good, I get tired of the way stardog tends to take over the flavor a little too much at times. I'll do some more pheno hunting in these sometime soon. This is close to what I was looking for. I wanted a purple posen without losing the flavor and smell of the posen. It's not as strong smelling as the Posen and loses a bit of the really strong flavor, but it's nice. I'll see what happens with the flavor after it's cured. This is dry enough to smoke but it's not cured yet. I had a pheno of purple posen that I had around for a long time, posen's got purple indica in it from way back. People in my area probably know the old purple pheno I used to run the best. I shared it with a bunch of local growers years ago and it stayed around here for close to a decade. It was always fun when someone who I didn't know would share some with me, not knowing it was mine to begin with. LOL I'd like to get another outdoor version of something that's close to my old pheno, mostly just because locals loved it so much and are always asking me for it. This is getting close. Too much denser and I'll get bud rot outside though. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttttttttttt.JPG
It's been lots of cleaning going on in the grow,with all the madness in the streets,it's best,it keeps me(us) very positive..

Watermelon zkittles
Unseeded run,so I'll post more of her...

Gifted to me,along with the wedding cake cut,from a very kind hearted Community member.

#TheFloozy coming soon
It's been lots of cleaning going on in the grow,with all the madness in the streets,it's best,it keeps me(us) very positive..

Watermelon zkittles
View attachment 4518318
Unseeded run,so I'll post more of her...

View attachment 4518322
Gifted to me,along with the wedding cake cut,from a very kind hearted Community member.

#TheFloozy coming soon
Cant wait for the mac crosses!