Sure does, Don't know which im more excited for :)

One of my TER X GSOG stalled out so hopefully the other one that is growing fine is female.

My fireballs looks like she's revegging, new white pistils and stretchy wierd growth coming out of her. So hopefully in a couple more weeks I can get my cloner out and fill it with fireballs :)
squished some nugs this morning, working on this rosin stuff getting the technique down. Fireballs is a nice producer. I got from one squish what I got from five nugs of love triangle don't know if my technique was off with the love triangle more testing must be done.

  • Fun stuff testing this rosin, have to sample everything right? Or else how am I to know it works? :) not getting shit done today lol
squished some nugs this morning, working on this rosin stuff getting the technique down. Fireballs is a nice producer. I got from one squish what I got from five nugs of love triangle don't know if my technique was off with the love triangle more testing must be done.

  • Fun stuff testing this rosin, have to sample everything right? Or else how am I to know it works? :) not getting shit done today lol
Your post intrigued me so I looked up making rosin on youtube and checked it out. Busting out the hair straightener, I was like wtf? but it seemed legit. It might not give the best return but fast quick way to make some rosin. I've made plenty of bubble and kief and a little bho but haven't tried this method, cheers.
Your post intrigued me so I looked up making rosin on youtube and checked it out. Busting out the hair straightener, I was like wtf? but it seemed legit. It might not give the best return but fast quick way to make some rosin. I've made plenty of bubble and kief and a little bho but haven't tried this method, cheers.
Look at how they use low grade hash and press it threw a screen. and get oooowi gooie. I pressed the shit off my scissors for kicks and it melted all sorts of shit out of it lol was super surprised.

Neat technique for sure. I've smoked the buds that didn't press well and they seem to still work just fine so nothing is ruined :)

I don't know if it's the buds consistency or what the fireballs is a lot looser then the Love triangle. I can't get a good press out of the love triangle and I've prolly tried 2g's +.