JD's GrapeKrushThrowbacks (freebies)
center lower 4x plants
two look like blueberry two have that DJ krinkle hard (remind me of the wizard)
1x male and 3x gals it looks... you know what that means.

bigger yellow bush upper right is pre98
upper left is keeper mimosa gal
faaaar right next to bubba is new mimosa gal (last of the pack, smells like hardcore skittles candy and lemon fruit)
far left lower is David Mimosa trying to get his revert on (he's backed up, don't worry)

sorry for the colors, this is the first we've seen 60° canopies in some months, learning some new bottles, and top feeding to waste has been keeping them wetter longer than desired.. basically a compounding of fuckups on my part :clap:

I had to switch to rock wool because the coco just wouldnt dry out fast enough, even with a dehumidifer running. Some plants thrived while others struggled. Pain in the arse big time.

Good luck and hope they turn around real nice.
Life works in weird ways. Its a cliche but I will stay strong and keep your head up brother. Or, if it suits your healing best, then be weak, grieve, put your hands in the air to surrender to the flow.

You know that you have family here too. I'm not sure where home is at but I am in Northern CA and happy to help any way that I can.
That's Sister, not brother. Tangerine is of the fairer sex. Not one of us cavemen, lol. Cheers!
Sucking shucks. Or is it shucking sucks?

That was me just scooping up what fell into edge around the bottom of the tote. I typically wear Ravens for the shucky shucking parts but yes, it is not fun at all and reminds me of the old "cleaning your weed" jobs we used to use to get something smokeable. It's really hard with the Blackwater because they flowers are still so gooey and the seeds are friggin teeny tiny.
I had to switch to rock wool because the coco just wouldnt dry out fast enough, even with a dehumidifer running. Some plants thrived while others struggled. Pain in the arse big time.

Good luck and hope they turn around real nice.
bottom feeding with a somewhat sip style is what worked before and what i've reverted to, they'll turn around

i used to soak my coco and the stuff that would sink would be discarded, i'd only use the float stuff. That light stuff worked ok with drain to waste.
I did not do that with this coco, it's really heavy and holds a lot of water.. no good for top feed but they do ok if you let them drink what they want.
That was me just scooping up what fell into edge around the bottom of the tote. I typically wear Ravens for the shucky shucking parts but yes, it is not fun at all and reminds me of the old "cleaning your weed" jobs we used to use to get something smokeable. It's really hard with the Blackwater because they flowers are still so gooey and the seeds are friggin teeny tiny.
If you let the seeded weed get super dry and crispy its easier to shuck but then the resin glands and weed arent as enjoyable to consume.

Fresh stanky danky resin covered buds take forever and a day to get through but there is always plenty of finger hash to keep your mind numb, lol.
People die when my wife is pregnant. 4 pregnancies 4 deaths, all at 3 months prego. She was going after her side, but the last one she got my granddaddy. She's a killer.
Things do seem to happen in clusters.

Life works in weird ways. Its a cliche but I will stay strong and keep your head up. Or, if it suits your healing best, then be weak, grieve, put your hands in the air to surrender to the flow.
You know that you have family here too. I'm not sure where home is at but I am in Northern CA and happy to help any way that I can.
That's very kind. I'm on the eastcoast. And I'm good...just exhausted that's all.
Didn't mean to put a downer on the thread. I'm definitely in a different place than I was 18 months ago. I don't think I realized how far I'd come until just now, while watching another parent go through that same shock and torment. And I know this sounds horrible but I'm kinda glad my kid's away training right now. By the time he gets home the dust will have settled.

Anyway, sorry to derail. I always feel like I'm leavin my peeps hangin
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I had to switch to rock wool because the coco just wouldnt dry out fast enough, even with a dehumidifer running. Some plants thrived while others struggled. Pain in the arse big time.

Good luck and hope they turn around real nice.
Same issues here. I've resorted to half solo cups of coir and light watering until they get on their feet.
Meltdown from @BobBitchen
meltdown - Copy.jpg
Loving the frost, also running a Southern Slymball and a Demo and a couple of Legend Breath from Gen.

Sour Larry Pebbles #3 x Wedding Cake BX1
slpcake - Copy.jpg

Secret Cookies x Kush Mints #11 male
male, sk x km - Copy.jpg
I've been throwing males away for years, a couple caught my attention this run. The Secret Cookies above which has a thick loud mint / almost spearmint aroma, great solid structure. Also kept an OG Kush x Triangle Mints F1, he's more kush with mints but a lot smaller.