They need to pick back up on Hemp farming, far superior product, but Big Timber, Big Pharma, the Cotton boys, etc, all got lobbyiest fighting the fight. Looke up Hempcrete and also the biodegradeable hemp bottles among other things, let alone its stronger than cotton and easier to process in the field. Go figure.
They need to pick back up on Hemp farming, far superior product, but Big Timber, Big Pharma, the Cotton boys, etc, all got lobbyiest fighting the fight. Looke up Hempcrete and also the biodegradeable hemp bottles among other things, let alone its stronger than cotton and easier to process in the field. Go figure.
Until October 10th, I was against legal hemp. But since all my timber is matchsticks now, let them grow rope. {Just not real close to Larry Land}
Hemp will have it’s market share but Spruce never obsoleted Maple. There will be more uses for which it is ideal but there are millions of plants in our world of which we have barely scratched the surface. Lot's of research into the uses of Cannabis has not been done because of archaic attitudes and laws in the US.
OJ#1 is chunking up nicer than her mother and damn near as frosty. She has a little bit different nose than momma, fuel/hashy like momma but with a sweet lemon/orange type citrus smell too but not too strong. Can't wait to smoke her. She also has a little gold/bronze glaze on the top of her resin rails, or perhaps they're just beef taco yo! I'll try to get pics of the tips in days to come.20190319_182213.jpg20190319_182248.jpg
Hemp will have it’s market share but Spruce never obsoleted Maple. There will be more uses for which it is ideal but there are millions of plants in our world of which we have barely scratched the surface. Lot's of research into the uses of Cannabis has not been done because of archaic attitudes and laws in the US.
We're starting to make some ground.
And on a side note. My dad, the guy that fucked with me in high school for smoking pot, is about to put some plants in flower for the first time. He started coming around after seeing his buddy benefit from a tincture, he started taking oils and is spending a lot of time reading up on growing and asking me questions. Quite the transformation for these eyes, pretty cool too.
Hemp will have it’s market share but Spruce never obsoleted Maple. There will be more uses for which it is ideal but there are millions of plants in our world of which we have barely scratched the surface. Lot's of research into the uses of Cannabis has not been done because of archaic attitudes and laws in the US.
Hemp could turn the pulp/paper market on it's head though. {it used to be the #1 source of paper in America}

Hemp takes one season to grow. Right now it's mostly being grown for the CBD, but the fiber market won't be far behind. Lots of folks {including me} thinking seriously about not replanting pines. If hemp does come on strong, my young trees won't be worth as much.
Hemp could turn the pulp/paper market on it's head though. {it used to be the #1 source of paper in America}

Hemp takes one season to grow. Right now it's mostly being grown for the CBD, but the fiber market won't be far behind. Lots of folks {including me} thinking seriously about not replanting pines. If hemp does come on strong, my young trees won't be worth as much.
Pulp and paper might be an understatement. I've seen recent results of plant matter makeup showing lots of nutrient/sustenance potential.