*Long Post Warning* Gummie recipe....just scroll past if not interested...ha!
Couldn't find the link but I found the recipe....copied and pasted to my notes from reddit. I don't use the infused coconut oil(I could never get the gummies clear) I use 1-2gs rosin per batch.
After some trial and error and candymaking research. This recipe has garnered me consistent results. The meat and potatoes to gummies IMO is concentrate/infused oil quality,
TEMPS TEMPS TEMPS and blooming the gelatin.
The mold inhibitors are used if I plan on having them for more than a week...

I don't use the flavorings because my jello and fruit juices are all the flavor I need.
The rosin taste in the gummies is there,funny, I find the people who've had them actually want to taste some hints of the concentrate.I guess they've had an experience or two of not getting the desired effects of gummies from other sources.
GUMMY Ingredients:
Amnt. Ingr. 6 oz (170 grams) Flavored jello
1/2 cup Granulated sugar
5 Tbsp High quality grass fed gelatin (ex. Zint)
1 cup Cold fruit juice 1 tsp Soy lecithin 5 Tbsp Infused coconut oil
1 Tbsp Vegetable glycerin
2 drops Loranns Preserve-it antioxidants
2 drops Loranns Mold Inhibitor
10-20 drops (depending on strength) Loranns Flavoring Supplies: Molds (I recommend silicone ones)
Cookie sheet
A small to medium sized pot
Gallon zip lock bag
Whisk Thermometer Liquid measuring cup
Directions: Lay your molds onto a cookie sheet so they are easier to move into the freezer later. Also set up your gallon zip lock now because that's what you'll be using to pour your gummy mixture into your molds. I usually just put the zip lock in a large cup and flap the edges over the sides so I can pour the mixture directly from the pot to the zip lock with out the help of another person.
In a liquid measuring cup, add 1 cup of cold fruit juice. Add 1 tsp of Soy Lecithin and mix well with a fork. Let sit in fridge for 5 minutes then mix well again, until the soy is mostly dissolved.
In your pot, mix together JUST your dry ingredients. jello, sugar, and gelatin. Pour your fruit juice into your dry ingredients and mix with a whisk (this is off the stove, no heat yet)
Cover the pot and let sit at room temperature for 20 minutes so your mixture can bloom. This is a very important step so don't skip it! After 20 minutes, move your pot to the stove and start to raise the temperature using a low-medium heat.
Don't stir.
At 140 degrees Fahrenheit, give it a stir with your whisk, and pay more attention now to the temp because we are getting close.
At 160 degrees Fahrenheit is when the rest of your ingredients get mixed in, so make sure you already have them measured out so you can easily just pour then in. Add the infused coconut oil, vegetable glycerin, flavoring, and drops. Mix well.
160 degrees is the goal temperature, but it's okay if it gets a little higher in the time it takes to add and mix your ingredients. Just don't let it exceed 180!
Pour your hot mixture into your zip lock bag and zip shut. Cut a SMALL piece from the corner of the bag so it doesn't come pouring out too fast. Fill your molds and then place your molds in the freezer for 1 hour.
I've tweaked this a bit,substituted things and subtracted some.