Well I have a male here of Green Crack. I'm so content on this new Sat/Dom strain but I didn't want a male so soon. I will confirm she grows amazingly fast. I dropped them in a solo to germ 7/2, only one made it. I still have a few more beans. What do you all think? Should I collect and chuck?

Edit: This is day 5 flip.

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Noob questions from someone who hasn't tried breeding yet.

I've got two potted clones of my mystery momma right now. If I let them get a little bigger. How do I go about getting one to make male pollen? Is colloidal silver my only option? And how do I use it?

The clones are outdoors at the moment. We're just about in spring here. So they've got a bit of time to get there before I do whatever I'm intending on doing with them.
Noob questions from someone who hasn't tried breeding yet.

I've got two potted clones of my mystery momma right now. If I let them get a little bigger. How do I go about getting one to make male pollen? Is colloidal silver my only option? And how do I use it?

The clones are outdoors at the moment. We're just about in spring here. So they've got a bit of time to get there before I do whatever I'm intending on doing with them.
The spraying of the CS is the best bet,from what I see....when you see them put out some fresh veg growth,I'd start the CS...
Okay. And how long/ how much do I use?
I don't really want to spend assloads on this CS stuff. I'm mainly looking to preserve the genetics. Seed form allows me to store them for later.