Well I got two honey bee's that are very similar tight tight node spacing very indica leaves. The yoga flames are quite different from one another one has tigher nodes, closer to the honey bee structure, the other is very lanky, even after moving it closer to the light there is still large spacing between nodes.

All were fimmed and will be transplanted in the next couple days.

My TER x GSOG is starting to frost up too :)

The hunt for males will begin soon, this Lee Roy and Fireballs need to be pollinated by a nice Chem91 x Krypt OG, or maybe a karma biker kush v2.
Don't you wish you kept a Grapestomper OG male to hit these girls with? Those would've been some helluva crosses. Damn I need to get on my shit I need to get to chucking lol
Still got some beans of the Grape Stomper OG(6 I think) :) But yes I wish I did save some pollen. Oh well live and learn.

I wasn't too interested in saving males pollen when I hadn't got a chance to smoke the females at the time. I will in the future though :)

Honestly I was kicking myself when I didn't have some pollen to hit the two female GSOG's with :)
IMG_20150117_142718.jpg IMG_20150117_142538.jpg
Soooo this is my:
(Lost Coast OGxGDP) x Desert Diesel

This pheno stays mostly green but gets almost a lavender hue to her the last week or 2 of flower. There is also a more purple pheno, but i dont have any pics ATM

I used a male (LCOGxGDP)xDD in wuite a few crosses. What an amazing stud!!!! EVERYTHING that I have grown out that came from that stud was stinky, raunchy w grape undertones, and absolute dank!