Chronikool’z LED + Organic + SOG + Party cup perpetual ‘boxes of fun’ grow!™


Well-Known Member
Thought i would share my compost tea recipe (its a work in progress)

I brew my tea for around 36 hours. In this photo it has been brewing for 12.

10 litres Aerated water (usually 12 hours or more)
Around 2-3 cups of homegrown worm leachate
2 strands of fresh aloe vera extract
80-100ml of fulvic and humate ('liquid good')
1 cup of fresh worm castings/compost (in stocking)
100 grams of Kelp meal (in stocking)
Some molasses
10ml Mycorrcin plus (stimulates Mycorrhizal fungi) (added an hour before serving)

Best served immediately... (with crusty bread... :-P )


Well-Known Member
^^^Oooh I like that. I should try teas, but it's just more stuff to bump into and spill. Someday though. And now I know what to call the "worm piss" someone gives me by the liter once and a while, so thanks for that. God I'm such a lame-ass gardener :).

And just for the record, you take a video of you drinking a pint of that shit and post it on YouTube and I'll kill my Cup entry and vote for you. OK? ;)

PS. You should add something with silicon in it for branch building. Or is something like that in there?


Well-Known Member not going to give you the satisfaction! (takes sip of his cool glass of worm piss... :-P )

Im hearing alot about this silcon or silica of late. I just got some guano phosphate which has: 'Silica for enhanced plant energy, strength, disease prevention, and to assist release of locked up P'...although it is not water soluble and im going to be applying this separately in my flowering enclosure. Total silica content: 4.5%

hmmmm...maybe the kelp meal not sure.


Well-Known Member
Horsetail, that stuff has a ton of silica in it. Couldn't remember it offhand. There are many varieties and I don't know which one has the most, but you can get it at health food stores and the sides of highways everywhere. Add it to your tea when brewing. Picking some up tomorrow and I'm going to water it into my Blue Cheese and probably my Critical Mass grow this summer. Both species need it for their stems/branches, though for completely different reasons :).


Well-Known Member
Oh sweet...let me know how that has got my attention. :)

So far only 3 of the 9 clones i took in the 1st run have shown their roots.

So this is my solution to the slow cloning process....i hope it works. (air pump to be added) It will also save me on using peat pellets every time and i will clone 15 and select the best 9 at no extra cost. :)

Fulvic and Mycorrin to be added to water.


Active Member
Compost tea. Barf. I read back about Franjan just having one more thing to spill.

I bought some lactose based fertilizers. They were on sale because they had fermented quite a bit more and blew their seal. They were about 3 dollars a litre down from 20 so I bought a few and poured them into my watering bucket.

And forgot about it. While I didn't knock it over the smell as horrendous. The top layer would have been like a pudding skin if it hadn't had constant bubbles warping it into a horrifying pockmarked pudding.

The plants loved it. I did not. I'll stick with my granular haha.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha....that soundz gross...i would rather not work with that.

Lucky for me my compost teas smell sweet and earthy....if they dont i have fucked up somewhere. :)


Well-Known Member
So was looking at my mothers and realized they are too big and taking over the clone/mother/veg enclosure. I want to keep them more 'bonsai'ee'.

I also noticed that they are blocking alot of the light from getting to the rest of the enclosure, namely my new clones.

So time for some extreme LST'ing to get them back in line!

I also added 2 x 10w floodlights (warm white) and i may add one more. Amazing how much more light these add.

Before LST'ing them. See how much light is being taken up.

'Pineapple Express' after her tie down

Before and after of the 'Acid'

Before adding the 2 x 10w floodlights


Shows proximity to the lights.


Well-Known Member
Jesus your box is stuffed!!!:hump: lol pervert<<.............Mom's can always use a good old fashion root pruning/ just like the real bonsai's your trying to emulate:P


Well-Known Member
Chur Bruv.....! Yeah....i've heard of root pruning.....might give that a go after i get my bubble cloner going. Another 15 cut's tomorrow. :)


Well-Known Member
I also added 2 x 10w floodlights (warm white) and i may add one more. Amazing how much more light these add.
WW floods have definitely gotten brighter in the past few months. I think I'm going to get some soon for the veg cab and finally go full LED. Can you keep your moms under the 10 watters? They'll grow much slower and won't get so full. It's what I do to my moms now, though your cloning requirements are a bit different than mine now.

And the way you treat those poor mothers :o! I see some treatment in your future ;). LOL


Well-Known Member
WW floods have definitely gotten brighter in the past few months. I think I'm going to get some soon for the veg cab and finally go full LED. Can you keep your moms under the 10 watters? They'll grow much slower and won't get so full. It's what I do to my moms now, though your cloning requirements are a bit different than mine now.

And the way you treat those poor mothers :o! I see some treatment in your future ;). LOL
Yeah i do need them to be quite productive...and im happy with the growth the mothers are putting out...just got to keep the LST under control.. :)


Well-Known Member
1st use of my bubble cloner today. Under 2 x 10w floodlights (warm and cool white)

Fulvic and Mycorrin added to water.

Hope that gets my cloning back on schedule. :)

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
So do you have a preference towards Warm White or Daylight by now, or is a Watt a Watt for your intents and purposes?

Any reason why you went with prebuilt 10W flood lights as opposed to building your own? Glass lens, easy to hang, minimal cost benefit, or something along those lines?

Big fan of your stuff, man. Really dig it.