Chronikool’z LED + Organic + SOG + Party cup perpetual ‘boxes of fun’ grow!™

It's fairly easy to tell the XPG and XPE apart. Yours looks like XPG.


Also, they both run at the the same voltage, so if the amps are the same, the wattage will be the same too. The difference between the 2, the XPG's chip is larger, and the maximum power handling is higher.

You should have about 30v from the 10 XPGs, so if you want 45w, you'll need to max out the XPG's at 1500mA. (not recommended, especially in the housing you're using) I run XPG's at 750mA, so every 10 would give me 23w or so. (not including the driver)

Sounds like you have 700mA. 30v x 700mA = 21w + 15% ac/dc conversion (-/+ a few %) = 24.15w, +/- a few watts.

Well you asked for it....actually you didnt.....but.... 'this is what you gettin' (Ticks and Leeches)

k so my 'supposed XPG panel' turned up today. Good and goes.....

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Comes with a silicon backing

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Mounted on a nice copper based board. Thickness is 2mm.

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Silicon backing in place. It lines up perfectly with the no extra drilling was needed. Added a bit more thermal paste.

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Please dont look at my soldering... (damn now they are going to look at my soldering...) :-P

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Run for an hour...doesnt get as hot as my other floods.

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Reflector fits nicely over the top.

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So the bad part is only drawing 26 watts at the wall and 0.2 amps? Supposed to be 45-48 watts....So i think they sent me the 30w XPE not the 50w XPG...havent talked to them yet

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'Wheres Weedy'? :) (Weedy is under the new flood...)

It is about as bright as my other 50w i guess the efficiency of the Crees is making up the brightness for the lower watts.
I just wanted to say, when I first started reading about LEDs, the floodlights really appealed to me. And then I got drawn in by all the exotics of the latest and greatest LED technology. Always, I think it ends up being about the right tool for the job - how much space you have and what you need to produce. I've just about come full circle to think that Chronikool has it right for some forms of stealth grow (like mine with limited height) -- cheap WW and CW floods + some cool supplemental lighting. Has anyone put the two together in a DIY project? What I mean is has anyone taken a large heatsink and combined the power of LED flood and exotic supplemental on one panel?
It's fairly easy to tell the XPG and XPE apart. Yours looks like XPG.


Also, they both run at the the same voltage, so if the amps are the same, the wattage will be the same too. The difference between the 2, the XPG's chip is larger, and the maximum power handling is higher.

You should have about 30v from the 10 XPGs, so if you want 45w, you'll need to max out the XPG's at 1500mA. (not recommended, especially in the housing you're using) I run XPG's at 750mA, so every 10 would give me 23w or so. (not including the driver)

Sounds like you have 700mA. 30v x 700mA = 21w + 15% ac/dc conversion (-/+ a few %) = 24.15w, +/- a few watts.

Thanks for this EH....i just assumed that if i had a 1500mA driver....and the LED's are rated at 1500mA (max) then it would run at 1500mA??? Im still learning this guff....

As its worked out....(and you have pointed out) It is much better for heat management that they run less and it will protect the diodes. The output seems comparable in light (to my others) and it is saving power and since they are Cree warm whites ...probably have a lot more 630nm in them then my 'standies'...
Weedy is a she, and will not turn to green because she is adult. They get wings in their final molting.

What is the specs. of your driver?

Thanks for that Oshamo....and welcome to the forum....great to see you taking a interest.

1500mA and forward voltage of 20-36v

:lol: I don't think it's an omen.
I was actually just trying to find out what type of Mantis it is, but damn... there are a lot of different types!
Some really trippy ones, too (like the Orchid Mantis...)
There are some that will change colour, as well. But I don't think Weedy is one of those; however, I am the furthest thing from an entomologist ;)

How long is it anyway? It's kind of hard to tell from the pics.

Hahaha...thankz for your diligent interest...Orchid Mantis' are freakin awesome....might bring some in... :-P

Probably a good thing that she is beige...i couldnt see her otherwise...
Weedy is probably about 5-6cm
Day 56 of 12/12


Scoped a few of the plants and they seem to be almost done. Probably give them another week and take them out for their dark period. Not going to be a huge yield at all....but 1st run of it and it was alwayz the trial.

So this week i introduced a few more fans....(at the end of the enclosure) But it seems a little too late as the Pineapple Express'es were susceptible to bud rot. Not a big problem and cut a bit out of them.

Should be introducing 660nm tomorrow.


Full House....Sadly without John Stamos, Dave Coulier and Bob saget


Still lush green im doing something right. :)
Quick question about wiring - could you wire additional standalone LEDs in series with one of these 10X plates?
The short answer is yes, but you better know your shit. Probably should just ask guod for a better answer, IF YOU CAN GET HIS ATTENTION!!!!!!!! ;).
You guys never cease to amaze me. I wish I had half the smarts as you all on these lights and on general growing info period. I love the party cup idea and have thrown too many clones away because of lack of room when I should have just let them go in their red solo cups. Would have only gained.

Very very cool.
Thanks Rippn...lovin your grow aswell. Yeah its a work in progress

Now if only i could get my 660nm bars to work....:cuss:
Thanks Guod.

LED's are rated at 2.2-2.6v

So i hooked 10 of them up and plugged in....just a constant flashing...havent ruled out my soldering (which i suspect is the problem)

I put another LED on the string (so 11) and it was staying on constant for about 30 seconds before returning to a intermittent flash.

Subbing. Awesome ideas. I've been thinking about moving my plants to the top part of my closet and my measures are pretty close to yours.
Hey how are your CREEs? I haven't been able to finish mine but I'm gonna try this weekend. I didn't get those spotlight casings yet so I've gone ghetto. I think I'll send a pic of them to Guod so he can have a good laugh. Or cry ;).
Subbing. Awesome ideas. I've been thinking about moving my plants to the top part of my closet and my measures are pretty close to yours.

Hey Southern Hemisphere'er...Thanks welcome to the forum...sweet then...plenty of room for numerous plants. :)

Hey how are your CREEs? I haven't been able to finish mine but I'm gonna try this weekend. I didn't get those spotlight casings yet so I've gone ghetto. I think I'll send a pic of them to Guod so he can have a good laugh. Or cry ;).

They are pumping away....being going for about a week problems....very impressed....i will probably order more when i have my bars up and a few more harvests done. :)

Hahaha...yeah he must shake his head in disbelief at some of our setups...:roll:
So my 660nm bars are now in place.....hopefully that will add abit more bulk to the buds as they end flowering...well it sure as fuck cant hurt. :)

I was able to get 10 on the string.....and i have had enough of soldering for one day....
