My third grow is done. While the heating problem became a new issue, I had no choice but to lower lights and finish it. I ended up with about half the weight and overall growth compared to previous two grows. What I did salvage smells great and I know will be a good smoke but didn't get the weight I'd like on these little colas. Will post final weight after dry and cure.
After chopping plants down, not an hour later, I had my next 3 plants in place. Voila! Vatos! These three beauties include 2 White Widow and 1 GG which were growing in the 2x2 tent while the last grow was finished in 2x4 tent. Lesson learned when I had no plant to rotate after second grow. I whipped those three beauties out like a guy who learned his lesson real damn good. I learned it so well that I even had "seedlings" coming up behind those veg plants! Now noticing yellow tips!
Will go easy on the lights this next and fourth grow. Investing in a portable AC for that last four weeks when I crank the spider farmer lights. I've decided I don't want to pull the tent out of that closet space. Moving it in there really freed up a lot of floor space within room. Now we'll just occasionally see the little AC unit to the side of closet door.
Once I post final weight, taste, and effect, it's on to the next grow! My next subject title will read "Second grow of most highest White Widow". Yeah that'll do. Returning soon!