Chronikool’z LED + Organic + SOG + Party cup perpetual ‘boxes of fun’ grow!™


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the cloning setup/suggestions guys....but i am more then happy with my cloning successes and what i use to get there. (Im not spending anymore money on this :) ) I was simply doing an experiment with and without Clonex....i thought the results were rather conclusive....(maybe not)
I am now ready to move on to my next challenge of ......(DIN DINNNN) FLOWERING! :fire:


Well-Known Member
Moved the 1st 9 into the flowering enclosure... :)


I should have just started this Journal here and saved everyones time...haha


Well-Known Member
(From right to left) 50w Warm white (week 1-2), 50 Warm White (week 3-4), 50w Cool White (week 5-6), 50w Warm White (week 7-8), 5 x 3w 660nm bar, 50w Warm White (week 8-10), 5x 3w 660nm bar


Well-Known Member
Day 4 of 12/12

1st lot of LST today...not much change yet...a bit of stretching so i lowered the light a bit. 1st lot of flowering nutes...

'Down, down...and round the party cup we go....'

Jungled mess....

Light lowered...


Active Member
great setup you have goin!
nice progression in your cloning :D, how many days does it take your bubble cloner to root?

is there any noticable heat signature from the big 50 watt floods?
Im thinking about replacing my 200w mh with 3x 20w floods after seeing this thread, only needs to cover 3x small to medium vegging plants

look forward to seeing how the LST ends up


Active Member
very cool, thx.. I was having trouble finding some with decent shipping time =D

as this is for veg would strait cold white be best? or would you suggest mixing it up 2-1
Color Temp: 6500~7000K(Cool White) OR 3000-3200K (Warm White)


Well-Known Member
Since you will be only using 3....i would go for 2 x warm white and 1 x cool white. There is enough 'blue' in the warm whites to give you great vegetative growth....

My veg enclosure is made of 3 x 10w (2x warm and 1 x cool) 1 x 30w (cool) and 2 x 50w (1 x warm and 1 x cool) So around 140w (total) which provides light for: 3 mothers, up to 16 party cups, and a 15 spot bubble cloner. Actually quite amazing when thats the same as 2 x standard incandescent Edison lights.....

Sorry was just having a LEDgasm......:)


Well-Known Member
I love LST'ing then seeing them pop their heads back up....makes the plant seem more 'living' somehow...

Lots of bud sites starting to emerge in the forest

Coming along nicely. 5 main bud sites. Probably the limit i want

The LST on this Acid has helped it 'bulk' up more in just one day....still pretty spindly though...


Well-Known Member
Mission Impossible theme song in background: Here's your mission, should you decide to accept it.

Find a source for 3-5-10w multi- red chip consisting of 640/650/660

Put it in the center of the flood you use during flower. Put it on a dimmable driver. The dimmable circuit will allow for greater flexibility
and a 10w chip set


Well-Known Member and Bumping already looked into this....i have to leave it for now. (money)

50w and 100w multi's were our target.

You should give it a whirl bruv. :)


Well-Known Member
Bumping Spheda. We were both in talks with a manufacturer about designing a multi-chip. I think i even mentioned it earlier in this thread.

I will stick with the warm whites and cool whites and the 2 x 660nm bars that i will will build when my driver turns up.

Thinking about putting 2 x 640nm bars in a few cycles time....but just want to see what i can get out of this grow 1st.... :)


Active Member
Yeah build up some gear that is a brilliant idea eheh!
Starting to look interesting in there sweet garden

Peat why don't you shut up and do the same? Ahahah.. I mean it in the best possible way, make this merkaba pyramid switchable dimming bad ass :D


Well-Known Member
Who the F is Peat? lol.

Yeah, ya gotta roll with what you got, and available funds. Since I am not electrically skilled, I am limited in execution of my ideas. Hoping that once you follow my ideas you will hook a brutha up:bigjoint:

I figure one could retro fit a red mcpcb into a flood fixture and rock the whole grow


Active Member
Sorry for the spelling mistake pet:D
I am crap in electronic too honestly, but managing to play with the MEvo.. Soldering wiring this and that! Don't underestimate your electronic potentials.. All you need is time and patience (well some funds aargh)


Well-Known Member
I have handy man skillz, what I don't have is test equipment (nor the knowledge to use same) should something go wrong

I watched StarDustSailor dig through a couple problems, anyone of which would blow my mind, and Rrog on another site is now in week 2 of nonworking diy panel, with plenty of help, no less.

Now a red multichip should be a no brainer to mount and hook to a dimmable driver.

I'm thinking I only need max 10-30w total, so maybe 2 @ 20 on dimmer driver should be easy to build and inexpensive


1. Where to buy just a few
2. How many watts covers how big an area
3. How big does the heat sink need to be

4. Best ratio of 640-650-660