Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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Christianity has been debunked once and for all

So u think christianity is at fault because it considers sodomy (the act of creating AIDS by inserting the penis into the anus) to be wrong?

And abortion is a cool thing, mr faithless?

That document affirms Christianity.

Keep wishing that your sin and guilt will dissappear. See how far you get.

John The Baptist was the leading saviour of love -
and Jesus - he played the rhythm - the message of a dove.
how is it intellegent. its a biased opinion on his/her belief of religion. there was nothing factual about it.

The "maturity" part was easy. She had the maturity to think for herself, unlike some of the people who've responded to this thread. The "intelligence" part was related to the first part - she had the intelligence to have the maturity to think for herself.
So u think christianity is at fault because it considers sodomy (the act of creating AIDS by inserting the penis into the anus) to be wrong?

And abortion is a cool thing, mr faithless?

That document affirms Christianity.

Keep wishing that your sin and guilt will dissappear. See how far you get.

John The Baptist was the leading saviour of love -
and Jesus - he played the rhythm - the message of a dove.
How is abortion or sodomy confirming anything?

Whatever you call it, arguing over semantics, don't we all want to have faith in something? If some cats have to choose jesus, let them and let it go.Seriously, as a role model, you could do worse.

I myself like to think that mary is watching me.I even have St. Bridget tattoed on my arm in reverance.I choose to have faith because that is what i need to kee pme on track. I am not a bible thumper, but i need the piety and
humbleness that believing gives me. As long as it is healthy and fruitful, should we condemn anything, even if it has the possibility of being untrue?
If jesus helps that man get through his day happier and in a better way, why would you evven want to squash that?
maybe if people would stop fighting over shit that has no bearing on their own lives and concentrate on their own backyards more, we wouldnt have so much bullshit in the world.
Agnostic is the only logical religion. Logically, an omnipotent God may persist outside our empirical perception (An Scientific investigation thereof). Therefore, science CANNOT disprove teh existence of God (Though it can to a fair bit of damage to a 'litteral' translation of 'The Bible'. Furthermore by the very nature of the former, that latter becomes true, God cannot be proven, else faith is knowledge and God dethroned.

It's an OLD catch22 that serves no fucking purpose to debate because the only thing it achieves is dissent. You have been divided an conquered. Enjoy your paycheck.`i didnt read the debunking site Body because i dont need to. christianity is false and its NOT the worlds largest religion anymore. satanism and not levayen. spiritual satanism. it works with science unlike christianity. if you want to go to this site and find out the truth go right ahead. be open minded. the joy of satan yahoo egroup is the largest yahoo group. satanism is lawabiding no animal sacrifice or any bullshit. satanism is about empowering your mind. meditation is key. is it too much to say christianity is not the right religion. to you satanism might not be the right religion either. come on anyone can tell christianity isnt real. open your eyes. when you talk to god/pray does he ever talk back. i dont think he does.
and for everyone that thinks god gave them the beautiful marijane. im sorry but he didnt. i think it was evolution. no wait evolution isnt real. god made the earth a few thousand years ago. hmmmm something isnt adding up.`i didnt read the debunking site Body because i dont need to. christianity is false and its NOT the worlds largest religion anymore. satanism and not levayen. spiritual satanism. it works with science unlike christianity. if you want to go to this site and find out the truth go right ahead. be open minded. the joy of satan yahoo egroup is the largest yahoo group. satanism is lawabiding no animal sacrifice or any bullshit. satanism is about empowering your mind. meditation is key. is it too much to say christianity is not the right religion. to you satanism might not be the right religion either. come on anyone can tell christianity isnt real. open your eyes. when you talk to god/pray does he ever talk back. i dont think he does.
and for everyone that thinks god gave them the beautiful marijane. im sorry but he didnt. i think it was evolution. no wait evolution isnt real. god made the earth a few thousand years ago. hmmmm something isnt adding up.
No difference between what you said, and wht those mormons said that came to my house. A bunch of prpoganda, and nothing worth really looking at.
Look, I'll trade you my time for weed, and then you can speak ridiculousness all you want.
yes there is a difference. a lot of people dont know what satanism is all about. everyone knows about christianity. no one knows about the real satan. not the christian one. and i live on the east coast where good weed is scarce for my town at least. i have to grow my own dank.
If you listen to Christians in the United States you might come away with the impression that they're a persecuted lot.

Thats what the article said.Are you people persecuting them? Don't let different words for the same thing in the end divide everyone. Thats what they want.

The article was just pointing out a simple fact there. The Christians do in fact go around claiming that they're being persecuted. The article doesn't persecute anyone. It justs asks pertinent and legitimate questions or raises pertinent and legitimate issues regarding Christianity's foundations. That doesn't constitute persecution.
God is the truth and religion was created in a pale comparison and point of view by "Man" and the con of our existance has always been finding something pure and hindering it to gain control over the masses. I just believe in God.
I am 27 years old and I have to say that within my generation I find that most people accept that individual views are just that. Why do we find the need to prove to other people how right we are and how incredibly stupid they are for believing the way that they do? I wake up every day and attempt to express peace and understanding to the individuals I come in contact with. Everybody on here likes to say stuff like "Peace and Love" but I guess thats all lip service. I have read parts of the Bible and I have attended plenty of Sunday morning services. The one thing that I take away from it all is that I do not have all of the answers. I believe that there are other dimensions at play that I can never understand. However through intense personal experiences there is no doubt in my mind that God exists. So what I am left with is the reality that I must trust in a higher power. Nothing in that individuals long jumbled list of personal opinions gave me any concrete evidence that a God cannot exist. What I did pick up on at the end is that he would like to pass yet another law to control people and give the Government more power.
So now I will wait for someday to call me a fag or an idiot.
okay guys, here's the scoop. Christians today are the way they are because the Bible was translated by single minded and biased people, but NOT written by them. Christians are famous for cramming a bunch of shit that makes them feel better down everyone's throat, but you start trying to even offer another point of view you are a poor lost soul, mistaken, blindly flailing around in this plane of existance... Point is, they were raised that way and they will stay that way. But planing the guns and loading the canons isn't what needs to be done.. although we'd love to... anyhow, don't knock everything just cause a bunch of crazed lunatics are slingin' it. There's truth in the Bible, and there's a Jah lookin down to the earth, and He gave Jahpeople love to light the world. Jah be praised.
#1 rule besides not telling about your grow op...

dont talk about religion with people that have their whole lives/identities tied up in it...

they just get more rabid and less likely to see reason, and who can forget, nobody expects the spanish inquisition! (except all those poor bastards that were burned at the stake in the name of christian god, really think it couldnt happen again?)
It's all snake oil. There is no organized religon that isn't. Even Buddhism which shouldn't be devolves into religon . There seems to be a deep need in many people to have a outside all-powerful force to thank and blame, after all, such a great thing as mankind COULDN'T be just the result of random chance,could it?
"I'll state right up front that the foundations that Christianity is based on are sheer myth and sheer fantasy."

"Anyone who really believes deep down in their mind that Jesus Christ was the son of God is delusional."

"Religion fills that void; it's a crutch for some people."

"Scientists have already determined that based on what we know about the solar system and life, events as depicted in the 7 days of creation in the book of Genesis were a complete and total impossibility."

Christianity debunked? Thats a huge joke

Yet another atheist, angry at religion. And he thinks he is earth's scientific representative and historian...
You say that as if religion didn't merit our scorn.
Sure, there are alot of things about religion that I am fed up about. Like terrorists who think that killing you will make them martyrs because you don't accept their idea of God. But come on, in what way is Christianity effecting your life as an atheist email468 - Christians aren't going to stone you for not being Christian, you don't have Christians knocking at your door forcing you to repent your sins..

The problem I have with people who label themselves as atheists is that they generally tend to bash Christians. To a certain extent thats ok because everyone is entitled to an opinion, but it becomes a problem when atheists try to convince other people that religion is a lie. If you are an atheist - thats ok, its a choice you've made and a choice you are entitled to. If you are religious, thats fine - because thats a choice you've made and you are entitled to have that choice. Don't go around bashing people who turn to religion for hope just because of what you believe, as far as I know there is no mathematical formula that can prove or disprove either theories.

There is no way that we can prove or disprove the existence of an intelligent creator, when you show me this mathematical formula that can prove that billions of people were wrong I will denounce my beliefs.
debunked? please. the writer is obviously ignorant of christianity and probably every other religion. this could logically be called a rant about mysticism in general. but none of the points that he raised have any type of validity to a christian. dismissed.

if you want to debunk christianity to a christian, you must debunk the very foundation of their world-view, not just attack their implausible story. what is their foundation? the bible, of course. if you can get a christian to either lose faith in the book's authenticity or in their denomination's interpretation of it, then you will have debunked their faith. (this is much easier said then done.)

untill then, this is just another shallow thinking, non-believer spitting fire at some religion's queer ideas. get in line.
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