Well-Known Member
Heyyyy stoney.. just outta many seeds were in tHat package all 2gether?? jw. i didnt even count. lol. just went thru each pack i had and grabbed a few outta each. =) the only ones u didnt get were the dog kushes.. but thats cuz i only had 2.. and black rose.. cuz i only have like 2 or 3.. but other than that.. u should have every other strain i have! hahaha.. and once the floja are ready ill hook ya up. =) just keep me in mind wen those blueberry seeds are done.
lol. its 2 bad it hermied on ya tho... u think it was jus genetics..? or do u think it was due to stress? u said u got this bb strain from amsterdam urself?? im excited to see how the floja crosses turn out tho! =D never had sum1 grow out my strains b4.. lets hope 4 the best. they all consist of top notch strains... flo and double purple doja and ak 48/warlock/sensi star.... =) they gotta turn out good!