Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

Which Strain That I Am Currently Growing Is Your Favorite?

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woot! nice pulll down...doesnt it fuckin smell great whne you trim it? lol

i think i had that pheno to....were the buds on that one dense or loose?

yeaa man. such a sweet/candy smell!! love it! and noo man these were the most dense buds i have ever grown ever!! even the small popcorn buds feel like they weigh a ton!! cant even exlain how heavy the buds are... and i havent watered the plant in days.... sooo i know its not just really wet. =D

Very good quality man. Good job. My diesel came out the stickiest I've ever had also. Had to use gloves to trim because the buds would stick to my fingers so bad

thanks man. i wasnt expectin this plant to give me such great bud.. due to everything that hapened (mites) ya kno? but i am very suprised... and very happy. =D and yeaa im deff usin gloves next time.. i still have shit stickin to my fingers... i cant get it off! lol
heyy guys. had to do a couple things with the gf/... ;) soo didnt post the pics. im gonna just take all the pics i took and postem up as small pics. and resize them later. but jsut wanna give u guys sumthin to look at. =D enjoyyyyyyyyy


ok. i lied. lol. i decided to make them full size. but theyre all outta order... but obviously anything purple is floja.. anything not is batard bubba *sativa* which is at about 10 weeks adn floja is at 8 weeks now i believe... adn th eopther shot is just showin the inside of my flowering room. a lil crowded... 12 nirvana clones and a jack herrer... sensi star... warlock. another bigger ak 48 and full moon and bubblicious and northern lights... think thats it...? lol. enjoyyy thepics
lookin very nice bro!!! super frosty!!! that BB looks funny leaning over!!! I've been getting more sprouts every day or so... i know there is a sensi star x floja poking it's head above ground!!! but dude, your plants look great!!!!!
Yeah man gloves are def a good idea. Make sure u get powder free ones and make sure they fit tight on ur tips so u don't cut a bunch of holes in em (made this mistake myself haha).

Omg that giiant chola is king! I thought top cholas on my diesel were big (10in). So did that thing fall over or did u do that on purpose?

Also how do u shape ur plants into such perfect christmas trees? I see some string/wire on there so r u tieing them up, just trimming them? My new grow is in a very small space but I have about 6 feet of height so want to use every inch (its all indica)
heyy guys. had to do a couple things with the gf/... ;) soo didnt post the pics. im gonna just take all the pics i took and postem up as small pics. and resize them later. but jsut wanna give u guys sumthin to look at. =D enjoyyyyyyyyy

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ok. i lied. lol. i decided to make them full size. but theyre all outta order... but obviously anything purple is floja.. anything not is batard bubba *sativa* which is at about 10 weeks adn floja is at 8 weeks now i believe... adn th eopther shot is just showin the inside of my flowering room. a lil crowded... 12 nirvana clones and a jack herrer... sensi star... warlock. another bigger ak 48 and full moon and bubblicious and northern lights... think thats it...? lol. enjoyyy thepics

nice I like that single cola one bastard lol
Hey great update man...nice lookin colas. +rep.

Do you have any pictures of that Ak48? She was the first to sprout this time. She came out of the germination tissue on the second day! Dyin to get out of that seed lol...
Hey buddy how's it going! I must have missed your pics man, just spent the last few minutes drooling haha!

hahaha. thanks man! ughh cant wait to finish up the floja!! and the bastard bubba just doesnot want to finish!!! and yeaaa i always cover my keyboard with paper towels before i check out ur journal.. cuz i tend to drool all over my keyboard.. then it doesnt work.. =/

Hey great update man...nice lookin colas. +rep.

Do you have any pictures of that Ak48? She was the first to sprout this time. She came out of the germination tissue on the second day! Dyin to get out of that seed lol...

thanks. yeaa the plant look pretty good.. still have taken alotta damage from the mites... never really recovered. =/ but once the bastard bubba sativa and floja are harvested... ill have about 17 or 18 plants in the flower box. and theyre all under 3 weeks... 12 (nirvana sog grow) are almost at 3 weeks now actually. and the rest are all less than a week.

and yeaaa i do have pics of them. im gettin ready 2 head out to work. but ill find the pics of them for ya after. it was very very very frosty! deff one of the frostiest plants ive grown. and thats crazy it came out only after 2 days!! nirvanas seeds seed to have a really good germ rate and grow pretty quickly
ive heard good things of the ak48, northern lights is supposed to be great too. when you think you have eliminated spider mites, spray again. get in the habit of treating for insects that arent there. preventative maintenance is always easier than trying to deal with an infestation.

Some good advice

Very good shit bro! I started the Bastard Bubba months back and fell in love with the candy smell! But I wasn't able to finish it and had no more seeds till just recently. So just popped some, I'm really a fan of more sativa dominant strains so hearing of this sativa pheno is awesome! Gona deff need a smoke report! Hows the taste on the Indica pheno?
Very good shit bro! I started the Bastard Bubba months back and fell in love with the candy smell! But I wasn't able to finish it and had no more seeds till just recently. So just popped some, I'm really a fan of more sativa dominant strains so hearing of this sativa pheno is awesome! Gona deff need a smoke report! Hows the taste on the Indica pheno?

The taste on the indica pheno was great.. had a berry-ish type taste. I was very suprised wen I took that 1st hit. Was not expecting a blueberry taste. Every1 else I smoked it with loved the taste.. it was the 1st thing they would say... damnn this bud tastes so sweet/good. Couple other ppl agreed that there was a berry taste to it. =) smoked a sample piece of the sativa... but it didn't have much of a taste.. but we will see after its done and cured. Good luck with urs man. The indica pheno was one of the strongest weeds I've ever smoked.. it was a bit of a creeper. But wen it hit it hit hard!!!
Hell ya man good to know! I'll have to look back for some of the Indica pheno picks! Funny just checked the cups and one of the 2 BB's have popped lol.
heres sum pics 4 ya N-Hater. sum of the whole plant and a couple dry budshots. =) theres 1 pic of the main cola that looks great. if the bastard bubba were to go up for sale... then this pic should be the defaul pic! hahaha. here they are (dont worry aviee ill get the ak 48 pics up 4 ya 2)

Bastard Bubba Indica Pheno

Bastard Bubba INDICA budshot 2.jpgBastard Bubba INDICA 3.jpgBastard Bubba INDICA budshot.jpgBastard Bubba INDICA 1.jpgBastard Bubba INDICA budshot 3.jpgBastard Bubba INDICA 4.jpgBastard Bubba INDICA 2.jpg
aiight aeviee heres a few pics for ya of the AK 48. i 4got how beautiful of a plant she was! =D hope urs turns out like this!

AK-48 late in flowering. maybe week 5-6

AK-48.jpgAK-48 5.jpgAK-48 2.jpgAK-48 4.jpgAK-48 3.jpg

AK-48 Harvest (week 8/9)

AK-48 harvest 6.jpgAK-48 harvest 3.jpgAK-48 harvest 5.jpgAK-48 harvest.jpgAK-48 harvest 7.jpgAK-48 harvest 4.jpgAK-48 harvest 2.jpg

AK-48 BudShots *Beautiful Nugs*

AK-48 budshots 8.jpgAK-48 budshots 6.jpgAK-48 budshots 3.jpgAK-48 budshots 5.jpgAK-48 budshots 9.jpgAK-48 budshots.jpgAK-48 budshots 7.jpgAK-48 budshots 4.jpgAK-48 budshots 2.jpg

hope u enjoy the pics aeviee. i know i did. hahahaha. cant wait to have sum of these buds again! =) Enjoyyy man
I can't say it enough man, I'm so proud to grow your strains bro!! I have two flo K 48's, one didn't pop (yet) two shooting stars (one didn't pop yet) and I was so excited for the warlocks but all four didn't crack yet... it's been a while, but some times they take a while... I'll be patient.

how was the potency on the bubba?
and i can't get enough of the AK pics.... you know it's my favorite strain!!!