Child predator gets busted

Well, the current thinking is that he would be pummeled in the general erection. I am not so sure. I think the polls are quite possibly missing a lot.

The next two weeks will tell a lot as to whether the Reps can replace him in an open convention. It has happened many times before. I cannot offer insight to this as the Republican party excluded me long ago. We will see if the Republicans climb up on that particular tiger.

I am still hoping for the longshot that is Bernie Sanders. I would love to see Sanders and Cruz go head to head. Looooove it.

Whatever you say about America's politics, Bernie is a ray of hope that there are more of us with our heads on the outside of our assholes than inside.

I think the RC will stiff Trump and go with Cruz, trump will run as independent spend a billion to make a trillion
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I concur wholeheartedly. Pad is one of my all time favorite members, intelligent, sincere, and a great personality. I've read the sections of his threads that people have linked to which they thought were offensive, and I just couldn't see it. I think people are reading things into his prose that aren't objectively there. Either that, or I'm really missing something, which has happened before. Just my opinion, but I love me some Pada...

Tyler, I am stunned. Until now you have impressed me as one of the logic hammers of RIU. But you chose to disregard the links provided in this thread. The fact that much of Pad's violent misogyny has been removed (which is why he had the nerve to offer a bounty for references no longer endangering his position that he isn't a predator) does not make it untrue. You have just sent a kick at the undeserving women on this board whom Pad has insulted and threatened. He took hateful swipes at several of RIU's women, and then saw to their removal when those swipes outed his nature.
I contend that you really are missing something. But after the above expression of loyalty, I don't think you will look for it. But it is there if you care to look.
Tyler, I am stunned. Until now you have impressed me as one of the logic hammers of RIU. But you chose to disregard the links provided in this thread. The fact that much of Pad's violent misogyny has been removed (which is why he had the nerve to offer a bounty for references no longer endangering his position that he isn't a predator) does not make it untrue. You have just sent a kick at the undeserving women on this board whom Pad has insulted and threatened. He took hateful swipes at several of RIU's women, and then saw to their removal when those swipes outed his nature.
I contend that you really are missing something. But after the above expression of loyalty, I don't think you will look for it. But it is there if you care to look.
the mask of a psychopath you are right it is there, tyler s been groomed and im surprised too
Padwan's hate and general disdain for women is well known amongst us t&t vets. Probably why he migrated over to Politics, where hate and disdain for things is commonplace and he figured could just blend in with his passive- aggressive narcissism. It runs deep. A Freudian slip is when you mean one thing but you say a mother...
The fact that much of Pad's violent misogyny has been removed (which is why he had the nerve to offer a bounty for references no longer endangering his position that he isn't a predator) does not make it untrue. You have just sent a kick at the undeserving women on this board whom Pad has insulted and threatened. He took hateful swipes at several of RIU's women, and then saw to their removal when those swipes outed his nature.
Since you're making unfalsifiable claims - again, to purposefully mislead people - how bout this..

Let's ask the mods if they've had an issue with me and roughly how many of my posts have been deleted since 2006. I'd say not many more than a handful - out of 20,000 - and zero for the reasons you're claiming

Or ask any of the female members you're claiming I've "insulted and threatened" to post any allegations against me here, and let's see how well your story fits. Heck, I'd be satisfied with just the name(s) of these members because I know you can't produce them because you're lying

I'm going to make a prediction now that you decline both of those options and scurry back here with more excuses about how terrible your memory is, yet you can remember just enough vague details to paint me in a negative light for newer members, odd..

Padwan's hate and general disdain for women is well known amongst us t&t vets. Probably why he migrated over to Politics, where hate and disdain for things is commonplace and he figured could just blend in with his passive- aggressive narcissism. It runs deep. A Freudian slip is when you mean one thing but you say a mother...
So why don't any of you guys let it be known to the rest of us? Where are all these insulting and threatening posts you're claiming I've made towards female members? Where are the members themselves and why aren't they corroborating these claims? Seems odd that only a handful of members who don't like me and/or disagree with my views and opinions are the ones making the allegations and everyone else is siding with me. How does such a terrible guy gain a respectable (and flattering) reputation among them?
I spent an hour reading posts by him that wernt deleted, darkest poster on riu imo and theres stiff competition
Finally! Some evidence to look at! Please provide some of the posts you saw that haven't been deleted so we can all judge for ourselves. That would be appreciated
Damn.. just wasted an hour and a half reading this this thread and following links. I was supposed to be productive things this morning, like drink beer and cut my grass
Pin and Hep back in the same week!? Is it Christmas?! How you been man?
Since you're making unfalsifiable claims - again, to purposefully mislead people - how bout this..
Unfalsifiable because of your actions. You had others do your dirty work and now pretend to cleanliness.

Let's ask the mods if they've had an issue with me and roughly how many of my posts have been deleted since 2006. I'd say not many more than a handful - out of 20,000 - and zero for the reasons you're claiming
yes but that handful is where the damning evidence lived.

Or ask any of the female members you're claiming I've "insulted and threatened" to post any allegations against me here, and let's see how well your story fits. Heck, I'd be satisfied with just the name(s) of these members because I know you can't produce them because you're lying
Nice load transfer. Expect the harmed women to speak up against the circumstantial vituperation of them you set up masterfully by implication. When they say No, after all the abuse, you think that supports your claim. Sociopath you.

I'm going to make a prediction now that you decline both of those options and scurry back here with more excuses about how terrible your memory is, yet you can remember just enough vague details to paint me in a negative light for newer members, odd..
I do not need to scurry. You are the one scurrying, and some members have seen and do remember.
You actually are championing the fallacy that if it was erased or some do not remember, it didn't happen. As a malignant narcissist I recognize the maneuverings of a fellow bastard. I say, Bullshit.
Tough for you that I am choosing to speak up for the victims now and not the perpetrator. Fear not. Among those who matter, your game is exposed.

You are a pathological liar. I know the type. I am disgusted by your variably successful efforts to recruit innocents to your side of this story. A side made less awful by your very selective deletions.

So why don't any of you guys let it be known to the rest of us? Where are all these insulting and threatening posts you're claiming I've made towards female members? Where are the members themselves and why aren't they corroborating these claims? Seems odd that only a handful of members who don't like me and/or disagree with my views and opinions are the ones making the allegations and everyone else is siding with me. How does such a terrible guy gain a respectable (and flattering) reputation among them?

The same way I did. Be smooth and don't show them your real self if you can help it. Deep down you know your predatory nature is wrong.
Finally! Some evidence to look at! Please provide some of the posts you saw that haven't been deleted so we can all judge for ourselves. That would be appreciated

Pin and Hep back in the same week!? Is it Christmas?! How you been man?
As I and others have explained ... it is very dishonest of you to ask to see these posts when you made sure your old buddies erased the lot.

What astounds me is that folks I previously respected, notably Tyler and Pin, are hewing to your side. Enjoy the loyalty while it lasts, because in the end the truth will out. The truth is your mortal enemy.

I remember the awful things you said to Schuy and Pie and Dia and Annie. Your erasing those exemplars of raw woman-hatred does suggest that you know fully as well ... what you have done and need to hide lest you be scented correctly as
wolf in the fold.
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Unfalsifiable because of your actions. You had others do your dirty work and now pretend to cleanliness.
I think you're making unfalsifiable claims in hopes your weight with people personally will hold, and with some, I'm sure it will. But like I said, any reasonable person is going to require some kind of evidence to back up a claim before they believe it, that has nothing to do with loyalty either, that's simply common sense.

As you show here, you're making another unfalsifiable claim because watch what happens when I ask; Who did I have "do my dirty work"? I bet you can't name somebody, because then we would be able to ask them and verify it.. Why don't you make a claim that I or others will be able to go verify for ourselves? Don't you have a single corroborating piece of evidence outside a handful of people's memory?

That seems odd..
yes but that handful is where the damning evidence lived.
@GreatwhiteNorth, @potroast, @rollitup, @sunni

I really hate to bring any of you into any of this, but have any of you ever had any issues with me "insulting or threatening" anybody, ever over the course of 10 years since I became a member?
Nice load transfer. Expect the harmed women to speak up against the circumstantial vituperation of them you set up masterfully by implication. When they say No, after all the abuse, you think that supports your claim. Sociopath you.
Post an example, let's see for ourselves
You actually are championing the fallacy that if it was erased or some do not remember, it didn't happen. As a malignant narcissist I recognize the maneuverings of a fellow bastard. I say, Bullshit.
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if you're hoping to convince anyone of this, your only route to that end is through unverifiable means and that's not because I asked anyone to delete anything, every single mod on RIU will verify the only posts/threads I've ever asked to be deleted are my own for various reasons. I've communicated and interacted with hundreds of people here over the years, I'm sure some people don't like me and that doesn't bother, shock, or surprise me, such is life, you can't please everyone. It's not something that would upset me, that's just not the kind of person I am or the way I look at life in general.

I think most people might have some degree of narcissism, but the definition you gave - Malignant narcissism - effectively means you get pleasure out of others pain and don't feel remorse or regret for it. That's something I can tell you without any doubt I don't have, now you can choose to believe that or not, my evidence is my personal credibility and reputation I have with members of this site. Each of them can choose for themselves what kind of person I am based upon our interactions together.
Tough for you that I am choosing to speak up for the victims now and not the perpetrator. Fear not. Among those who matter, your game is exposed.
OK bud..
You are a pathological liar. I know the type. I am disgusted by your variably successful efforts to recruit innocents to your side of this story. A side made less awful by your very selective deletions.
I haven't done anything but ask for evidence, reasonable people make up their own minds
The same way I did. Be smooth and don't show them your real self if you can help it. Deep down you know your predatory nature is wrong.
My real self is exposed for anyone to see for themselves if they'd like. Where do you think I come to be my real self? You don't really get the off chance opportunity to ask someone in passing, Can we have a meaningful discussion about the effectiveness of capitalism?, or Do you support or oppose genetically modifying human embryos?, or hundreds of other things, so I ask them here and most of the time it starts an interesting conversation, and I think everyone involved is more enriched for it. Introverts like me still have the opportunity to interact socially with other people.
As I and others have explained ... it is very dishonest of you to ask to see these posts when you made sure your old buddies erased the lot.

What astounds me is that folks I previously respected, notably Tyler and Pin, are hewing to your side. Enjoy the loyalty while it lasts, because in the end the truth will out. The truth is your mortal enemy.

I remember the awful things you said to Schuy and Pie and Dia and Annie. Your erasing those exemplars of raw woman-hatred does suggest that you know fully as well ... what you have done and need to hide lest you be scented correctly as
wolf in the fold.
Like I said, man, it has nothing to do with loyalty. I think you're trying to use that card coupled with your standing with certain people (established through previously admitted lies and manipulation) to try to pit people against each other. People are free to believe whatever they want to believe based on the evidence that's provided, or in this case, the absence of any evidence..
What I really wanna know is if that dude in the first post here got arrested. And also why the 23 year old was so good at acting like a 13 year old lol :clap:
Yeah, it looked like he just let him walk off and that was it.. Seems both potentially dangerous and not very effective at solving much, I mean unless the local PD see the clip online or something and can ID the guy from that. I read a few of the comments on Reddit where I saw this clip and everyone was asking "What if the guy had a gun!? What an idiot!" lol..

His car was dirty as hell
Yeah, it looked like he just let him walk off and that was it.. Seems both potentially dangerous and not very effective at solving much, I mean unless the local PD see the clip online or something and can ID the guy from that. I read a few of the comments on Reddit where I saw this clip and everyone was asking "What if the guy had a gun!? What an idiot!" lol..

His car was dirty as hell
Fuck yea his car was dirty.. I felt bad when he said he was molested as a kid himself thought he was gonna cry or kill the guy lol. At the end of the video it says he was reported to authorities
the only posts/threads I've ever asked to be deleted are my own for various reasons. ..

Saved before you come to your senses and have this admission deleted too.

CN forgot MySunnyBoy and a few others. You're asking for evidence you've had removed, then asking us to ask those who removed it for you to verify it existed?

So 20 eye witnesses saw you murder someone but you managed to get rid of the murder weapon so you pretend it didn't happen? Then you ask the police to ask your accomplices if you did it? THAT'S your alibi?

As I said before, most of the members who saw your shit and/or were victims of your shit are gone and therefor not able to comment. Again, doesn;t mean it didn;t happen. How convenient for you.

UncleBaldrick and Pinny don;t remember such things because it was before their time, while you were still hiding in the politics forum as CN said.

Nobody has ever wiped the floor with my ass here (although I HAVE wiped my ass on a few people's floors), especially you.

I post this for posterity's sake.

Good day
Saved before you come to your senses and have this admission deleted too.

CN forgot MySunnyBoy and a few others. You're asking for evidence you've had removed, then asking us to ask those who removed it for you to verify it existed?

So 20 eye witnesses saw you murder someone but you managed to get rid of the murder weapon so you pretend it didn't happen? Then you ask the police to ask your accomplices if you did it? THAT'S your alibi?

As I said before, most of the members who saw your shit and/or were victims of your shit are gone and therefor not able to comment. Again, doesn;t mean it didn;t happen. How convenient for you.

UncleBaldrick and Pinny don;t remember such things because it was before their time, while you were still hiding in the politics forum as CN said.

Nobody has ever wiped the floor with my ass here (although I HAVE wiped my ass on a few people's floors), especially you.

I post this for posterity's sake.

Good day
Yeah yeah, more of the same "But I remember!"

You have fun with that