Well-Known Member
Fuckin A right, lolcause that ass would get whupped right?
Fuckin A right, lolcause that ass would get whupped right?
maybe he uses that $ to but those diapers etc. How is growin up around weed bad?Zeke doesnt have the power to. The kid will do what ever they want. If they are homosexual, they are homosexual. You cant change that. You cant make the decisions for them either. They will be a fuck up if they choose to make wrong decisions. Growing up around medical marijuana isnt safe. Its basically legal drug dealing. Would you send your child to a daycare, that grew medical marijuana.? I dont think so. Its not a favorable environment to raise a child around weed. If you want them coming out somewhat stable
same thing pops woulda took out the belt if i did something he didn't approve moms didnt really do it tho.Fuckin A right, lol
who said anything about being born a fuck up? You cant change people. thats why I brought it up. You cant control anyone. That is obscene that you think that. You can mentor, and you can teach but you cant force anything on anyone, even your child.. Thats up to the person either wanting to accept it, or not.It's not true that a kid will do what ever they want. A kid will do whatever they want if you allow them to. As a parent, you have the power to control your child until they are 18.
Well, kids don't do whatever the hell they want in my family. Guess we're just different that way
I don't know why you would even bring homosexuality up. Smoking weed is a CHOICE. Being homosexual is NOT. Like you said, if they are homosexual, they are homosexual.soo you change your mind wiki, only in your family now????
Kid's aren't BORN fuck ups. Sometimes they're created, and sometimes they're just allowed to become fuck ups, but no one is a born fuck up.
what do you mean created?Sometimes they're created
I hate those type's of people who think that are positive about everything, like you.. so what are the fuck ups like me, where the parents didn't allow it, and couldn't stop it? huh?? not that im a fuck up now, just experimented early.sometimes they're just allowed to become fuck ups
Kids tend to do the opposite of their parents. We were long hairs, our son can't stand for his hair to even touch his ears.
You can teach and tell but in the end they're going to do whatever the hell they want, they're like people that way.![]()
cough, cough wikiWell, kids don't do whatever the hell they want in my family. Guess we're just different that way![]()
growing up around weed is fine, growing up on weed is badKids tend to do the opposite of their parents. We were long hairs, our son can't stand for his hair to even touch his ears.
You can teach and tell but in the end they're going to do whatever the hell they want, they're like people that way.![]()
Well, kids don't do whatever the hell they want in my family. Guess we're just different that way![]()
growing up around weed is fine, growing up on weed is bad
my thoughts:
if you grow up around weed, you eventually end up trying weed.
And you love it!
then your doomed the rest of your life. If you start smoking young your setting your self up for disaster.
nowa days its more like middle school. They are curious about it sooner when they see daddy ripin a funny smelling joint, or curious when they find a little sac of weed and a pipe when daddys gone. No not a baby hitting a bong, but a teenage stoner. Growing up, smoking.How is anyone going to grow up on weed. Like a baby hitting the bong? That is just stupid. Kids try shit in HS. It's what they do. They are curious. It's natural.
If you talk to them, they might not try stupid stuff. The worst thing a parent can do think "if I don't talk to them about it they won't ever find out".
What is your argument here? I didn't understand most of it. I guess I got the impression that you were suggesting some kids were born to be fucked up when you brought up the comparison homosexuality. Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's just part of you.who said anything about being born a fuck up? You cant change people. thats why I brought it up. You cant control anyone. That is obscene that you think that. You can mentor, and you can teach but you cant force anything on anyone, even your child.. Thats up to the person either wanting to accept it, or not.
what do you mean created?
I hate those type's of people who think that are positive about everything, like you.. so what are the fuck ups like me, where the parents didn't allow it, and couldn't stop it? huh?? not that im a fuck up now, just experimented early.
Itts not fucking ok to smoke weed when raising a child, let along grow medical marijuana. How is that ok? Thats all my trying to fight. You can enforce the rules, but its still their decision not yours. I brought up the homosexual stuff stating you cant change someone, Thats what I ment by it, you cant change someone. Not trying to relate it to the debate any other way. No I dont hate you, but I hate that you like arguing as much as meWhat is your argument here? I didn't understand most of it. I guess I got the impression that you were suggesting some kids were born to be fucked up when you brought up the comparison homosexuality. Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's just part of you.
Amd you say you brought it up because "you can't change people" well no, you can't change a homosexual, because they were born that way. I agree, you can't change something about someone that they were BORN WITH. How does this relate to a child being raised by parents who use marijuana in any way?
I mean created because bad kids are often a product of bad parenting. Or other factors in their lives. I know people who may have chosen their paths, but their options weren't so great to begin with.
"I hate those type's of people who think that are positive about everything, like you.. so what are the fuck ups like me, where the parents didn't allow it, and couldn't stop it? huh?? not that im a fuck up now, just experimented early."
So you hate me? I thought we were just debating. I don't hate you, for the record.
What exactly are you asking me? What ABOUT fuck ups like you? What would I know about fuck ups like you? I didn't fuck up like you, so...sorry, I'm as lost as you are.
I would guess you chose to do whatever it is you did. You sound like smart guy with a mind of your own.
dream on *waves white flag*I'm willing to accept your surrender at any time![]()
You say dream on, as in NOdream on *waves white flag*
I think they will do what ever the fuck they want. If the parent is a smoker, I believe their child would have more intreats in smoking than a child of a non smoking house. I think youth shouldn't smoke. They need to develop first before they can start killing shit off. I think growing up around medical marijuana could be setting your child up for a disaster life.