Chemdawg #4- Seed to smoke journal.. Dr Greenthumb

day 1 of 12/12--- 40 days from seed......had a few problems along the way and i included pictures. Ive tried many things to help but so far I cant figure out how to stop it. It starts during the seedling phase and usually grows out of it. this one was taking longer then usual so i tried adding some cal/mg and it made it worse....take a look. plants range from 15 to 19 inches from the soil line.

plant 1...

plant 2....

Plant 3.....

plant 4.....

problems.....any ideas???

it looks to me it might be an over watering issue or lack of drainage from the bucket. mature leaves are dark and phat sugesting over water and the burning looks like over fert. I say flush with ph water insure good drainage remove damage leaves and let them almost dry out. use 1/2 strength nutes for the next few waters. did some CD in soilless, very good yeilding strain
Calcium def, do you have cal mag? And maybe iron def.

I tried cal/mg and it got much worse....

it looks to me it might be an over watering issue or lack of drainage from the bucket. mature leaves are dark and phat sugesting over water and the burning looks like over fert. I say flush with ph water insure good drainage remove damage leaves and let them almost dry out. use 1/2 strength nutes for the next few waters. did some CD in soilless, very good yeilding strain

will check into that drainage thing but they havent been fed much so i dont think its that.

Wats the difference between chemdawg#4 and chemdog from greenhouse?im growing gh chemdog and wanna know the difference

Gh chem is not real Chem from what i can tell. It looks like they crossed SD with OG and called it Chemdawg. Both of those came from the original Chemdawg so i guess they thought they could re create it. Doc's Chem #4 is from the original clone. If you do a search on Chemdawg history you will start to see what i mean.
but just because its not the real Chem does not mean its not good.
That's crazy. I was going to suggest cal/mag also.
my plants are still in arrested development. Problems
All around.
I flushed with distilled water ph'd to like 5.3 this am.
still no pre-flowers. I'm stumped as well.
Good luck with this issue doc, I'll be watching.
That's crazy. I was going to suggest cal/mag also.
my plants are still in arrested development. Problems
All around.
I flushed with distilled water ph'd to like 5.3 this am.
still no pre-flowers. I'm stumped as well.
Good luck with this issue doc, I'll be watching.

might be a good idea to shoot Doc an email. maybe this has happened before and he will have advice. just dont yell at him or accuse him...he is a good guy and will take care of you if its not your fault.
Yeah, I thought about asking the doc.
I'm thinking its got to be a night time temp thing. It's been like 45f lately.
Idk. My runt has buds all over the place. Anyway I don't want to hijack your thread.
did you ask doc about those spots?
Sometimes my plants leaves do that when I transplant into bigger pots. They get a little stressed and the leaves get spots. They look fine.
dr gruber, do you use straight tap water? i would hope not....if you dnt have a reverse osmosis system then my suggestion to you is get a couple 5 gallon buckets and fill them with water, get a couple airstones with air pumps...there cheap...put the airstones in the water so all the chlorine disapates....takes at least 24 balance your water....6.4 to 7.0....tap water is usually 8.0....get some ph up and down just in case and a ph tester....get some gallon jugs..i buy arizona ice tea by the gallon and there jugs last a long time cuz there thick...fill your jug up with the water and nutes...then check the ph...also are you using synthetic nutes cuz i noticed your growing with soil??...if so you need to switch to organic for soil as syntetic has way to many salts in teas are the shit...worm farm ocean forest and perlite is all you need plus the organics....very little organics...dnt add nutes for the first 3 weeks of seedling stage or 4...and start lightly...remember every strain is different and im sure you know this...but this is a very easy and reliable way so you dnt have the deficenceys i see you is what the problem is but if you stick with this method you won't run into this problem often...but cal/mag never hurts and i use it also 1/3 the strength....yes im new to the FORUM but have been growing 20 yrs so im just here to help with what i have just a quiet kinda fella ...never been cought yano....hopes this helps fellow tokergrowers..
Hey Gruber...

You said you have not fed them much so maybe this is off track... but, CalMag+ has quite a bit of N in it. Maybe it was the N that made the plants worse.... not the Cal and Mag. This is just "book/forum learned" info, but, I have been told excess N will lockout calcium.

General Organics makes a Ca Mg that does not come with a load of N, like botanicare's CalMag+. I have been having similar issues that I am pretty sure was caused by excess N. So, I picked up some. I watered with a mild nutrient solution, ph'd a little high, and a light dose of the Ca Mg. It seems to be clearing things up.

Ca Mg from General Organics is 5% calcium 1% mag. No N... It is organic, so, you know, it smells fucking terrible... haha.

I'll be watching this one for sure... I am interested in Dr G's Chem 4... I have avoided the Chem for a while as I have heard that it is a very strong smelling plant. I like to keep low odor as much as possible. I have not had too much experience smoking chem. Curious...
Hey Gruber...

You said you have not fed them much so maybe this is off track... but, CalMag+ has quite a bit of N in it. Maybe it was the N that made the plants worse.... not the Cal and Mag. This is just "book/forum learned" info, but, I have been told excess N will lockout calcium.

General Organics makes a Ca Mg that does not come with a load of N, like botanicare's CalMag+. I have been having similar issues that I am pretty sure was caused by excess N. So, I picked up some. I watered with a mild nutrient solution, ph'd a little high, and a light dose of the Ca Mg. It seems to be clearing things up.

Ca Mg from General Organics is 5% calcium 1% mag. No N... It is organic, so, you know, it smells fucking terrible... haha.

I'll be watching this one for sure... I am interested in Dr G's Chem 4... I have avoided the Chem for a while as I have heard that it is a very strong smelling plant. I like to keep low odor as much as possible. I have not had too much experience smoking chem. Curious...

interesting info...will keep that in mind for next run. Chem does smell but i love that. as long as i keep my odor control in check i dont have any issues.
I'm gonna say you might have a potassium issue, I say this due to the prob getting worse when adding cal. too much cal will make potassium harder for plant to get absorbed and it will cause iron def like spots and can look like it and the curl of leaves. get your ph back in line with a quick flush feed 1/2 nutrient and see what new growth looks like as old will not get better.
I'm gonna say you might have a potassium issue, I say this due to the prob getting worse when adding cal. too much cal will make potassium harder for plant to get absorbed and it will cause iron def like spots and can look like it and the curl of leaves. get your ph back in line with a quick flush feed 1/2 nutrient and see what new growth looks like as old will not get better.

i was leaning that way too.
They have recovered now so next time i run seeds I will try your advice.
21 days of 12/12.....sorry for the lack of updates. Its been a very busy time at home and at work but most of that is done now so i will be more on top of it.

Very cool! We should be chopping close to the same time!

my stasis problem was cold temps, never had that problem before.

looking forward to to the rest of your chem grow!
looking good doc.
Very cool! We should be chopping close to the same time!

my stasis problem was cold temps, never had that problem before.

looking forward to to the rest of your chem grow!
looking good doc.


Does that mean you have the temps under control and they have started flowering?