Hey man how is the grow going! I see you scraped the original ghetto cab.
Can't wait to see your next set of photos. Going to kick back and smoke a big

hit when I do.
Ha, we will too... Right fucking now.
Here we go... We were going to scrap the old ghetto cab, but figured it'll do us well for seedlings or vegging a mother. There's actually adequate FL lighting in there. So much so that we've seen some entire grows use less. They got shit yields, but that's why we got those HPS lights
So we set the seedling/clone cab (Henceforth the Ghetto-cab, or G-cab for short) up, and we've planted a single seed to see how it goes. We've put the tower of lights up against the back of the G-cab for some added warmth, as our basement is cold.
That last set of pics was another makeshift setup where we were using rubber cloth as a substrate/lid. It was dumb. While fixing that f'up, we completely submerged little Shakira in Nutrient water, and it looked like she was gonna die for a minute.
It sounds silly, but to fix her, we added some oxi-clean to the nutrient res. Not only does it disrupt the surface tension of the water on a molecular level, but it gets rid of any algae problems that may have developed. On top of that, it makes Nute suds that completely saturate the root sustem with the perfect mix of water/air. So far so good. These pics are a day after we added the oxi-clean. If you have any questions, look up grey water irrigation on google.
All in all, we've got explosive root growth, and a shit tonne of new nodes coming in. The leaves look like a kaleidoscope.
Thanks for watching our first grow, and smoke plenty... It'll make these ridiculous things we've been doing seem smarter, or at the very least more entertaining.
Also, we just made a pacman sponge instead of a netpot, and that'll work until she gets quite a bit bigger, but by then we'll have to switch the tote to something larger anyhow.
For some reason I didn't get any root pics, or closeups of the new foliage, but they'll be there before the nights over.
TLDR; We stunted our plant growth and fixed it with laundry detergent. Also, pacman.