Chainsaw time?


Well-Known Member
Girls are in 65 gallon pots, can't move them. Now the sun don't hit them till 10 am so it's a long damp night, as opposed to 7 am a month ago. Will cutting down trees to gain light affect the cycle at this point? I just don't need more mold/mildew.
More hours of sun will effect bud growth. It will not change the light cycle. Plants can "see" light even if it isn't shining on them.

That's what I was hoping. I just need the general area to be drier. Spent the past two nights trimming out alot of stuff and spraying the trunks with an apple cider vinegar mix for the mildew.
Get a Horstail to made tea that you will spray 3 days in a row for prevention against Botryitis,PM,etc..
and try to get Chitosane Hydrocloride for plants,he will made root zone whithouth a pathogens and
then you are on safer side if we talk funghal diseases...

also as you say to cut more trees to give better air circulation is very beneficial to do..

One year outdoor haved few plants,some Oz Sativa that growed hugeass trees,on 15.10. i was check them
and sees very nice shiny buds from resin but she wasnt finished and i needed to live her longer..
come to check on 1.November and all buds was goes to mush from Botryitis..
plant growed surrounded by high native bush and there wasnt much air circulation..
that was destroy them,and off course i didnt treated her with nothing to not made road
thru high grass to not live a trail..

Its great if you have better control over your plants as then you will be possible to protect her
somekind... those 2 advices are checked on mine own and they work for sure and protects
plant against those issues you mention.. and air circulation works better than when plants
are protected against wind..
I'm honestly half thinking of making a few gallons of homemade hot sauce with water, apple cider vinegar, habaneros and garlic and hitting them every week with that. I've never used it with organic soil tho and idk if it would kill the soil life and I already ordered nematodes and lady bugs. I'd hate to have that fail and kill or drive off the beneficial bugs. I was thinking if vinegar controls the mildew and the rest controls the pests, I may have solved a few problems in one shot. Last time I used that on an indoor synthetic grow the trichomes were so frosty you couldn't even see the color of the buds lol. But idk, that's just my thinking at the moment.
It's a little too late now but next yr when they are smaller try actinovate ...its a natural bacteria that lives on the leaves. It will help prevent rot
only the bottom got sprayed but they all look awesome this morning.
Good to hear! Yeah the bugs wont likr thr peper spray. We dont reallu get a lot of pests here...thank God. But I did start adding silica regularly to my plants and noticed a lot thicker leaves. It makes the cell walls super hard so nibbling on the leaves becomes harder for them and they move on....j did notice almost a 50% decrease on grasshopper munching. If I had anything bad I would use the hot pepper spray in a heartbeat.
If you ever have slug or snail problems just put a pan out with some beer in it. Best thing in the world to kill them.
Good to hear! Yeah the bugs wont likr thr peper spray. We dont reallu get a lot of pests here...thank God. But I did start adding silica regularly to my plants and noticed a lot thicker leaves. It makes the cell walls super hard so nibbling on the leaves becomes harder for them and they move on....j did notice almost a 50% decrease on grasshopper munching. If I had anything bad I would use the hot pepper spray in a heartbeat.
If you ever have slug or snail problems just put a pan out with some beer in it. Best thing in the world to kill them.

No slugs or anything. Does the silica affect flavor?
No slugs or anything. Does the silica affect flavor?
Some say it does but I didnt notice any at all. I didnt foliar feed when in heavy flower tho either...I stopped after week 3. Then after that it was just root drench.
I think the ones who say it does are probably tasting residue from spraying too late?
Well this is what I have noticed through the yrs. Plants with thicker stems and leaves usually have bigger buds with more resin. Plants with lighter leaves that are thin and have thinner branches just over all doesnt produce as good.
My aim every yr is to have those thick leathery type leaves and strong thick stems.
Silica is actually an amazing thing... you should read up on it sometime... helps with frost and drought the yield...helps with many many things including making stronger stems so they can take a bit more of a beating in a storm
Well this is what I have noticed through the yrs. Plants with thicker stems and leaves usually have bigger buds with more resin. Plants with lighter leaves that are thin and have thinner branches just over all doesnt produce as good.
My aim every yr is to have those thick leathery type leaves and strong thick stems.
Silica is actually an amazing thing... you should read up on it sometime... helps with frost and drought the yield...helps with many many things including making stronger stems so they can take a bit more of a beating in a storm

Seen a youtube video about silica but the Kaligrownbudz dude has too many sound effects to not get a headache in 2 seconds.
I avoid neeming my veggies because it make their skin tough... I think lol. I just want some good smoke, everyone picks early and doesn't cure right.
I dont use neem ... I wont actually. And I know this is very debatable and a sensitive subject to most but neem is an astringent. I wont add an astringent to my plants when I work so hard to build the microbes in my soil. Some say it wont harm them others say yes. But to each their own. I just use ladybugs and move on with life.