cfl vs hps/mh??


Well-Known Member
okay i was wondering if i had 4 65w cfls at 2700k or a mixed spectrum would that be equal to a 250w hps. be just as good for the plants growth and still get good buds?? thanx guys


Active Member
Yes it would be better as more sources of light from the envirolite, saturating buds from all sides creating no shade but the 250 watt will penetrate futher, still the envirolites will yield more due to more lumens and better spectrum, especially as sea of green/lst.


Well-Known Member
you really should search cfl vs hps before starting this kinda thing,

cus here we go again
just walk away man, so in a month when this thread is fourty pages long and long turned into a flame war, you can just sit there and laugh...