Cfl Sour Diesel Clone and Bagseed grow


Active Member
What do you want it changed to?

And as far as the 20-20-20 nutes I would use it until you can grab something else. Not that it terrible but you can get something way better.
Can you please change it to CFL sour diesel clone and bagseed grow? I'm going to add my month old bagseed grow too which I have not mentioned yet. As far as the nutes, what would be a better route than the 20-20-20 peters I have? And how often should I feed it?


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HELP: why are my leaves curling like canoes with the tips of my leaves pointing down?!?! :( what's she trying to tell me?


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bump.. going to put pictures up as soon as my phone charges but till then any advice would be appreciated... the thermostat at the bottom of my put says about 79-84F but i would have to imagine the temp in the 1 inch space between the bulb and foliage has to be around 100F at least..


Active Member
alright so here are a couple pictures of my problem. top pictures shows how the leaves are folding like upside down tacos and the bottom picture shows how the tips of the leaves are bending downward.



Active Member
just got back from lowes, got myself a few splitters. now have 210watts for her to bask in. here is a picture of the current set up.. and as far as my problems go ive only gotten that it might be a heat issue or a ph issue... not too sure but temps havent been over 82F all day long. any advice on that is still GREATLY appreciated.



Well-Known Member
just got back from lowes, got myself a few splitters. now have 210watts for her to bask in. here is a picture of the current set up.. and as far as my problems go ive only gotten that it might be a heat issue or a ph issue... not too sure but temps havent been over 82F all day long. any advice on that is still GREATLY appreciated.

Looks like a combination of heat and low RH to me, but make sure whatever that Peter's is that you are feeding with has some Ca, and Mg in it also.
Here's the link to my last CFL grow, I did with 305w for one plant, and got a little over 2.7 oz. dry and cured.
Right now, I'm vegging 2 plants in the same space, under 104w of 5000k, and 167w of 2700k.April20lightsaftermoreLST_zpsa5c26b92.jpg


Active Member
Sorry for my ignorance but what's RH? I would be pretty happy if I could get almost 3oz out of it, I don't know why my friend said I'm looking at harvesting a half oz.. just hatin I guess :p

I fixed your thread title.

And like others said it looks like a temp promblem or ph. At first when I saw the pic I thought it was overwatering as well but if you water only when dry then it could be the other 2.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for my ignorance but what's RH? I would be pretty happy if I could get almost 3oz out of it, I don't know why my friend said I'm looking at harvesting a half oz.. just hatin I guess :p
"RH" = Relative Humidity.
No such thing as stupid questions.;-)
My link, I just harvested and dried, with 305w of CFL's, and I ended up with 2.72 oz dried and cured, so with a little due diligence, and some research, your 3 oz goal is NOT beyond your reach.


Active Member
"RH" = Relative Humidity.
No such thing as stupid questions.;-)
My link, I just harvested and dried, with 305w of CFL's, and I ended up with 2.72 oz dried and cured, so with a little due diligence, and some research, your 3 oz goal is NOT beyond your reach.
Ahh, gotcha, thank you. Well I'm alternating a humidifier and a much larger exhaust fan, hopefully that will take away my problems. Your grow thread is nice bakatare, it does remind me a lot of my own grow space.. and I'd be happy with 3oz dry for sure!


Well-Known Member
looking good small steps and you will get where you want to be.
do you have any air movement in the room? other than that try to keep them temps under 80 and the lights close.
good luck any question feel free. bob


Active Member
looking good small steps and you will get where you want to be.
do you have any air movement in the room? other than that try to keep them temps under 80 and the lights close.
good luck any question feel free. bob
Thanks bob. i just added a second fan into my space but cant seem to get the temp under 83F, along with a humidifier that was on for a few hours today to boost RH, and that seemed to help my crop a lot. i then watered and fed her. shes looking good, pistols everywhere and little baby flowers are starting to grow :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks bob. i just added a second fan into my space but cant seem to get the temp under 83F, along with a humidifier that was on for a few hours today to boost RH, and that seemed to help my crop a lot. i then watered and fed her. shes looking good, pistols everywhere and little baby flowers are starting to grow :D
If you have 2 fans, keep one for circulation, and the other, set it on the floor, oscillating, pointed up, so that as it rotates, it blows the warmer air out from the top. (Hot air rises).


Active Member
thanks baka.. i just got done reading xp0c's grow thread, and after seeing him only get 2.5oz out of that CFL monster he had im not going to lie, im a little disscouraged :/


Well-Known Member
have you checked out sincerly420's thread pulling almost that much weight with only a week veg. sure its not cfls but still just as impressive.
do your homework and you will be fine. 2.5 oz for me would cover my costs by selling an oz and keeping the rest. so i do not think that is to terrible.


Active Member
I haven't seen his thread actually. But I wanted to yield enough so that I could get $$ to redo my setup, buy a low watt hps, some nice seeds, and still have enough to smoke until my next harvest.. I'm going to put 5-10 plants out in the woods behind my house by the creek.. that way come sept-oct ill have a nice few pounds hopefully.


Well-Known Member
I know all about the dreams of making the best setup you could.
another way to roughly guess how you are shooting for is grams/watt.
from what I have read good is about 0.5 grams/watt and great is anything over 1 gram/watt.
so I am shooting with my 450w is about 225 grams or 8 ounces but would be happy with even half that.
good luck with the outdoor I am gonna hopefully have some bushes also.


Active Member
well if i got .5g/watt i would end up with about 105 grams, which i would be happy with. but here's an update, the bagseed grow ended up being male so i pulled him. the sour has pistols popping out everywhere, such a good looking plant. i also started to germ a Ceres Seeds - Northern lights x skunk which will be one of my outdoor grows for this season XD . i'll post pictures once the buds start to form on my sour!