CFL Pc Grow Box. 13 Days Old


Well-Known Member
Nice baby, Matt!! As for LST, just tie shit out of the way. Doesn't matter where you start, cause once you do start, your plant will respond with new growth, showing you the way of what needs to be tied down more/next. Just remember, it's a plant, and a weed nonetheless. It's pretty resiliant, and lots of peope on here snap branches and just splint them back together, often times saying "I think the branch i broke produced more!" Just think, the goal of LST is to increase light exposure and get an even canopy, so there is no wrong way as long as parts of the plants that used to be shaded are now getting light, and all growth is even...or at least thats the goal! Keep your thumbs green buddy, plant is looking good!
Ok so I'm going to start tying lower branches tonight, and thanks harvey i'll water em! Haha thanks everyone! And Homer I have about 16" total but the baby is 4" right now, and pot it 5" so like seven inches or so. I was thinking about tying the main colas to the side up to the empty space and the pot under the lights. Just an idea.

oh Btw im just wonderin if my profile pic is like.. working haha i cant see it but i set it. i feel dumb asking


Well-Known Member
Ok Update: Day 22

I did some lsting just now and here are some pics!! haha i"m pretty sure i did it alright because two nodes get alot more light now.
I have a question about trimming fan leaves that are completely covering a budsite! look at the pic with me bending the leaf.
Thanks :leaf:



Well-Known Member
You could try tucking it under... I would probably cut off the single blade off the leaf (or the whole leaf if you want to). Just my 2 cents, others might not agree...


Well-Known Member
People always swear that cutting fan leaves is detrimental, but I swear that some of the most rapid growth I've ever had has been after a little pruning. I understand the fan leaves store nutrients for the plant to use later in it's life, but we're already artificially supplementing the plants nutrient supply, so I dunno, this will be one of the great debates of growing for trillions of years to come. I just wouldn 't be cutting too much off late into flowering, but during veg I think it just triggers the plant to grow more to replace what it lost. That is, unless you have a plant that is already stressed or diseased, in which case cutting any growth might stunt it, as it takes longer for an unhealthy plant to rebound.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with you meta. i think the debate will never be resolved because it depends on a lot of factors, like your grow space and lighting. if you need a short plant, trimming could help final yield... but if you have a lot of space and high watt hps light, it might be better not to trim at all. all in all, it's a case by case scenario... it's working for my grow fo sho.


Well-Known Member
They're still looking great! I think you should start flowering in a week, after you finish your LST. That things gonna stretch like crazy and you dont wanna find yourself with no room for buds.


New Member
This is sweet! That plant's lookin real good man! I'm about to start a pc grow too, I'm working on the case right now, seeds should come towards the end of this week. What are you gonna do for odor control? I'm thinking of putting some CVS odor absorbing gel onto a light trap for my exhaust fan. I have a homemade carbon filter but it's waaay too big!


Well-Known Member
This is sweet! That plant's lookin real good man! I'm about to start a pc grow too, I'm working on the case right now, seeds should come towards the end of this week. What are you gonna do for odor control? I'm thinking of putting some CVS odor absorbing gel onto a light trap for my exhaust fan. I have a homemade carbon filter but it's waaay too big!
Haha well it seems that everyday when i walk into my room, the smell gets a little stronger so im gunna have to get some of those gel things.. But thanks dude i would totally reccomend doing a pc grow there cheap and stealthy. hahah ok so an update for my mom finding it:
This is what she said to me this morning. "matt why is that computer always on?? Me: cause its my old computer and if i shut it off i lose my game save. Her: oh ok well why does it look like its melting in the back and some light comes out? Me: its the fan, i put in a cool one that lights up! Her: haha oh you and your computers..
Hahahaha she was up close to it and didnt realize it.. pc's are the best.

Oh ok one more thing. if you look back to the picture of my topping, there are two branches on one side and one on the other, is this normal?? because the leaf on the branch right below it has 10 leaves(yes ten). the main blade splits into 2 blades its odd.
Lemme know


New Member
Haha well it seems that everyday when i walk into my room, the smell gets a little stronger so im gunna have to get some of those gel things.. But thanks dude i would totally reccomend doing a pc grow there cheap and stealthy. hahah ok so an update for my mom finding it:
This is what she said to me this morning. "matt why is that computer always on?? Me: cause its my old computer and if i shut it off i lose my game save. Her: oh ok well why does it look like its melting in the back and some light comes out? Me: its the fan, i put in a cool one that lights up! Her: haha oh you and your computers..
Hahahaha she was up close to it and didnt realize it.. pc's are the best.

Oh ok one more thing. if you look back to the picture of my topping, there are two branches on one side and one on the other, is this normal?? because the leaf on the branch right below it has 10 leaves(yes ten). the main blade splits into 2 blades its odd.
Lemme know
Wow dude! that's sick. haha! I thin my mom would be alot more curious to find out what's really going on in there but I'm hoping i can hide it in between 2 other computer cases i have. I'm going to build a light trap so no light comes out, and so it's light proof for flowering. let me know how odor control works for you cuz this is going to be HUGE for me.

I don't really know much about that kinda stuff. I'm guessing it's probably a good thing the more it branches out the more bud you should get :)

Maybe i skipped over it, but what strain are you growing? I ordered white rhino and it's probably gonna smell A TON!


Well-Known Member
Wow dude! that's sick. haha! I thin my mom would be alot more curious to find out what's really going on in there but I'm hoping i can hide it in between 2 other computer cases i have. I'm going to build a light trap so no light comes out, and so it's light proof for flowering. let me know how odor control works for you cuz this is going to be HUGE for me.

I don't really know much about that kinda stuff. I'm guessing it's probably a good thing the more it branches out the more bud you should get :) also I'm 18 and at home with parents too :p

Maybe i skipped over it, but what strain are you growing? I ordered white rhino and it's probably gonna smell A TON!
Well its bagseed, but I can tell by the smell what strain it is but not sure the name. Its some danks though i loved that bud!
Yeah mine is next to my other computer but i might move it into my closet just to be safe! but as for light control yeah light traps work i made a ghetto one and its fine. its all the 420 other spots that light shines out you gotta worry about. i used reflective tape and it seals everything nice id reccomend it!


New Member
Well its bagseed, but I can tell by the smell what strain it is but not sure the name. Its some danks though i loved that bud!
Yeah mine is next to my other computer but i might move it into my closet just to be safe! but as for light control yeah light traps work i made a ghetto one and its fine. its all the 420 other spots that light shines out you gotta worry about. i used reflective tape and it seals everything nice id reccomend it!
yeah I'm thinking of making a light trap with some foam board from the dollar store. I used some aluminum tape to seal off alot of light leaks... the only places left are the corners of the case door I think i'm just going to use the rest of my panda film and tape it on so when you shut the door it seals the light on all corners. I'm thinking of whether it's worth the trouble to make it look like there is a legitemate power supply or not...

so far my plans for odor control are going to be to put the odor absorbing gel kinda next to the exhaust fan, I hope that works but i'm skeptical

I thought about putting it in my closet too, but there it might be weird... uhm why is there a running computer in your closet? lol!


Well-Known Member
Ok Sorry guys been a while!! I had another busy weekend but the plant is doing just fine!
It is now Day 28! Im starting flowering tommorow and i now have 2 2700k's and 1 6500k in there. I might be able to fit 1 more of each inside but temps are running higher and i need a thermometer.
Oh well. Im going to have to re lst and stuff later when i get a chance. As for nutes, i would maybe like to put some molasses into it but not sure when to start.



New Member
Looking nice and bushy man! that's gonna be awesome! What are your temps? I'm near to completing my PC case but my temps are just too high, I can't drop my temps below 85F


Well-Known Member
you should try and mount those lights above the plant instead of to the side. it will help out alot. its gunna get alot taller once you astart flower. i would start to lst that lady


Well-Known Member
you should try and mount those lights above the plant instead of to the side. it will help out alot. its gunna get alot taller once you astart flower. i would start to lst that lady
Yeah i know man i tried that but the lights dont fit with the power strip and adapter idk any ideas?
As for the lst, i did have some branches lst'ed but i had to repot.. i've been meaning to get to that and i will probably tonight once its turned on. dont want a hermie ya know.