Cfl micro grow box 2nd grow "green house white widow'


Well-Known Member
Sry guys i worked out in the yard all day and now i think im going to smoke my bong and pass out. pics in the am and it gives it some more time to grow hahaha this morning the first leaves were touching now theres a bunch poking up through the screen i would say i have somewhere around 15-20 tops so should be a good yield if i do it right and they are all main colas:-) Sry to let ya two down on the pics im fucking beat:-) I'll post pics of the garden tomorrow already got 12lbs of cucumber for pickles:-) 3 batches of straberrie freazer jam hmm what else lots of food coming out of the yard but the weather fucked my growth everything is small:-(


Well-Known Member
Ah man u let me down lol. I understand tho, crops around here are awesome but I didn't get to plant me a garden :( ill be waitin tomorrow damnit! I wanna c pics lol.


Well-Known Member
Fans came today 1900rpm 110.31CFM 37.00dBA upgraded the intake and exhaust I'll post temps later in a few hours and let you guys know if i can run my box closed again hahahah should be able to cuz they are moving a LOT of air now:-)Also while these pics were uploading i installed another 110cfm right on top of the screen in the front right corner to blow right on the plant and bulb:-)IMG_1770.jpgIMG_1774.jpgIMG_1773.jpgIMG_1772.jpgIMG_1771.jpgIMG_1769.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro. Lookn good. With all those fans it has to be like a hurricane in there lol
There is plenty of airflow now im running right at 77 yeah buddy plant is dancing on all sides ahahaha and the best part is i still have one more 110CFM fan for when the screen is full and well if i want even more air flow i get another power supply and i have enough to run another four or so fans:-)


New Member
There is plenty of airflow now im running right at 77 yeah buddy plant is dancing on all sides ahahaha and the best part is i still have one more 110CFM fan for when the screen is full and well if i want even more air flow i get another power supply and i have enough to run another four or so fans:-)
good job on handling the heat bro 77 is great


Well-Known Member
lookin good always checkin in even if i dont have time to make a post jus so u know u have silent apologies on the quietness


Well-Known Member
No need for apologies buddy glad to know your watching:-) I put in a 5000K 5500lum 80w CFL back in just above the screen so now there is 21,500 lums in the tiny little box hahahaah just over night i see i diffrence i shouldn't of taken her completly off the 5000k spec but i had to cuz i didn't have my fans yet but now im running nicely at 76-77. Make sure to check back in a few days i'll do another pic update. So my nutrients im still running the Fox Farm Trio im running 2TSP per gallon Grow Big and 2TBL per gallon of Big Bloom been on this mix for about two weeks and its almost time to raise it up once i get more above the screen then i will raise for and feed for like 2 weeks then switch to 12/12. Should be a good show also i was just turned on to KOOLBLOOM i think im going to order it and use it along with Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom.


Well-Known Member
DO IT BRO! I will reimburse ur money to u if u don't c a huge explosion in bud overnight that's how much I love it in 2 grows. Its something I look forward to every grow now. Wk 5-6, that first shot of it, I wake up EARLY just to c how much bud growth there is. More light = more bud. Temps r perfect, air exchange should b perfect. What about humidity? Will u be pruning below the screen before the swap?


Well-Known Member
ull have to let us know how well that 150 w hps works ive been wanting to get a hands on evaluation and i think youll be a good reviewer... good luck slim
I like it a lot Buddy "so far" Not a bad little light just make sure you get one like mine if growing is a small space like my box cuz if i had the ballast in there it would raise it to over 80 in a heart beat shit i had a fan blowing in the box like a box fan "before my 110CFM fans came" and i put the ballast in front of the fan to keep it cool and it raised the temps like 5 or so degrees and that was just from the hot ait that came off it when i moved it the temps dropped back down. Hmm what else the reflector is a pain in my ass and for the life of me i cant get it back together all the way but its sturdy just have to big of hands and or was to high when installing it hahahahaa. But like i said i had to put in the 80w 5000K spectrum CFL the HPS seemed to slow growth like vegataion growth and not vertical its hard to explain but now with the blue and red spectrum the plant is getting everything it needs you will be able to tell a difference in a few days when i take pics. Well enough about me how the fuck are you man i hope everything is good your way you stopping in and looking overseas if so i hope you and your brothers stay safe out there and mad respect too all you !


Well-Known Member
I have no idea about humidity hahahah only temp i will order it right aroung the 3 week of bud so i can have it for the 5-6 week also i plan on letting it go for 10 weeks or until its almost all amber:-) I dont plan on trimming under the screen until the 3-4 week as not to stress the plant and slow the bud stretch i want around 10 inch colas and that will give it time to heal before the shot of koolbloom:-) Whatever i cut off nugget wise under the screen will be made up in weight in the colas for sure if i take em to 10 weeks last 2 weeks 8 hours of light a day but i got to read again what green house says to do again. Whats your PPMS like with what kinda mix's.


Well-Known Member
As sad as it is man I couldn't tell u my ppm and I got a fuckn pen lol. Ill start recording that and get back to u on that. It can't be real high. I can tell u everything when I feed and itd let u kno where ur ppm is at, or close anyways. almost all amber? Damn bro ull be paralyzed lol. I like mine around the 20-30% amber. But that's whats great about our hobby, any. 1 person can get it just the way they like. A suggestion for flower, I use a 60x jewelers loupe to watch trichs and its the shit. Can c them all perfectly. My scope I got sucks my balls lol


Well-Known Member
I got one at radio shack last go around for like 14 bucks or less its a lighted 60x-100x its the shit i'll link you up to it yeah i like the body high last harvest was only like 10% amber rest cloudy i liked the smoke A LOT but this is White Widow and it just has to have that punch im going for the knock out widow i've smoked before. So its 12.99 but its worth it i think very clear once you figure out how to use it


Well-Known Member
lookin good my friend...nice and compact n healthy...those are some beautifully green lil ladies! Ill jus sit back and admire for a minute...


Well-Known Member
Thats all the same plant its my Green House White Widow in all its stages so far. Im at the screen now and im just spreading the tops out so everything is even shouldn't be more then other week before i flip to 12/12:-) I will try to post pics later and attempt to count all the tops:-) Hope everything is good your way buddy!