Cfl micro grow box 2nd grow "green house white widow'


Well-Known Member
Very nice slim! Ur doin it to it bro. I'm ready for u to flip the script on that girl. Check out my g13 bro cut her early this mornin. Keep up the good work!


New Member
I have no idea about humidity hahahah only temp i will order it right aroung the 3 week of bud so i can have it for the 5-6 week also i plan on letting it go for 10 weeks or until its almost all amber:-) I dont plan on trimming under the screen until the 3-4 week as not to stress the plant and slow the bud stretch i want around 10 inch colas and that will give it time to heal before the shot of koolbloom:-) Whatever i cut off nugget wise under the screen will be made up in weight in the colas for sure if i take em to 10 weeks last 2 weeks 8 hours of light a day but i got to read again what green house says to do again. Whats your PPMS like with what kinda mix's.
go to home depot and for $3 u can get a Accurite brand temp/humidity guage


Well-Known Member
Im up to 20+ tops its going to take days to get them all above screen 14 at or above the screen. I know im getting close to the 2nd month in veg so im getting itchy to start flowering but the wait will be worth it i think and it should only be another week till i flip im going to try to flip when i have most of the tops just at the screen so i dont get to fucked with the stretch i do have limited space. Pics as soon as i find my usb cable.


Well-Known Member
So i attached 2 80mm pc fans to my 150w HPS ballast and they keep it cool:-) Man this is taking days to fill the screen i was a few inches under the screen when it was added now almost all my tops are to the screen only 2 inches to go for the very bottom branches and the main cola is in the bottom right corner in all pics its what the coat hangers are holding down so its still under the screen im trying to snake it towards the front of the box. Hm what else oh if fucking hot ass shit here well for my plant not me i like 100 plus but its been around 80 outside most of this plants life and i dont have ac and for the next two weeks its suppose to be 80-90 im just hoping i can stay under 80 in the box so far so good. Its really starting to piss me off tho everyday i want to just take the screen off and bud the bitch i think i've had enough hahhaha next go around wont be so bad tho cuz im working on a veg cab so i can have one to go under the screen right when this one is done and im going to train it so i wont have to veg for so long under the screen or i mean it will have a even canopy already and i will just have to spread the tops during the stretch:-)Also im going to back off on the nutirents and treat with azamax for bugs and superthrive to help with heat stress and the stress from training i would have been running it from day one but im lazy and didn't have another jug for the mix ahahaha:-) Let me know what you think me i think it looks sickly but idk man i think i just need to hit it with thrive and aza and it will be fine oh and back off on the nutrients for a little bit.

:cuss:Green House White Widow Day 59 Veg:cuss::wall:


Well-Known Member
Heres some more its hard as hell to get a good pic now with it all caged in like this hahahaha. My box gimp:-):hump:Another couple weeks im thinking hope by then its out of the 80-90 bullshit never growing again in the summer unless outdoors or i will when or if i ever have or get AC hahahahah. IMG_2003.jpgIMG_2004.jpgIMG_2000.jpgIMG_2001.jpgIMG_2002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well another inch or so on everything and all tops will be at screen and i think im going to be able to fill the screen and keep the canopy even:-) Im thinking i'll end up with close to 30 tops i'll count how many i have now..........22 so far and i believe i have 35 holes so now i just have to spread them out.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, i'm subb'd for sure, haven't seen this done before.
Well i think you came just in time another week or two and the show starts:-) Im waiting for the heat to die down and to get a few more tops before i flip 12/12:-) It takes a WAY longer veg time but you get only colas no little bottom nuggets! Glad to have ya on board buddy.


Well-Known Member
Damn slim. That's gonna b a ton of bud when u do get to flower. Just keep some damn good air movement around em when they start forming. Itd suck to have all that work and time go to shit during the most important time.


Well-Known Member
As long as she dont stretch more then 10-15 inches i should be good but thats going to be like 20 plus colas that length so fuck yeah:-) If i have to i will take a fucking hammer to the top of my box pop the top right off and continue that way ahahahaha:-) She will finish and she will be pretty no ifs ands or buts:-) The box stays cool its just i dont have AC and when its 80 its 76-78 in the box it stays right around 72-76 when its below temp if that makes sense. Right now its 81 in my house and 78 in the box If i need to I can always cut another exhaust hole and have two exhaust:-)


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. I'd still invest in one maybe 2 hygrometer (humidity). Humidity is what will kill u for real. I'd put one above and below the canopy. I kno that u kno what ur doin so please don't take offense bro. I'd just hate to c ur bud ruin halfway through flower. That shit will be a sight though. That's a ton of tops and potential. U gon get that koolbloom for flower ;)


Well-Known Member
Yikes now you have me worried Naturea, fuck... im gonna go put my hydro-meter by my biggest colas.


Well-Known Member
Where i live you run into problems at night but my lights will be on at night and house heat on during the day so it will be pretty dry:-) If i wasn't broke i would go get two last grow i did just fine without its been on my list tho for so long i really do need one. Send me yours ahahahaha:-) I put a bowl of water in during veg and take it out during flower how do you guys fuck with your humidity?


Well-Known Member
Where i live you run into problems at night but my lights will be on at night and house heat on during the day so it will be pretty dry:-) If i wasn't broke i would go get two last grow i did just fine without its been on my list tho for so long i really do need one. Send me yours ahahahaha:-) I put a bowl of water in during veg and take it out during flower how do you guys fuck with your humidity?
my bad steezz. Don't be paranoid cause of me tho bro. I'm just over cautious so I don't have to worry about losing my work & meds. Slim bro I kno how u feel bout being broke, were in the same boat. I think u should be fine. That's just gonna be a ton of moisture in the screen. I hope ur not takin offense or anything. I've never really worried about humidity too much. Mine stays around 45-50% most the time. The last 2 wks of that skunk I was paranoid cause it stayed around 58-62%.


Well-Known Member
Naw i hate to type so if i sound short with ya its cuz of that hahhahahaah just telling ya my setup last go around i had a quarter nugget im hoping for 20 of them hehehhehee:-) Im not sure what mine is i should check what my local area is but to my knowledge in im a very low humididty for like 10 months a year so im in the safe for the most part just have to keep it stable in the box. i only add a water bowl when it runs hot during veg so the plant dont lose to much out of its leafs i also mist then from head to toe during veg as well but in flower i keep the water bowl out and dont mist i also keep the moister out during the night by shutting up my room and having the heat on but this grow im going to have the lights off during the day and lights on at night so i dont have to run the heat 24/7 hahahah i should be fine tho but if i can find a gauge with free shipping for cheap i'll jump on it. I know your just worried and want to see this bitch finished and i appreciate anything ya have to say im sry if i came off short dont take offense i've been all fucked up lately my back is f'd up hahahahah the fucked thing is i was out of herb when it was the worst like had one bowl left when it flared up hahaha got me a good 70-30 mix indca based smoke that i guess is local and they have been picking out phenos for more then half a decade i love being in a medical state:-) This weekend i will post a pic update but its looking nice got another couple up to the screen spreading a couple more out fuck man its a bitch doing this in this box going to be hella funny tho:-) Work under the screen work at the screen work work work and its fucked cuz i had to do some daily shit that slowed things down a lot but oh well its back to growing fast where im not training that is ahahahahah but the superthrive helped a lot!! My dumbass should have been running it the whole time drrrrrrr:-( Just that other grow fucked me a little i should have just did something else like planted them wild and said fucked em hahahahahha. Oh well So when are you going to let me help ya scrog a bitch its a lot easier out of a box:-) Do you have any good branchy phenos?


Well-Known Member
No offense takin on my side bro. U just the main one I talk to on here and don't want u to be like fuck that know it all lol. Man if u didn't live like 3k miles away I'd definitely smoke u out on the g13 skunk. If u can catch a ride to town I'm sure u could get an analog hygrometer for like 2 bucks but as I said I don't think ull have a problem. I'm really interested in scrog. I thought about doing a mini scrog with only 10-20 tops with the g13 skunk. I'd definitely need some help with it if I do. Right now I'm focusin most on this ak48 TNT kush cross I'm workn on. I'm hopin it'll be some bomb shit but real soon bro ill be asking ur help on a good scrog