CFL Growing Done Right:: 447 watts


Well-Known Member
Veging the plant doesn't take much light, its when you start to flower. Then they like supposedly 50w-200w per square foot..


Active Member
depending on how tall you want and how much bud you want you could, hypotheticaly speaking, do a complete grow on that one bulb but the more light the better the bud as well as the denser the bud and you get more. so for veg you only need 1/4-1/3 the light you want in your flower room. I.E. "johny has 2 400 watt mh in his veg room, then he has 2-4 in the 600-1000 watt hps range in his flower room. or if you have 100 watts 6500 k you should go with 300-400 watts 2700k on you cfls. Thats just my opinion and it worked well for me here is a link to my page.


Active Member
Here are some newer pics. The first one is from before I went on vacation and my timer broke right when it was in its 1st week of flowering. Three weeks later as i thought it was flowering while I was away it started growing single leaves and stretching horribly.

Now we are another 2 weeks from then and i brought her back to life. She is about the same height including the put as I am now. and these branches are the size of my arm. It is growing 5 leavers again and the white hairs are going crazy. I need a better camera for the upcoming set of photos.


It is getting better every day although it still looks like crap. Soon she will be right again. I am using advanced nutrients now from fox farms.



Active Member
When you say advanced nutrients from fox farms are you refering to advanced nutrient or fox farm nutes or both because a.n isn't made by fox farm. But either company makes some really good stuff. Good luck getting ur plant back on track.


Active Member
thats a good set-up made by fox farms. i want to add their cha ching to my next grow but i wish it were a liquid. but i was looking for some info so let me know what you think of that stuff.