CFL Cab - First Time Growing Anything ... Hope I Don't Mess Up


Well-Known Member
I have to say the new thermometer I just got (digital) is amazing. It keeps track of the high and lows of temp and humidity since last reset. Intensely handy.

So far since I relocated the cab to the new room. This has been my readings after 4 days (Planted shipped seedlings, March 17th).

Current: 75° F
High: 79° F
Low: 64° F

Current: 25%
High: 43%
Low: 16%

Quite impressed, and haven't even installed my comp fans yet.
looking good man, those humidity levels should be a little more consistant, but overall I think you will be alot more successful in your grow this time!!


Thanks man. Yeah the humid levels were all over the place in the first few hours so it kinda discombobulated my current records since I didn't want to reset it after planting. So far its been hanging within 2-5% above and below 25% for the last couple three days. So I think I've gotten those numbers under control.


Starting to believe I have a bit of a black thumb when it comes to this. I think each of my attempts have been cursed haha.

Any ideas on what would cause the bending over of my plant shown in the picture below? My other two shipped plants either didnt start or eased out of commission soon after. This one is the one I have left that was doing fine up until a couple three days ago. And now it remains bent over as shown.

I have been watching my watering and I only water if the soil seems drys a couple inches down. It does dry fairly quick. Any rule of thumb besides the testing that one would recommend when it comes to the seedling plant starter soil I am using here. And would this be a possible issue I am running into?



Well-Known Member
Well it very well could be watering, I purchased a 15 dollar moisture meter from my plant shop that works awsome!! Sometimes I think to myself "man that pot is dry" I put the meter in half way and its good. It sure has kept me from over/under watering for sure.

Here is a link to one online, Damn it only 7 bucks online!! I got ripped off. Anyways here is the exact one I have and I would not grow without one for sure.


Excellent... I actually found one at my local Home Depot that also meters Ph level and Light intensity. Pretty handy I'd say. Thanks for the heads up.

Quick question, would the bend over be a sign of under or over watering?


Sorry guys, unfortunately, I lost my second round of plants and got a bit distraught at going at it again so early, well that and receiving my new "Da Buddha" vape. I had taken a break from the disappointment of not even being able to get a weed started decently without murdering it within a couple weeks.

But alas, I find myself yearning to give it another go. So its off to "third times is a charm" wishes. I may have over watered em this past time around. Not sure, I carried out an "every couple of days" watering regiment, but still ended their short lives. Oh well, I'm going to get a water moisture gauge from Home Depot this weekend so hopefully that wont happen again.

As for as using 3" tall pea-pods for my pot medium and general Jiffy Starter soil. Should I saturate all the way through each time I water or should I keep them in a quarter inch high rimmed plate and soak the ground level and let it suck the water into the pod?


Well-Known Member
i water every other day in 2L of soil, if i don't my plant wilts... it's very dry here...

i water until water comes out the bottom. the make-up of the soil affects how much it 'breathes".

more porous mixes like the hempy method (plain perlite, reusable) need almost a hydro type of watering regiment, while soil mixes like Fox Farm achieves the right porousity by having a mix of soil + perlite, but it's not as porous as plain perlite, and watering is needed less often.....

it also depends on how much soil you have.

i found that with 3 gallons of ocean's forest soil they need watering about every 3 days.

i use scotts premium gardening soil, or something like that. it's cheap and light on nutes. i've used FFOF and this one, the only difference is that FFOF doesn't need food for the first month. this one you start feeding after a week and a half after the first fan leaves appear.

depends on what you use n shit.... hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
Dude, sorry to hear about you having to abandon your grow.

I wouldn't give up. Get back on the horse and try again.

I've been having some problems with over-watering too. One of my little ladies bowed forward like yours did during her first day of regular watering, so I simply stopped watering them for 24 hours and she stood straight back up again. They get droopy from time to time after watering, so if anything I'm going to under water them to see if I can tweak my setup to get the schedule/amount of water just right.

Keep us posted, and when you have some pics of your new grow I'd like to see them.

