CFL 1st grow


Active Member
k cool They are looking awesome and the left one(the sativa) looks like it has white hairs out the top!! Unless they are just a really really small transparent set of the next nodes in the plant. Ill def get some good pics up in the afternoon. Also the ones in the white cabinet seem to be doing well even though chopped in half, they have prolly doubled in leaves.


Active Member
Hey, here are the pic updates that I will be continuing every few days(when I go to his house). They are looking great in my opinion!! The are really bright green, not sure if that means anything(too much/too little light, water, or nutrients?) but yea.

The Sativa one looks likes it has some white hairs coming out of the top(the cola I think its called). So FEMALE(if im right)! Maybe someone can confirm or reject my guess?

The Indica has these lines that are so prevalent, which i think makes it look great.



Active Member
Okay, cool thanks for the input. I am going to give them a little more water with some nutrients today and I also added a 26 watt sunlight CFL(100 watt equiv.) and I have an 18 inch grow flouro tube I may add to the opposite side. Hopefully they respond well to all that.