Im wondeing if someone here can tell me just how much cbd industrial hemp yields on average. I felt the prices are very high for cbd products and the consumer is being fleeced. But recently some one pointed out to me it might just be a matter of supply and demand. He said he happend to have watched some video on youtbe with some hemp farmers complaining about how absurd the .3% max thc threshold is. The farmers find themselves with plants that produced just below .3% one season but the next season, with the same strains ended up above the allowed .3 threshold. And they find themselves with ton of stuff they are supposed to destroy. And another thing mentioned in the talk was that most hemp that produce below .3% thc, are typically 5-8% cbd. In effect limiting total percent of cbd that can be grow per acre.
Is this true? Plants below .3%thc typically dont produce over 8% cbd?
When i google this , i find some sites stating 10%cbd production on average.
I just skimmed through a story on a hemp farmer in Kentucky saying he averaged 17,18% cbd.
Anyone know how things are actually playing out on the ground and why this stuff is so expensive?