CBD with less than .03 THC

The 2018 Farm Bill is more expansive. It allows hemp cultivation broadly, not simply pilot programs for studying market interest in hemp-derived products. ... However, the new Farm Bill does not create a completely free system in which individuals or businesses can grow hemp whenever and wherever they want.
The only cannabis ive ever grown that gave me pure medicating effects and zero psychoactivity would be Dinafem's Fruit Auto. No high at all.

I grew that out for a test plant on a cheap led light I bought. I got a little high off of it but I think the cbd in there kinda killed it. Never grew an auto and thought my light was really good... found out later it was just the strain, fast growing auto, not used to those, the light? ...not so good for photo period plants.

Very good explanation for dummies like me!!

I get pissed off easily.
So much lawyer political BS!!!

Wall Street pigs smell money! Better watch out, Likely small business/ small farmers will get screwed.

If their wasn't so so much BS. I would grow a 1/4 acre of CBD hemp, direct market buds, next to the veggies and other products the farm produces at the farm market.

I don't want greedy corporate world domination, nor stock crap. Just want to get back to a time when being a small family farm, was a viable way to provide for a family.

Fucking politicians.. Wall Street swine own them.
Im wondeing if someone here can tell me just how much cbd industrial hemp yields on average. I felt the prices are very high for cbd products and the consumer is being fleeced. But recently some one pointed out to me it might just be a matter of supply and demand. He said he happend to have watched some video on youtbe with some hemp farmers complaining about how absurd the .3% max thc threshold is. The farmers find themselves with plants that produced just below .3% one season but the next season, with the same strains ended up above the allowed .3 threshold. And they find themselves with ton of stuff they are supposed to destroy. And another thing mentioned in the talk was that most hemp that produce below .3% thc, are typically 5-8% cbd. In effect limiting total percent of cbd that can be grow per acre.

Is this true? Plants below .3%thc typically dont produce over 8% cbd?
When i google this , i find some sites stating 10%cbd production on average.
I just skimmed through a story on a hemp farmer in Kentucky saying he averaged 17,18% cbd.

Anyone know how things are actually playing out on the ground and why this stuff is so expensive?
Im wondeing if someone here can tell me just how much cbd industrial hemp yields on average. I felt the prices are very high for cbd products and the consumer is being fleeced. But recently some one pointed out to me it might just be a matter of supply and demand. He said he happend to have watched some video on youtbe with some hemp farmers complaining about how absurd the .3% max thc threshold is. The farmers find themselves with plants that produced just below .3% one season but the next season, with the same strains ended up above the allowed .3 threshold. And they find themselves with ton of stuff they are supposed to destroy. And another thing mentioned in the talk was that most hemp that produce below .3% thc, are typically 5-8% cbd. In effect limiting total percent of cbd that can be grow per acre.

Is this true? Plants below .3%thc typically dont produce over 8% cbd?
When i google this , i find some sites stating 10%cbd production on average.
I just skimmed through a story on a hemp farmer in Kentucky saying he averaged 17,18% cbd.

Anyone know how things are actually playing out on the ground and why this stuff is so expensive?

Start with $20+ clones or $10 to $20 seeds!!

Say you have a plant that produces 16ounces or 450 grams of raw material.

I am a vegetable farmer. Overhead is high very high. Buying land specialized equipment, taxes, hired bums for labor. Frickin government paperwork and fees!!!!

Little left before you wholesale to a processor. Which has tons more government paperwork and fees, plus massive overhead on very expensive extraction equipment. Again now you wholesale to a retailer, who pays even more taxes and fees to sell it.

So back to thatt450 grams of raw material. Say it is 10% CBD, that's 45 grams potential, say you net 30 grams.

$10 a gram wholesale? That's $300 gross. Net may be a farmers wage of $2 an hour for your labor.

Why such a loss to small time growers and processors????


Opressing mom and pop operation in favor of Wall Street pigs.
CLones win every time in my opinion.... I wouldn't even remotely consider seeds when clones of the real thing is available.
Yes with that insane .3 THC limit. If it we're me, I would grow out multiple strains, find the best for my microclimate, and then keep mother plants.
(Add that to the cost of industrial CBD production. The need to produce 1000s and 1000s of clones simultaneously.)

Reminds me of producing sweet potato slips.. a real art form on scale..
Evenin' all,

Haven't been on in a while, but looking for some advice on buying a small amount of what's the best out there on the current market. It looks like the available strains have a min. buy-in that is much larger than what I can afford and grow lol. Just a little guy :0

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dinafem - Dinamed strain is a great CBD strain. 12% CBD 0.5 THC. Helped my back pain and muscle aches. It is a nice producer if ya grow it but where it dont have hardly any THC the flowers werent sticky and big nugs didnt weigh a lot but it did produce some huge flowers.
I'd gladly take then to start. A big question since I've never cloned indoors to put outside is how many hours of light for indoors clones in clone before you put outside? I dont want them to start flowering outdoors obviously only continue veg cycle.
I've got a few cherrywine hemp seeds you can have. I believe they were tested somewhere in the range of 26:1 CBD to THC.

What many charge for these seeds is criminal, especially since they are most certainly going towards medical purposes.
just got some Cherry wine seeds.

as for legality, Hemp is legal, enough said. There are no guild-lines, EXCEPT, for adding it to food, and selling it in a store front for consumers, then the USDA wants steps in. People are spreading misinformation, because big business wants to get their stuff together to over-rule and over price the stuff as soon as possible.

If you live in a red state, you will find CBD flower somewhere for sale, especially if they sell pipes and such. I just got 7grams for $30.00, and let me tell ya, you smoke a blunt of it, you will get pretty stoned. Smells just like cannabis, so watch yourself if your tokin and have nosy people around.

CherryWine seems to be the go to for CBD flowers, and from what Ive read on the interwebs, it holds it 0.03 pretty well.
Triple C by Freeworld Genetics in Boulder CO boasts a 30:1 with a strong cherry nose.It's a Cherry x Cherry x Cherry Wine strain.
CherryWine CBD day 10, topped today. These are 12/12 from seed, hoping for 1 male/1 female, heck, even a female, BWHAHAHAHA. I had 10 seeds, germd 3, all 3 cracked, 2 grew. if both females, will clone and mist. if both males, im going to cross with my FireOG/Lemon Thai cross i created. I also have 3 Special Sauce seeds, and 5 Charlotte's Sauce seeds. ( Charlotte's Web x Special sauce )
