

Well-Known Member
Tell a story about a time you were caught with weed or smoking weed or anything related. maybe if you have gotten caught more then once you should tell the story where you were the worse circumstances.

I was once caught by my little brother. He's too young to understand why people smoke weed so this was the worse for me. I was playing drums and he walked into the basement and saw a blunt clip on the table. When he picked it up I was stunned. and his two friends were there. he was actually cool with it...I mean, he was telling me not to worry, that he wouldn't tell anybody. he told me I didn't need it to have a good time, that it was bad for my brain and lungs, etc.

I gave him a serious talk and asked him how he felt about it and if he thought if I was a bad person because i smoked weed. he was just like...I don't want you to smoke, but I can't stop you. i don't understand why you do it. and that he didn't think i was a bad person.

but that was the worse because it was my little brother, I was afraid he wouldn't look up to me anymore. but I don't think he is going to think much about it. he's really smart, but he's still a kid.


Well-Known Member
I just had moved back in with my parents after college, I was home alone while they was off at work... So I whip out my glass bong, and load a fat ass bowl and apparently I lost track of time and my father came home from lunch and just got to witness one of my massive bong tokes. He laughed his ass off as I was in mid draw of the hit when he walked in, and just told me just don't leave it out when I'm not using it or go driving when toasted.

Course I knew my folks toked up as they are old party people and still get ripped so it isn't a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
never ever been caught, ive been questioned but im good at getting out of situations, im also legal so i guess that helps


Well-Known Member
when i was a little younger me andf my babby momma were house sitting for my parents and we left like a quarter on the counter while we were smoking blunts naked in thier hot tub well apparently they came hpome a day early and while we are chiefing outside nude my mom came out with my sack and gae it to me and told me to put on some clothes and not let my litle sister see the herb it was pretty fucking ebarassing cuz i had her up on the side of the hottub about to hit it when my mom comes out talk about turning red in the face


Well-Known Member
Long story made short. I ate a couple brownies, went to work, got off work, crashed my car into a tree right outside of my work. Then the cops came and breathalyzered me twice and found my 3 grams of bomb. Then he made me grind it into the street with my foot. Overall it wasn't that bad of an experience except I needed a new car and some more weed.:D


Well-Known Member
i told my girlfiend i was going to go get something out of my car and went outside behind my house to hit my pipe a couple of times, but she just so happend to follow me outside and as soon as she seen the smoke from behind my house she came back there and looked at me, called me retarded, and walked back in side. I felt like a douche bag because shes cool with me smoking she just asks me not to be high around her.


Well-Known Member
I've had a police officer over at my house (I didn't invite him!) and he was standing 5 feet from a pot plant in my backyard. Luckily there was a lot of other foliage and the plant wasn't that big.

Next time when people say they're bringing friends over I ask who they are.

sludge factory

Active Member
Well there was this one time (I was 16 or 17) and I was smoking a joint, my dad walks in on me, looks at me and says "you got any more weed?!"

lol, of course he was kidding though.

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
My buddies and I were on the back porch one time eating dinner and drinking a beer before we were gonna go fishing. My family was at dinner, but my mom wasn't. I thought she was. Needless to say she came home with her college roommate who she had been out with for the day and hadn't seen in 25 years. So I didn't make a very good first impression. My buddy made it out the back gate before she came there (he had heard the front door, but I told him they wouldn't be home for another hour, he was right), but she still saw his car so she knew he was there. I had a little lecture and was basically told "Don't buy it, don't put it in your car, and don't bring it here." Could have been worse I guess...

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Last summer I was on my way home from selling an 8th and I got pulled over in the entrance of my neighborhood and the cop smelled the bud I had just sold (very potent blueberry) and searched my car. He didn't find any weed but he found my pipe in my arm rest and some roaches in the ashtray. He cuffed me, had my mom come pick my car up since I was less than a mile from my house. Then, he took me to jail and I spent the night in the drunk tank with a guy that kept talking about shooting cops with his 9mm. Still on probation till November for that gay ass shit, cop was a prick.

*Mom went home found my zip of blueberry, found my grow box, my scale, my grinder, my seeds, my papers, and my vaporizer. Took the weed with her to work and threw it in a dumpster.(stupidest thing anyone could have done considering their son was just arrested for having just a pipe.)*

Another time I was almost caught was when I was braking down a quad and my mom walk in on me. She never even noticed!


Well-Known Member
a lot of these are funny, how about a fucked up one: i took a trip to austin, tx from south tx. and we had to go through a border patrol checkpoint. the lameass i was with didn't vacuum like i had asked and we got arrested because of marijuana "residue" which the dog smelt. we had to spend 15 hours in detainment cells with illegal immigrants and i got a ticket for 1000$$$ because i was a passanger. and because it was on federal property, it was a felony.


Well-Known Member
It was 1984 I was 16 and I just got home (stoned out of my mind n some killer Humboldt Skunk) I come in try to play it cool for a minute but then decide it was just way to real so decide to get up and got to my room. Unbeknownst to me as I walk across the living room a baggie of humboldt falls out of my pocket. A few minutes later my Mom comes into my room to confront me and so I lay the old tried and true--- It's not mine I'm just holding on to it for a friend--- line. And Holy Shit It worked. My Mom tells me, " I had better give it back to him"

God I love how awsome Mom's are


New Member
idk if this counts

but my parents found out through my friend lol and my dad and i had a talk and he just said idgas just keep it to yourself. of course he blazes every night when he gets home. i always wondered why he went into the garage first when he got off work at midnight instead of coming into the house LOL. mom flat out doesnt give a fuck.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
It was 1984 I was 16 and I just got home (stoned out of my mind n some killer Humboldt Skunk) I come in try to play it cool for a minute but then decide it was just way to real so decide to get up and got to my room. Unbeknownst to me as I walk across the living room a baggie of humboldt falls out of my pocket. A few minutes later my Mom comes into my room to confront me and so I lay the old tried and true--- It's not mine I'm just holding on to it for a friend--- line. And Holy Shit It worked. My Mom tells me, " I had better give it back to him"

God I love how awsome Mom's are
Had something like that happen to me. Walked out of WhiteCastle and my sack that I had only had a joint out of fell out of my pocket. Got home and went to smoke some more, found that my sack was missing. I went back to WhiteCastle and it was GONE!:wall::finger::-(:cry::cry::evil:


Well-Known Member
I got thrown off a trolley for having a lit blunt and a 40 of 211 in my hand when I was 16 lol,does that count?I didn't get arrested.


Well-Known Member
I got thrown off a trolley for having a lit blunt and a 40 of 211 in my hand when I was 16 lol,does that count?I didn't get arrested.
lol they kicked me off the broad street line for rolling up when it stoped he was like you gonna have to get off here boi