Cashless Society

Not sure what you want. Don't like the net, don't like your phones, well shit...don't use them. What you're complaining about sounds more like you're mad that you can't eat all the bacon cheeseburgers you want without getting fat. Complaints of a spoiled society.
Not sure what you want. Don't like the net, don't like your phones, well shit...don't use them. What you're complaining about sounds more like you're mad that you can't eat all the bacon cheeseburgers you want without getting fat. Complaints of a spoiled society.
I think your missing the point.
Not sure what you want. Don't like the net, don't like your phones, well shit...don't use them. What you're complaining about sounds more like you're mad that you can't eat all the bacon cheeseburgers you want without getting fat. Complaints of a spoiled society.
Observations... not complaints.
I mean, when people say "no it's not that" and don't follow that up with what it actually is, then no, I'm probably not missing the least not until they stall long enough to think of something.
yes, you are missing something then.
I would never be surprised to find out your audio was in fact being monitored, but i saw a former social media ad guy get asked about this somewhere (i cant remember where) and laugh it off and his explanation actually made sense and creeped me out, he said we all have so much meta data voluntarily shared that the algorithms have figured you out well enough to offer you things BEFORE you want them. People are predictable. From search history to email contents to social media and text messages and likes, to how long you stare at an ad you scroll past, even how dilated your pupils get when looking at certain things. With enough info on your past & current habits and needs they can determine what else you might like, want, or need. I have never logged into Facebook on my laptop, yet the things i search for today on here are my ads tomorrow. Terms of service are a bitch.
Similar things have happened to my wife multiple times too, but she has all the privacy stuff on her phone set so that it's not supposed to be listening.
Not sure what you want. Don't like the net, don't like your phones, well shit...don't use them. What you're complaining about sounds more like you're mad that you can't eat all the bacon cheeseburgers you want without getting fat. Complaints of a spoiled society.
It's more like back when the cigarette companies told people that smoking was good for you, when in fact they knew the opposite to be true.
No... I actually think it works very good.... almost too good.

Feel free to write your local legislator asking them to outlaw marketing which works on anyone over 85IQ. Gonna take a little more manpower, so maybe it costs you a tenth of a cent on your federal taxes.

Oh and then make sure to complain to someone about there's too many laws and not enough freedom.
It's more like back when the cigarette companies told people that smoking was good for you, when in fact they knew the opposite to be true.

That was straight up lying. Not just a shady miswording, but lying in complete opposition to hard data. If you feel you have that situation, then congrats, get a lawyer, because you just won an easy million dollars.
Feel free to write your local legislator asking them to outlaw marketing which works on anyone over 85IQ. Gonna take a little more manpower, so maybe it costs you a tenth of a cent on your federal taxes.

Oh and then make sure to complain to someone about there's too many laws and not enough freedom.
LOL… I’m not complaining bro!… when I say it works good, how is that complaining?
Feel free to write your local legislator asking them to outlaw marketing which works on anyone over 85IQ. Gonna take a little more manpower, so maybe it costs you a tenth of a cent on your federal taxes.

Oh and then make sure to complain to someone about there's too many laws and not enough freedom.
Did you know even the tone of coins falling into the return tray on a poker machine is scientifically tuned? No windows in a gamming room. Where milk is positioned in a Super market (usually at the rear) How ads are slightly different tone so as to appear louder in the add breaks on TV. People upgrade from a new ph to a newer ph every year for some very small upgrade they probably wont notice.

Marketing is very big business. Add in convenience and it drives itself.
LOL… I’m not complaining bro!… when I say it works good, how is that complaining?
We used to use bait and switch cars. Take a photo of a wrecked car but take the photo of the good side only and advertise it really cheap. Ph goes nuts and people coming into the yard and show them the bait car- which of cause they dont want and switch them into another car. KaChing!
We used to use bait and switch cars. Take a photo of a wrecked car but take the photo of the good side only and advertise it really cheap. Ph goes nuts and people coming into the yard and show them the bait car- which of cause they dont want and switch them into another car. KaChing!
Same... I'd place an order (back the day) for a Chevy reg cab, no AC, 5 speed, roll up windows, plain ass wheels... just as cheap as I could build one, and strip the shit out of all the profit... all the way down to triple net.... the people would come rolling in, and we'd switch em. I had the cheapest C1500, but nobody wanted it. I think we eventually sold that to an E2 military guy from the local Base.
Same... I'd place an order (back the day) for a Chevy reg cab, no AC, 5 speed, roll up windows, plain ass wheels... just as cheap as I could build one, and strip the shit out of all the profit... all the way down to triple net.... the people would come rolling in! I had the cheapest C1500, but nobody wanted it. I think we eventually sold that to an E2 military guy from the local Base.
OO and diddling the manufacturer. Claiming a dealer rebate for a test vehicle but not actually using it as one and selling it as a new car. Couldn't do that very often but damn it made for a nice margin.