Carport Greenhouse 2010

Good point. Doing a hard LST, using supercropping will limit bud size, but not total yield. The leaves shouldn't touch the skin of the greenhouse, or mold is very likely.
Howdy folks, time for a video update. I'm going to raise the roof one more time, but also lst them. I'm not going to cut them.

Here is a quick video from today.


dam dude lookin prime. now is that a actual carport tent that originaly has the white non transparent roofing on it as the frame or is it a wood skeletal frame for an actual green house? also what is an expected yield out of plants of this size?
Budsmoker,I love your Avatar, dogs are cool! It's a carport frame covered with plastic & sunscreen mesh.

The GDP & PK, I hope to get over a pound from each plant, maybe two. The WW's???? Maybe I should have a "Guess the weight" contest!?

Ok so that is a decent price on a viable green house compared to paying 500 bucks+ I have acre of flat land that gets cali sun all day so I am actually gunna try to put something out there similar to yours or maybe ill go all out and get something fancy. So where do you buy your sunscreen mesh at? I got my from my grandmother and i went to lowes to buy some more but couldnt find any.
Ok so that is a decent price on a viable green house compared to paying 500 bucks+ I have acre of flat land that gets cali sun all day so I am actually gunna try to put something out there similar to yours or maybe ill go all out and get something fancy. So where do you buy your sunscreen mesh at? I got my from my grandmother and i went to lowes to buy some more but couldnt find any.

If you get the time, my grow thread includes some pix of my greenhouses. I designed and built two, using Solexx fabric as skin. The Solexx cost $500+ alone for each greenhouse, but came with an eight year warranty. I figure I'll have to reskin the roofs in about two or three years. The side walls still look perfect. I used steel studs, and 2 x 12 timbers for the grow bed. With occasional reskinning, I expect them to last the rest of my life. They are low profile(max eight foot clearance to keep my neighbors calm). but still average about 45-50 grams per square foot.(High of 58g/sq.ft. in the East greenhouse one year. It happened to be stuffed with heavy yielding hybrids that year.)
VG,how did you attach it to the frame?

P.S. VG, I was one of the first ones to post on your outdoor thread, I've been following your grow from the beginning!