Carport Greenhouse 2010


Active Member
JJ, those trunks are look more like tree's than plants!
Odd question for you-- does it smell heavily in and around your grow? Some of mine are getting a little skunky, and they're about 1/8 the size of yours! Happy growing bud.


Well-Known Member
Nice growing plants. Iv'e got some of those 3 bladed leaves on my plants. I don't know what up with that. You guys have any clues? Never seen a 10 foot plant scrog. Will those things reach 15-30 ft?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
alright fucker were you at....LOL hope al is well. just waiting to see them purdy bitchies you have.. i'l check back again bro..


Well-Known Member
Howdy Folks, thanks for all the kind words & encouragement.

Things are going pretty well, although I'm still fighting the Borg! (spyder-mites)! I picked-up some Azatrol today, I'll start spraying tonight.

Here's a couple of pic's.
The GDP, in the first pic, just reached 8'.

In the 2nd picture, WW's are pushing the roof at 12'! Believe it or not, there is a 4'x8' sheet of re-mesh wire, sitting on the 8' cages, inside of these WW's. The plants have swallowed it!





Well-Known Member
No shit man, a 12 foot WW. Just when you think you have seen some crazy grows, they just keep getting bigger and better all the time.


Well-Known Member
that all gunna fit in your carport greenhouse? Looks pretty cramped in there already, and flowering not coming for a few more weeks.... when they are supposed to almost double in size....... what are you going to do? I noticed your fan thinning and I have to say I approve. Mine are due for a good thinning of their own. Lovely plants indeed!


Well-Known Member
Looking good there JJ, man your gonna have to get a double decker screenhouse. Posted some pics of my friends garden, his biggest is over 13 foot and he's just started to bloom. Luck with the mite problem....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
fuckya that gdp is big.mine is just under 8 ft right now.. shit is off the hook bro great job


Well-Known Member
Hey people, these WW's are getting away from me! I'm giving some thought to just peeling back the roof, and letting them go. I'm legal, but it would just invite thieves! These things would probably go 15'! Hell they'ed be 15' now, if I had not topped them twice!
But for now, I'm gonna add another 2 bricks. Maybe 13 1/2' will do.

My wife wants to chop the tops off!:(

P.S. If I don't get the mites under control, it will all be for not!


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
OMG no way id chop the tops off, no way no how. lol LST the tallest ones over slowly but surely or something.

Judo those f'n mites, leave them no choice but to kick rocks and get the hell out of Dodge.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
don't even think about it this late in the veg game.. remove the top of the carport if need to be.


Well-Known Member
I would take the cover off, try to keep grow hidden from the road but let some air into those girls.. Did you see the news about the fire in warehouse, (indoor grow) dude said it was insured by Lloyds of London.. unbelievable...


Well-Known Member
Beautiful grow!

In your shoes, I'd order 5000 ladybugs.

Wash the plants off, a day or two before they arrive.(I use Azamax. It seems to be very effective.)

Spider mites hate moisture.

Ladybugs love Spider Mites.