• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Caregiver Seeking New Patients in Crystal Falls, Iron River, Iron Mountain (U.P., MI)


Well-Known Member
How can it say "can aquire" if you're supposed to only grow?
Answer: You're not. The wonderful thing about being a caregiver is it allows you to grow your patients medicine, while at the same time being a patient yourself. What this means is that in being a patient, I can recieve meds from my caregiver which is only allowed to sell to me and four others. Now I have legally obtained medicine, and I can legally sell it to my 5 patients. Simple and legal. Dispensaries sometimes make you sign that you wont resell their meds, so unless you are their patient you're good to go.
Now you may be wondering, why would a caregiver also be a patient? Simply put, if I am growing just for my patients, and I do not have overages, I can possibly hit a shortage, because unlike those who sell "overages" i dont have any. I know how to grow only what I need so I personally am not concerned. youre welcome for the education. Free of charge :blsmoke: now excuse me while i medicate (legally)
This is interesting: Being a caregiver and having a caregiver. Anyone else set up in a similiar situation?

Dankster, you are saying, in your interpretation, that the line implicitly reads: The caregiver (as a patient also) can acquire (from his own caregiver) 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana (for himself?) and grow (as caregiver) up to 12 marihuana plants for a qualifying patient.

Buddy, your interpetation reads as: The caregiver can acquire (from other caregivers and patients) 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana (for a patient) and grow up to 12 marihuana plants for a qualifying patient.

Correct? Hmm.


Active Member

Show me where it says. "Provide marihuana ONLY to the qualifying patients" all that says is that you will provide marijuana to the patient, like a contract. It dont say ONLY....... It says I, ______________________________________________________________________________, do hereby declare:


that I am willing and able to serve as the primary caregiver for:

R 333.125 Revocation; nullification. Rule 25. (1) A registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver who has been convicted of selling marihuana to someone who is not allowed to use marihuana for medical purposes under the act, shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and may be found guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both, in addition to any other penalties for the distribution of marihuana.

And tell me what this means? It means you can sell to anyone who is able to posses marijuana. And if you get cought selling it to someone who dont have there card your fucked!
Right from the website! BOOYAH!!!
blueberry skunk ................................ Ya it gets you high as you want but taiste soooooo good.
My patients dont care much about the flavor as much as the ability to ease their aches and pains, I guess thats what sets them apart form the recreational crowd, they have a real need.
I am so sick of the people on this thread who push free meds so they can exploit their patients and sell overages that shouldnt exist it for MAJOR profits. I can guarantee you that everyone apposing my thread saying they give away free meds are not living in the UP and are in lower MI, and they sell overages for profit.
I sell my overages for a profit so I can pay the bills that I do not pass on to my patients, out of an oz that costs me $165/oz to grow I can sell to the local dispensary or within my group of caregivers for $200-$250/oz. Sometimes I go home with "Money in the bank" when I might need a clone or an oz for a patient here or there. so any way I make 165 per oz and get +35-85 extra in profit for the overhead used to create that medicine.

I pay 300 per month for electric that includes the house and goes down to 90 in the summer when i dont grow, spo there is 210 a month that I EAT.
I dont charge my time as it is a nice hobby for me while my real jobie job pays the rest of the bills.
I dont charge gas or mileage.

I think its a good plan, and it works fine for what we have going. Noone knows who gets what and the patients dont know anything of the other, besides #1 might have some Jilly Bean to share but would like some Afghanie in return.
Some people dont get it and thats fine, noone gets hurt here and we stay within the law


Show me where it says. "Provide marihuana ONLY to the qualifying patients" all that says is that you will provide marijuana to the patient, like a contract. It dont say ONLY.......
nice english :mrgreen: it dont say only. hahaha

for the third and last time (if you dont believe me read all nine of these rediculous pages) visit this official LARA website: http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,1607,7-154-27417_51869_52140---,00.html
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs my friend.
maybe third times the charm here:

Question: I am too ill to grow my own medical marihuana. What can I do?
Answer: The MMMA provides for a system of designated caregivers. The caregiver can acquire 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana and grow up to 12 marihuana plants for a qualifying patient. The caregiver may assist up to 5 patients. The caregiver must sign a statement agreeing to provide marihuana only to the qualifying patients who have named the individual as their caregiver.

See the ONLY??? Right there? Yep right there _______________________________________________________________/ look up 3 lines.

Yea there it is on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE. (link provided)

You sell your overages, you argue all day man. I dont care. Do it your way. Im not going to jail for you and I will find SMART patients that will understand that you are inferior in every way. Oh and those of you dumb enough to sell to dispensaries are just putting your name in the LEO hands when they get shut down.

Good Day


p.s. im not set up in that situation. I never said I was. I was simply explaining why it says "aquire" and how it relates to the law. I did use "I" but it was simply to prove a point, not because I am a patient to someone and a caregiver myself.
And again, jesus, no one wants to know how you run your business... thanks.


Jesus what your doing is proving my point. You're a grower. You sell your "overages" and dont charge your patients because you make PROFIT on selling it to others. Congrats and Thank you :-)
Finally, You're about as right about this as you were about the rapture jesus. Good job.

Are we going to argue that pure profit is legal too? lol

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Dank, if that's what you call educating people, I'd have to guess you were home schooled and missed a lot of class.

Anyone over 21 that has never been convicted of a drug felony can become a "caregiver"..
Unlike a "qualifying patient" caregivers are not allowed the "medical use" of marijuana.
These types can "only assist" a "qualifying patient" in "their medical use".

Here is the states definition of medical use:(e) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition.

A qualifying patient may assign a "primary caregiver" and still maintain the right to cultivate their own 12 plants.
Leaving nothing more then the "acquisition, tranfer, transporting of meds" for said patients.

Now, if you are in fact a "qualifying patient" who is also a "caregiver" you are not limited by the same laws that limit "caregivers".
This is where then term "Michigan pound" comes from.
As a "qualifying patient" and a "caregiver" with 5 patients you are allowed to posses up to 15 oz's.

Also, if clinic's/dispensaries were actually illegal, then why do they keep trying to pass laws to regulate them ?
If in fact they are illegal they would simply shut them down.

Need I continue ? Or do you need time to lick your wounds ?

And as far as your attempt insult me about my equipment and the costs ..

Since I'm not expecting anyone to pay for "my equipment" I spent the money wisely.
I use lumatek ballasts and hydro farm hoods Skippy.
I get 600 watt dimmables for $189 and 1000 watt dimmables for under $300. (can you say "super lumins" lamo!)
Raptor hoods for less then $225.
8 inch hydro farm hoods with hinged glass for $75 a piece.
Ushio bulbs that run around $125 a piece and replace them every 6 to 8 weeks! My price, $80 ....
4x4x6'6 tents for $79
4x8x6'6 for $159
5x5x5'6 for $129
400 watt reflectors $39 each.
Co2 system with tank $165.
Total line of fox farm nutes 3 liquid and 3 powders $180.

So now what was that about dirt weed, flickering lights and hermes ?

Here is what I started out with.
1 4x4 veg tent with 400w reflector w/dimmable ballast. $79 for the tent and $230 for the ballast and reflector with a free bulb.
1 4x8 flower with 2 600wat hoods and dimmable ballasts. Tent $159.00 ballasts $379 $160 for bulbs.
Scrubber and in-line 440cfm fan $89.
Nutes: full line of fox farm 3 liquids and 3 powders $180.

That's only $1276 ....

Now, go back and re-figure your bullshit numbers to justify your inflated costs.
Go search the net for the most expensive set up imaginable and claim thats what your using.


Well-Known Member
Potential caregiver (solo grower) seeks patients to pay my bills.

I've read a lot of books, and have a couple of seeds.
All I need now are a few people (5) willing to pay for my equipment, rent and car payment so I can stop looking for a real job.
I've got it all worked out so you will only pay what I need to cover my lifestyle for the month.

Anyone dumb enough to fall for this should send me a private e-mail .
A bitch slap and kick in the ass will be sent as a reply as soon as possible.
You sir are funny, and I am in your corner, As I stated before this guy is out of control.


Buddy Ganja, I was never ever talking about your grow or questioning it. I did say i dont care and i dont. My thread isnt for your advertisement. Abudtokr mentioned a hypothetical garden with ebay lights. Please read thread before speaking, you make yourself look bad.
Secondly, when I explained that I thought you had to be a patient first and a caregiver second, I said, "You cannot be a caregiver without being a patient as far as I am aware."
As far as I'm aware. Thats because I have always known that I would have no problem getting my card due to the extent of my condition. So I never looked into being simply a caregiver. Im honestly surprised to hear that you can be a caregiver and not a patient as well, which I will look into,


First of all I would like to address this patient/caregiver issue. When I first applied, I never once looked into being a caregiver alone. My medical condition is to the point where I knew getting my medical card was no question, any doctor with half a brain could make the right recommendation. So anything that I say in my thread is based on my expectation that every caregiver is also a patient. Im somewhat shocked to hear you are not required to be a patient first, and a caregiver second and I am kind of interested to look further into it.

Secondly, My direct quote was, "You cannot be a caregiver without being a patient as far as I am aware." Now Im not an english major, but I do know that as far as I am aware means that whoever said that comment wasnt sure about that particular law. I am the kind of person who when I do not know something, or am not confident in it, I will not bullshit my way through a conversation. I will admit that I am unsure as I did in that case, so I can honestly say I could be wrong and I will admit it because I simply dont know.

Third, Where the heck did you get that I was insulting your grow? I did tell "abudtokr" that his hypothetical grow was a joke. He said he could buy lights on eBay and so forth. I encourage you to back to my comment and to his, to realize that I never insulted your grow, and if you are a real adult you would apologize for your assumption. As far as equipment, we already covered that the law explains that the cost of meds is to cover expenses to grow the patients medicine, and it is not a recurring fee annually, which means next years estimate and costs will be much less, meaning my patients will get their meds even cheaper. I can't wait. And they will be rewarded. Or they can go to the dispensaries in my surrounding 100 miles and spend double which is their call. But there arent any walk in dispensaries within 100 miles+


Here is the states definition of medical use:(e) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition.

A qualifying patient may assign a "primary caregiver" and still maintain the right to cultivate their own 12 plants.
Leaving nothing more then the "acquisition, tranfer, transporting of meds" for said patients.

Also, if clinic's/dispensaries were actually illegal, then why do they keep trying to pass laws to regulate them ?
If in fact they are illegal they would simply shut them down.
1.) Ok, so you defined medical use, so what? Did you read all the way through the entire bill and LARA website or did you find a definition that doesnt explain the do's and don'ts?
acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's were the words you highlighted to suggest proof of your belief.
Your 5 registered patients can acquire their meds from you.You deliver them by transfering the meds to them via a transportation method. How do those highlighted words signify that its to anyone again?

2.) Yes you can designate a caregiver and grow yourself. However you are still one of his 5. What it means to me is:

Caregiver has 2 patients.
One keeps his plants, another 1 asks for his/her meds to be grown.

The caregiver asks the patient who grows himself what his consumption is.
Caregiver still had plant count of 24 (himself and 1 patient) even with 3 total patients.
Caregiver can grow within his plant count to supply all 3 patients needs, if needed.
Transaction and grow is 100% legal due to legal plant count, and legal transaction. However it would be just to have the patient who grows himself pay a slightly higher rate because it doesnt come from his meds, and should go to credit the other patients meds.

3.) Dispensaries were never addressed by the law. So they are trying to pass regulations to allow for them to legally be there. Currently they are in a grey area, which technically means they could be legal or illegal, but I am not taking my chances. Anything that isnt clear is an opportunity for LEO to screw with you or shut you down. Im not losing my card over a "grey area."

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
First of all I would like to address this patient/caregiver issue. When I first applied, I never once looked into being a caregiver alone. My medical condition is to the point where I knew getting my medical card was no question, any doctor with half a brain could make the right recommendation. So anything that I say in my thread is based on my expectation that every caregiver is also a patient. Im somewhat shocked to hear you are not required to be a patient first, and a caregiver second and I am kind of interested to look further into it.

Secondly, My direct quote was, "You cannot be a caregiver without being a patient as far as I am aware." Now Im not an english major, but I do know that as far as I am aware means that whoever said that comment wasnt sure about that particular law. I am the kind of person who when I do not know something, or am not confident in it, I will not bullshit my way through a conversation. I will admit that I am unsure as I did in that case, so I can honestly say I could be wrong and I will admit it because I simply dont know.

Third, Where the heck did you get that I was insulting your grow? I did tell "abudtokr" that his hypothetical grow was a joke. He said he could buy lights on eBay and so forth. I encourage you to back to my comment and to his, to realize that I never insulted your grow, and if you are a real adult you would apologize for your assumption. As far as equipment, we already covered that the law explains that the cost of meds is to cover expenses to grow the patients medicine, and it is not a recurring fee annually, which means next years estimate and costs will be much less, meaning my patients will get their meds even cheaper. I can't wait. And they will be rewarded. Or they can go to the dispensaries in my surrounding 100 miles and spend double which is their call. But there arent any walk in dispensaries within 100 miles+

Ahhh more of this caregiver to caregiver, caregiver to dispensary, caregiver to random qualified patient bs. Makes me giggle inside. (im actually kind of sick of you thrashing my thread)

Even though I already made this point some of you decided to look right past it so i will try to RE-educate again..

Right from the michigan medical marijuana website: BOOYAH!!!
"Question: I am too ill to grow my own medical marihuana. What can I do?
Answer: The MMMA provides for a system of designated caregivers. The caregiver can acquire 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana and grow up to 12 marihuana plants for a qualifying patient. The caregiver may assist up to 5 patients. The caregiver must sign a statement agreeing to provide marihuana only to the qualifying patients who have named the individual as their caregiver.

Whats that mean?? If we can understand English... Oh Yea! I remember signing that I will provide only to my (5) patients. Shoot, you mean that paper i signed to be your caregiver will stand up in court if i sell outside my 5 patients?? The state has my paperwork on who is and isnt my patient? You mean I cant sell to others and call it a trade for donations? But but... awww...

Really, that all you've got after that bullshit? You plan on investigating it further ?

2.)Secondly, My direct quote was, "You cannot be a caregiver without being a patient as far as I am aware.
What a fucking lair this is your "direct quote":
First of all, of course I am a qualified patient. You have to be. You cannot be a caregiver without being a patient as far as I am aware.
Now that I look at it, I can see why you left the first part off. Kind of changes the dynamics of the statement doesn't it.. You have to be.

3.) People these are the "caregivers" you put up with. Basement grows that are simply put a joke.
Basic English says you were referring to anyone with those types of set ups when you decided to say "these" are the caregivers you put up with, and not "this" is the type of caregiver you put up with.

4.) "
What it means to me is:".
What it means to you is irrelevant.
You've already admitted you know next to nothing about the law.

Boot kissing icon, re educate us, simple english, and the best you can come up with is I didn't know that? Fuck you!



To those of you still up at this time, happy 420am :-) and to those of you sleeping have a good night. Thank you buddy for the comic value my day much needed. Thank you for the language. It is clear you do not come in peace, and it is also clear that in a failed attempt to rebuttal, you have decided to resort to vulgar words. I stand by everything I said in #1 and it's called a complete explanation of your thoughts on #2. As for my uncertainty with one law which I have yet to look into, congrats on exploiting the one law I actually don't care about at ALL. Regardless I'm pretty sure I'm done amusing myself to your argument since there's no pertaining evidence to your theory. Don't expect further replies.


Active Member
Dank, there are other places on the web other then ebay to get lights that dont cost 900 dollars. If you pay 1000 dollars for lights let me sell you a few. I can go to my local grow store and get you the best one there for under 500 dollars. I will sell it to you for 800. Its a DEAL for you. I read the laws. So you dont need to keep posting them but if you really want to post them again. But as a matter of fact it dose not say you cant be complicated for your loss in growing. What it does say is if you get cough selling it to others that dont have there card you could face having your card taken away and thrown in jail. And thats in the LAWS! I am not a caregiver. I would like to ask you this question? How would you like it if someone charged you for every gram of marijuana you smoked, when the plants that your paying for are yours? Lets do the math again really fast. Go get your mom and have her help you out with this. This could be the home schooled question of the day for you, who knows maybe you will get extra credit.

Lets say your lights did cost 1000 dollars each you get 2 of them. Thats 2000 right off rip. Ok get some fem seeds, 158x2 dollars for 30 seeds, lets get some 5 gallon buckets you need 24 of them. Home depot has them for 2.50 each. Thats 60 bucks. Now dirt Fox Farm Ocean Forest. lets do 10 bags times 20 dollars ask your mom how much that is for your home schooled question? Milar is cheap I wont even add the cost of that in. Get all the nutes high dollar ones if you want I will say 500 tops with nutes left over for the next grow. Anyone using tents? Ok lets get 2 of them for 500. few fans 20 dollars each. Lets add all this up....... This will cost you 4000 dollars. Now lets say your the best grower here! You will get 2.5 3oz off each plant. Oh the seeds you got was og cush. 2.5x12=30x2=60 oz off 24 plants you wanna sell each oz for 395 you said? ok 395x60=$23,700 when the real cost of each oz is 60/4000=66.67 cents your making 328.33 off each ounce you sell. I know the electric bill wasnt counted and im sure a few other things like inake fans, ducts. I think if you just made 23,700 dollars in 3 months, you could aford a few things. And you know you wont have to buy all that shit over again so the cost of the next oz is going to be really low maybe the dirt and more seeds. Or if your smart take clones or take clones and order seeds.
You sir are funny, and I am in your corner, As I stated before this guy is out of control.
He reminds me of one of those after birthers still debating the issue a week after the long form was released.
The sad thing is, you can't fix his kind of stupid.


Dank, there are other places on the web other then ebay to get lights that dont cost 900 dollars. If you pay 1000 dollars for lights let me sell you a few. I can go to my local grow store and get you the best one there for under 500 dollars. I will sell it to you for 800. Its a DEAL for you. I read the laws. So you dont need to keep posting them but if you really want to post them again. But as a matter of fact it dose not say you cant be complicated for your loss in growing. What it does say is if you get cough selling it to others that dont have there card you could face having your card taken away and thrown in jail. And thats in the LAWS! I am not a caregiver. I would like to ask you this question? How would you like it if someone charged you for every gram of marijuana you smoked, when the plants that your paying for are yours? Lets do the math again really fast. Go get your mom and have her help you out with this. This could be the home schooled question of the day for you, who knows maybe you will get extra credit.

Lets say your lights did cost 1000 dollars each you get 2 of them. Thats 2000 right off rip. Ok get some fem seeds, 158x2 dollars for 30 seeds, lets get some 5 gallon buckets you need 24 of them. Home depot has them for 2.50 each. Thats 60 bucks. Now dirt Fox Farm Ocean Forest. lets do 10 bags times 20 dollars ask your mom how much that is for your home schooled question? Milar is cheap I wont even add the cost of that in. Get all the nutes high dollar ones if you want I will say 500 tops with nutes left over for the next grow. Anyone using tents? Ok lets get 2 of them for 500. few fans 20 dollars each. Lets add all this up....... This will cost you 4000 dollars. Now lets say your the best grower here! You will get 2.5 3oz off each plant. Oh the seeds you got was og cush. 2.5x12=30x2=60 oz off 24 plants you wanna sell each oz for 395 you said? ok 395x60=$23,700 when the real cost of each oz is 60/4000=66.67 cents your making 328.33 off each ounce you sell. I know the electric bill wasnt counted and im sure a few other things like inake fans, ducts. I think if you just made 23,700 dollars in 3 months, you could aford a few things. And you know you wont have to buy all that shit over again so the cost of the next oz is going to be really low maybe the dirt and more seeds. Or if your smart take clones or take clones and order seeds.
hmmmm, interesting.
Please show me my quote on any of these 10 pages where I say my patients pay $395 an ounce.. Cant find it? I never said that.

Also, please show me the quote where I stated that one light cost me $1000.. I never said that either.

Please show me where I stated that I would grow 24 plants.. never said that either.

So far everthing in your post you mentioned has been made up..
As far as your estimates go, considering 90% of the numbers are inacurrate there is no sense in replying to that either.
But thanks for wasting my life.
P.S. I wasnt homeschooled. But I was in advanced honors all through high school. I also have 2 degrees but whatever your right.

Thank you for the edumacation. I found this piece really interesting to read:

But as a matter of fact it dose not say you cant be complicated for your loss in growing. What it does say is if you get cough selling it to others that dont have there card you could face having your card taken away and thrown in jail.
And finally, If I myself couldnt grow, and I had someone like myself to offer meds, I would gladly pay for the peace of mind that my meds are grown to the best standards possible to ensure my health and wellbeing.


Well-Known Member
In regards to homeschooling, I would imagine that two intelligent parents (whom are actually interested in their child's well-being) would provide a far better education than most any typical school. In my opinion, homeschooling is a privilege, and from what I understand, there exists networks of highly educated parents, who help complement one another's areas of expertise.

You guys may now continue bashing one another :).