What do you mean about address? Like if you move, or move grow facility to another address you just let DHHS know. But yes, you can just update the application for whatever changes occur. The laws on edibles & tinctures have changed so I just looked them up on the Maine Legislature site
http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_125th/billtexts/HP095101.asp it says right at the top about food establishments that a caregiver would be considered a food establishment& would need a license, but can provide the edibles to "family or household members of the caregiver"
Personally all I know about CCM is from their forums, and it really doesn't seem beneficial to pay all that money for them to "provide" you with patients, that they don't seem to be able to provide as much as they claim. But like I tell anyone, don't trust my word, check out their forums, call & talk with them & make your own decision. Here's links to the 3 organizations I know of
Maine Green Cross
Hope this helps