Carbon filter is spilling out carbon..WTF?


I opened up my new filter i just purchased tonight. I looked inside and seen that the pre-filter was nearly all black. I took it out and seen that carbon is coming out towards one of the bottom ends on the inside of my filter. Is this normal? ive never had a carbon filter before. When i move the filter I can hear the carbon move inside, kind of sounds like sand moving around in there


This thread makes me think of something ive been wondering, if you make a DIY carbon filter, would it be advantageous(sp?) to wash and dry your carbon to remove dust particles?


Well-Known Member
that sucks those people and tell them you own a chemical plant and the damn thing spilled out and now your losing money waiting for another company to send you a replacement. Get your money back


Well-Known Member
Sounds excessive... mine definitely had some kicking around in the box and even seemed to leak it for a while after, whenever i moved it around... I guess the one I bought was junk... I just assumed it was normal and tried not to move it much. So I guess send it back, but just wanted to add that it will probably work as is; mine works fine, it's just annoying. I'll probably get a different one eventually but this works for now...